IB20PT1 ;ALB/AAS/NLR - Insurance post init stuff ; 2/22/93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ; % I '$O(^IBA(355.3,0)) D ; -- one time updates (ins policy alerady exists .D MAIL ; add new mail group .D SITE ; update site paramters .D DEL ; delete obsolete field in patient file ins. multiple .;D PAT ; x-ref patient file by ins. co., add hip pointer .D INS ; delete data, them dd for ins. address multiple in 36 .;D 399 ; add ae x-ref to file 399 .;D INPT ; load current inpatients into claims tracking .D ^IB20PT6 ; que off patient file, bill/claims file, CT updates ; Q ; DEL ; -- delete insurance address field from insurance type multiple N DA,DIK,DIU,DIC Q:'$D(^DD(2.312,5,0)) S DA=5,DA(1)=2.312,DIK="^DD("_DA(1)_"," D ^DIK W !!,"<<< Deleting Obsolete field *INSURANCE ADDRESS from Patient File Data Dictionary" DELQ K DA,DIK,DIU Q ; INS ; -- delete address subfile ; first delete the data N DIC,DIE,DA,DR,DIK,DIU Q:'$D(^DD(36.02,0)) W !!,"<<< Deleting Obsolete *ADDRESS data from Insurance Company Entries" W !!," I'll write a dot for each 100 entries" S IBD0=0 F S IBD0=$O(^DIC(36,IBD0)) Q:'IBD0 S IBD1=0 F S IBD1=$O(^DIC(36,IBD0,2,IBD1)) Q:'IBD1 D K ^DIC(36,IBD0,2) .S DIK="^DIC(36,"_IBD0_",2,",DA=IBD1,DA(1)=IBD0 .D ^DIK .K DA,DIC,DIK .S IBCNT=$G(IBCNT)+1 .W:'(IBCNT#100) "." .Q ; ; -- Now delete the dd S DIU=36.02,DIU(0)="S" D EN^DIU2 W !!,"<<< Deleting Obsolete subfile *ADDRESS from Insurance Company File Data Dictionary" INSQ K DIU Q ; PAT ; -- create AB x-ref on patient file for all insurance co. pointers W !!,"<<< Cross-referencing patient file by Insurance company and",!," Updating Health Insurance Policy Pointers" W !!," I'll write a dot for each 100 entries" D NOW^%DTC W !," Start time: " S Y=% D DT^DIQ N DFN,IBI,IBCPOL,IBCDFND,DA,DR,DIE,DIC,IBCNT,IBCNTP,IBCNTPP S (IBCNT,IBCNTP,IBCNTPP,DFN)=0 F S DFN=$O(^DPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN S IBCNT=IBCNT+1,IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBI)) Q:'IBI D .W:'(IBCNTPP#100) "." .S IBCDFND=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBI,0)) .S ^DPT("AB",+IBCDFND,DFN,IBI)="" .S ^DPT(DFN,.312,"B",+IBCDFND,IBI)="" .Q:$P(IBCDFND,U,18) .S IBCPOL=$$CHIP^IBCNSU(IBCDFND) .Q:'IBCPOL .S IBCNTPP=IBCNTPP+1 .S DA=IBI,DA(1)=DFN,DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",.312," .S DR="1.09////1;.18////"_IBCPOL .D ^DIE K DA,DR,DIE,DIC .Q W !!,"<<< Health Insurance Policy information updated" W !," there were ",IBCNTPP," Policies for ",IBCNT," Patients were updated" W !," causing ",IBCNTP," Health Insurance Policies to be added" D NOW^%DTC W !," Finish Time: " S Y=% D DT^DIQ Q ; 399 ; -- create new AE x-ref of file 399 N IBCIFN,IBCNT W !!,"<<< Cross-referencing Bill/Claims file by Primary Insurer" W !!," I'll write a dot for each 100 entries" S IBCIFN=0,IBCNT=0 F S IBCIFN=$O(^DGCR(399,IBCIFN)) Q:'IBCIFN D .I +$G(^DGCR(399,IBCIFN,"M")),$P($G(^(0)),"^",2) S ^DGCR(399,"AE",$P(^(0),"^",2),+^("M"),IBCIFN)="" .S IBCNT=$G(IBCNT)+1 W:'(IBCNT#100) "." Q ; INPT ; -- load current inpatients into claims tracking W !!,"<<< Loading current inpatients into Claims Tracking" N WARD,DGPMDA,IBCNT,IB20 S WARD="",DGPDMA=0,IBCNT=0,IB20=1 F S WARD=$O(^DGPM("CN",WARD)) Q:WARD="" S DGPMDA=0 F S DGPMDA=$O(^DGPM("CN",WARD,DGPMDA)) Q:'DGPMDA D .S DGPMP="" .S DGPMA=$G(^DGPM(DGPMDA,0)) .S DFN=$P(DGPMA,"^",3) .D INP^VADPT .K IBNEW D INP^IBTRKR .I $G(IBNEW) S IBCNT=IBCNT+1 W !," Patient ",$P(^DPT(DFN,0),U)," added to the Claims tracking module" ; W !!,"<<< ",IBCNT," Patients added to the Claims Tracking Module" Q ; MAIL ; -- add new mail group ;Q:$D(^XMB(3.8,"B","IB NEW INSURANCE")) S DLAYGO=3.8,DIC="^XMB(3.8,",DIC(0)="LX",DIC("DR")="4////PU;5////"_DUZ,X="IB NEW INSURANCE" D ^DIC K DIC I +Y>0 S IBCNMAIL=+Y S ^XMB(3.8,+Y,2,0)="^^1^1^2900625^" S ^XMB(3.8,+Y,2,1,0)="This mail group will receive notification whenever a new insurance policy is added." W !!,"<<< Mail Group 'IB NEW INSURANCE' ",$S($P(Y,"^",3):"added...",1:"updated...") W !!," Remember to add Members to this group" Q ; SITE ; -- setup ib site parameters N DIE,DA,DR,DIC,DD,DO S DR="" W !!,"<<< Updating new site parameters automatically!" ; ; -- if no entry add one I '$D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)) S (X,DINUM)=1,DIC="^IBE(350.9,",DIC(0)="L" K DD,DO D FILE^DICN K DIC S DR=".03///1;.02////^S X=+$$SITE^VASITE;.08///2;.09///IB ERROR;",DA=1,DIE="^IBE(350.9," D ^DIE K DR,DA,DIE,DIC ; S DA=1,DIE="^IBE(350.9," S DR="4.01////1;4.04////"_$G(IBCNMAIL)_";6.01///^S X=DT;6.02////1;6.02////1;6.03////1;6.04////1;6.05////1;6.06////1;6.07///^S X=DT;6.08////1;6.09////5;6.13////1;6.14////5;6.18////1;6.19////1" D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR,DIC,DD,DO W ! Q