IB20PT2 ;ALB/CJM - CREATE FILE ENTRIES NEEDED BY THE ENCOUNTER FORM UTILITIES ;AUG 20,1993 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ; ; - make an entry in the PACKAGE file for the import/export utility D MAKEPKG ; ; - make two required entries in the ENCOUNTER FORM file (#357) D MAKEFORM Q ; ; MAKEPKG ; if the package entry for the import/export utility does not ; already exist this will create one ; N NAME,PKG S NAME="IB ENCOUNTER FORM IMP/EXP" Q:$O(^DIC(9.4,"B",NAME,0)) ; W !!,">>> Creating a PACKAGE (#9.4) file entry for the Encounter Form",!?4,"Import/Export Utility... " ; K DIC,DD,D0,DINUM S DIC="^DIC(9.4,",DIC(0)="",X=NAME D FILE^DICN K DIC,DIE,DA S PKG=+Y I PKG<0 W "Unable to create entry -- please call your supporting ISC." Q ; ;hard code the record ; S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,0)="IB ENCOUNTER FORM IMP/EXP^IBDE^The import/export utilities for encounter forms." S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,0)="^9.44PA^10^10" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,1,0)="358" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,1,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,2,0)="358.1" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,2,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,3,0)="358.2" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,3,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,4,0)="358.3" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,4,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,5,0)="358.4" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,5,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,6,0)="358.5" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,6,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,7,0)="358.6" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,7,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,8,0)="358.7" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,8,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,9,0)="358.8" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,9,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,10,0)="358.91" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,4,10,222)="y^n^^n^^^y^o^n" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,5)="ALBANY" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,11)="358^358.1" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,22,0)="^9.49I^1^1" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,22,1,0)="2.0^2930818^2930820" S ^DIC(9.4,PKG,"VERSION")="2.0" ; ;now index the package entry ; K DIK,DA S DIK="^DIC(9.4,",DA=PKG D IX1^DIK K DIK,DA W "done." Q MAKEFORM ;creates two required tool kit forms - GARBAGE, and TOOL KIT ; N NAME,NODE S NAME="TOOL KIT",NODE="TOOL KIT^^Contains all of the tool kit blocks.^0^^^1^^132^80^4" D FORM S NAME="GARBAGE",NODE="GARBAGE^^Used as temporary storage for blocks while they are being edited.^0^^^1^^132^200^5" D FORM Q ; FORM ;create the form - NAME and NODE should be defined N FORM ;if the form already exists, don't create another Q:$O(^IBE(357,"B",NAME,0)) W !!,">>> Creating an entry in the ENCOUNTER FORM file (#357) required by the",!?4,"Encounter Form Utilities... " K DIC,DD,DO,DINUM S DIC="^IBE(357,",X=NAME,DIC(0)="" D FILE^DICN K DIC,DIE S FORM=+Y I FORM<0 W "Unable to create entry -- please call your supporting ISC." Q ; ;copy old 0 node into the new form S ^IBE(357,FORM,0)=NODE ; ;now index it K DIK,DA S DA=FORM,DIK="^IBE(357," D IX1^DIK K DIK,DA W "done" Q