IB20PT61 ;ALB/AAS - Insurance post init stuff ; 2/22/93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ; 399 ; -- create new AE x-ref of file 399 W !!!,"<<< Bill/Claims file Conversion." W !," Cross-reference Bill/Claims file by Primary Insurer" S ZTRTN="DQ399^IB20PT61",ZTDESC="IB - v2 BILL/CLAIMS FILE POST INIT UPDATE",ZTIO="" S:$G(IBFORCE) ZTDTH=$$15^IB20PT6 W ! D ^%ZTLOAD I '$D(ZTSK) D Q:'IBOK .D MANUAL .I 'IBOK,$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,3)),"^",19)="" W !!,"You must run the v2.0 post init routine IB20PT6 before allowing users to",!,"print or modify Bill/Claims entries." I $D(ZTSK) W !," Bill/Claims file update queued as task ",ZTSK K ZTSK Q ; N IBCNT,IBCNTD DQ399 D ^IB20PT62,BULL2 ;transfer/convert bill claims file Q ; BULL1 ; -- finish bulletin for patient file conversion S XMSUB="IB v2 PATIENT File Conversion Complete" S IBT(1)=" The Integrated Billing Version 2.0 conversion of the patient file" S IBT(2)=" completed.",IBT(2.5)="" S IBT(3)=" Started on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBSPDT,"2P") S IBT(4)=" Completed on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBEPDT,"2P") S IBT(5)="" S IBT(6)=" Total Patients Checked: "_$G(IBCNT) S IBT(7)=" Total Patients with Insurance Entries: "_$G(IBCNTI) S IBT(8)=" Total number of insurance policies: "_$G(IBCNTPP) S IBT(9)=" Total number of Group Plans created: "_$G(IBCNTP) D SEND^IBTRKR31 K IBT,XMSUB Q ; BULL2 ; -- finish bulletin for bill/claims conversion S XMSUB="IB v2 BILL/CLAIMS File Conversion Complete" S IBT(1)=" The Integrated Billing Version 2.0 conversion of the BILL/CLAIMS file" S IBT(2)=" completed." S IBT(2.1)="" S IBT(3)=" Started on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBSCDT,"2P") S IBT(4)=" Completed on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBECDT,"2P") S IBT(5)="" S IBT(6)=" Total Entries in Bill/Claims file: "_$G(IBCNT) S IBT(7)=" Total Bill/Claims Diagnosis Entries Created: "_$G(IBCNTD) D SEND^IBTRKR31 K IBT,XMSUB Q ; BULL3 ; -- finish bulletin for loading current inpatients S XMSUB="IB v2 Claims Tracking Update Complete" S IBT(1)=" The Integrated Billing Version 2.0 initial loading of current inpatients" S IBT(2)=" into the claims tracking module has completed.",IBT(2.5)="" S IBT(2.6)=" "_IBCNT_" Patients added to the Claims Tracking Module" S IBT(2.7)="" S IBT(3)=" Started on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBSTDT,"2P") S IBT(4)=" Completed on: "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBETDT,"2P") D SEND^IBTRKR31 K IBT,XMSUB Q ; MANUAL ; -- ask if want to run manually N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBOK=1 W !!,"You did not select to QUEUE this portion of the IB v2 conversion",! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="OKAY TO RUN NOW" S DIR("?")="Enter 'YES' if you want to run this now directly on this device or 'NO' if you do not wish to run this part of the conversion now." D ^DIR S IBOK=+$G(Y) Q