IB20PT8 ;ALB/MJK/CPM - CONDITIONALLY EXPORT ROUTINES ; 14-FEB-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ; ; EXPORT ; Conditionally installs other package routines N DIE,DIF,X,XCN,XCNP,IBTO,IBFR,IBI,IBX W !!,">>> Loading routines of other packages, if appropriate..." F IBI=1:1 S IBX=$T(ROU+IBI) Q:$P(IBX,";",3)="$END" D .S IBTO=$P(IBX,";",3),IBFR=$P(IBX,";",4) D LOAD(IBTO) D ..S X=$G(^UTILITY("IBLOAD",$J,2,0)) X $P(IBX,";",5) ..I $T D INSTALL(IBTO,IBFR) K ^UTILITY("IBLOAD",$J) EXPORTQ Q ; LOAD(IBTO) ; -- load current routine K ^UTILITY("IBLOAD",$J) S X=IBTO X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T S XCNP=0,DIF="^UTILITY(""IBLOAD"",$J," X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") Q ; INSTALL(IBTO,IBFR) ; -- install routine K ^UTILITY("IBLOAD",$J) W !," >> Installing ",IBTO," routine from ",IBFR," routine... " S X=IBFR,XCNP=0,DIF="^UTILITY(""IBLOAD"",$J," X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") S X=IBTO,XCN=3,DIE="^UTILITY(""IBLOAD"",$J," X ^%ZOSF("SAVE") K ^UTILITY("IBLOAD",$J) W IBTO," filed." Q ; ROU ; -- routines to export ;;DGBLRV;IB20PT81;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPTF;IB20PT82;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPTTS;IB20PT83;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPTTS1;IB20PT84;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPTTS3;IB20PT85;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPTUTL;IB20PT86;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGRPDB;IB20PT87;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DG3PR0;IB20PT88;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DG3PR1;IB20PT89;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DG3PR2;IB20PT8A;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;DGPMVBUR;IB20PT8B;I $S(X="":1,1:X["5.3"),X'["*26",X'[",26" ;;FBUINS;IB20PT8C;I +$G(^DD(161.4,0,"VR"))=3,X'["*5",X'[",5" ;;$END ; ; piece 3 --> routine to replace ; " 4 --> post-init routine holding new verion ; " 5 --> 'ok to replace' IF test ; - X will be defined to be the 2nd line of ; current version ;