IBACSV ;WOIFO/AAT-CODE SET VERSIONING IB UTILITIES ;19-FEB-03 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**210,266**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; ;*** DD calls *** ; Called from Data Dictionary of 399, subfile 399.30416, field .02 B30416 ; S ICPTVDT=$$BDATE($G(DA(2)),$G(DA(1))) ; Date of service S DIC("S")="I $$MODP^ICPTMOD(+$G(^DGCR(399,DA(2),""CP"",DA(1),0)),+Y,""I"",ICPTVDT)>0" S DIC("W")="D EN^DDIOL("" ""_$P($$MOD^ICPTMOD(+Y,""I"",ICPTVDT),U,3),,""?0"")" Q ; ;*** API calls *** ; ;Returns data of the CPT code, NULL if error ;Input: IBC-code, IBDT-date (default is today) ;Output: (by reference) - IBERROR - error string if error happened ;DO NOT USE THIS CALL TO DETERMINE ACTIVE/INACTIVE STATUS OF THE CODE CPT(IBC,IBDT,IBERROR) N IBINF I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBERROR="" S IBINF=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(IBC,IBDT,1) ;Local codes supported I IBINF<0 S IBERROR=$P(IBINF,U,2),IBINF="" Q $P(IBINF,U,2,999) ;Remove the first piece (IEN) ; ;Returns data of the ICD Operational code, NULL if error ;Input: IBC-code, IBDT-date (default is today) ;Output: (by reference) - IBERROR - error string if error happened ;DO NOT USE THIS CALL TO DETERMINE ACTIVE/INACTIVE STATUS OF THE CODE ICD0(IBC,IBDT,IBERROR) N IBINF I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBERROR="" S IBINF=$$ICDOP^ICDCODE(IBC,IBDT,,1) ;Local codes supported I IBINF<0 S IBERROR=$P(IBINF,U,2),IBINF="" Q $P(IBINF,U,2,999) ;Remove the first piece (IEN) ; ;Returns data of the ICD Diagnosis code, NULL if error ;Input: IBC-code, IBDT-date (default is today) ;Output: (by reference) - IBERROR - error string if error happened ;DO NOT USE THIS CALL TO DETERMINE ACTIVE/INACTIVE STATUS OF THE CODE ICD9(IBC,IBDT,IBERROR) N IBINF I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBERROR="" S IBINF=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(IBC,IBDT,,1) ; Local codes supported I IBINF<0 S IBERROR=$P(IBINF,U,2),IBINF="" Q $P(IBINF,U,2,999) ;Remove the first piece (IEN) ; ;Returns data of the DRG code, NULL if error ;Input: IBC-code, IBDT-date (default is today) ;Output: (by reference) - IBERROR - error string if error happened DRG(IBC,IBDT,IBERROR) N IBINF I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBERROR="" S IBINF=$$DRG^ICDGTDRG(IBC,IBDT) I IBINF<0 S IBERROR=$P(IBINF,U,2),IBINF="" Q IBINF ;Format of the DRG API is different - the first piece doesn't need to be removed. ; ; ; ==== Determine Active Status for CPT,ICD0,ICD9 and DRG codes ==== ;Used by DD for screening CPT codes ;Is the given code active for the date? (default-today) CPTACT(IEN,IBDT) N IBINF,IBRES I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBRES=0 S IBINF=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(IEN,IBDT) I IBINF'<0,$P(IBINF,U,7) S IBRES=1 Q IBRES ; ;Is the given code active for the date? (default-today) ICD0ACT(IEN,IBDT) N IBINF,IBRES I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBRES=0 S IBINF=$$ICDOP^ICDCODE(IEN,IBDT) I IBINF'<0,$P(IBINF,U,10) S IBRES=1 Q IBRES ; ;Is the given code active for the date? (default-today) ICD9ACT(IEN,IBDT) N IBINF,IBRES I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBRES=0 S IBINF=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(IEN,IBDT) I IBINF'<0,$P(IBINF,U,10) S IBRES=1 Q IBRES ; ;Is the given code active for the date? (default-today) DRGACT(IEN,IBDT) N IBINF,IBRES I '$G(IBDT) S IBDT=DT S IBRES=0 S IBINF=$$DRG^ICDGTDRG(IEN,IBDT) I IBINF'<0,$P(IBINF,U,14) S IBRES=1 Q IBRES ; ; ==== Determine Record Number (IEN) for CPT, ICD0, ICD9 and DRG codes ==== ; Note: the Date of Service doesn't matter here! ;Input: IBC-name ;Returns: IEN of the code (or NULL if not valid) CPTIEN(IBC) N IBINF,IBRES S IBRES="" S IBINF=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(IBC) I IBINF>0 S IBRES=$P(IBINF,U) Q IBRES ; ;Input: IBC-name ;Returns: IEN of the code (or NULL if not valid) ICD0IEN(IBC) N IBINF,IBRES S IBRES="" S IBINF=$$ICDOP^ICDCODE(IBC) I IBINF>0 S IBRES=$P(IBINF,U) Q IBRES ; ;Input: IBC-name ;Returns: IEN of the code (or NULL if not valid) ICD9IEN(IBC) N IBINF,IBRES S IBRES="" S IBINF=$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(IBC) I IBINF>0 S IBRES=$P(IBINF,U) Q IBRES ; ;Input: IBC-name ;Returns: IEN of the code (or NULL if not valid) DRGIEN(IBC) N IBINF,IBRES S IBRES="" S IBINF=$$DRG^ICDGTDRG(IBC) I IBINF'<0 S IBRES=$P(IBINF,U,17) Q IBRES ; ; ==== Bill's Date of Service (for diagnosis codes, revenue codes) ==== ; Th EVENT DATE of the bill is used as a date of service for CSV BDATE(IBIFN,PROC) ; ; PROC (Optional) - IEN of PROCEDURES sub-file. ; if PROC is defined, the function will try to return the date of procedure first. N IBDAT S IBDAT="" I '$G(IBIFN) Q "" ; The following line of code is for entering new procedures. ; If PROC is defined, but NULL - that means adding new procedure to 399. ; Therefore we try to use DGPROCDT variable prior to the bill's Event Date I $D(PROC),'PROC,$G(DGPROCDT)>0 S IBDAT=DGPROCDT I $G(PROC) S IBDAT=$P($P($G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"CP",+PROC,0)),U,2),".") I 'IBDAT S IBDAT=$P($P($G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)),U,3),".") Q $S(IBDAT>0:IBDAT,1:"") ; ; === PTF Date of Service === PTFDATE(IBPTF) ; I '$G(IBPTF) Q "" Q $$GETDATE^ICDGTDRG(+$G(IBPTF)) ; ; === Date of service, associated with the Tracking Number === TRNDATE(IBTRN) ; The EPISODE DATE is used to determine the date of service ; for the given Tracking Number I '$G(IBTRN) Q "" Q $P($P($G(^IBT(356,+IBTRN,0)),U,6),".") ; ; === DRG Text Descriptor (1st line only) === DRGTD(IEN,IBDT) ; N IBARR,IBRES S IBDT=$P($G(IBDT),".") I $T(DRGD^ICDGTDRG)="" Q $G(^ICD(+IEN,1,1,0)) S IBRES=$$DRGD^ICDGTDRG(IEN,"IBARR",,IBDT) Q $G(IBARR(1)) ;