IBAERR ;ALB/AAS - INTEGRATED BILLING ERROR PROCESSING ROUTINE ; 14-FEB-91 ;;2.0; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**7,70,347**; 21-MAR-94;Build 24 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. % ; -error processor ; ; Quit if the Means Test Nightly Compilation or Discharge job called ; routine IBR directly. Q:$G(IBJOB)=1!($G(IBJOB)=2) ; ; If Means Test charge, divert control to routine IBAERR1. I $D(IBNOS),$P($G(^IB(+IBNOS,0)),"^",16) S IBY=Y G ^IBAERR1 ; ; -- If copay exemption divert control to routine IBAERR2 I $D(IBEXERR) G ^IBAERR2 ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) D BULL G END G:+Y>0 END S X2=$P(Y,"^",2) F K=1:1 S X=$P(X2,";",K) Q:X="" S X1=$O(^IBE(350.8,"AC",X,0)) I $D(^IBE(350.8,+X1,0)) S X3="E"_$P(^(0),"^",5) D @X3 I $P(Y,"^",3)]"" W !,$P(Y,"^",3) END K VA,VADM,VAERR Q ; E1 W !,$P(^IBE(350.8,+X1,0),"^",2) Q ; E2 ; Q E3 ; -- Send no service bulletin K XMY,IBTXT S XMSUB="INTEGRATED BILLING BACKGROUND ERROR",XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE" S IBTXT(1)="Processing of Pharmacy co-pay entries in Integrated Billing has" S IBTXT(2)="Stopped.",IBTXT(3)=" " S IBTXT(4)="The Pharmacy Service Pointer does not match any entries in the " S IBTXT(5)="IB ACTION TYPE file." S IBTXT(6)=" " S IBTXT(7)="Immediate action required." S IBTXT(8)="Check the IB SERVICE/SECTION in File #59." S IBTXT(9)="It must match the SERVICE field for pharmacy action types in the " S IBTXT(10)="IB ACTION TYPE file. (internal entry number 1 is checked)" D SEND Q ; E4 ; -- send missing number of days charges held bulletin K XMY,IBTXT S XMSUB="INTEGRATED BILLING BACKGROUND ERROR",XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE" S IBTXT(1)="The nightly job to auto-release patient charges on hold did not run." S IBTXT(2)="The NUMBER OF DAYS PT CHARGES HELD field of the IB SITE PARAMETERS" S IBTXT(3)="file is blank." S IBTXT(4)=" " S IBTXT(5)="Immediate action required. Select the option 'MCCR Site Parameter" S IBTXT(6)="Display/Edit' to enter the required information." D SEND Q ; BULL ; -send error bulletin to group when error occurs in background ; K XMY,IBTXT S XMSUB="INTEGRATED BILLING BACKGROUND ERROR",XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE" S IBTXT(1)="Processing of entries in Integrated Billing has" S IBTXT(2)="been suspended "_$S('$D(IBTAG):"while passing to AR the following",IBTAG=2:"while processing new/renew Rxs: ",IBTAG=3:"while canceling: ",1:"while updating:"),IBTXT(3)=" ",IBC=3 I $D(IBSAVX)!($D(IBSAVXU)),'$D(IBNOS) D SAVX I $D(IBNOS) F IBI=1:1 S IBNOS1=$P(IBNOS,"^",IBI) Q:'IBNOS1 I $D(^IB(IBNOS1,0)) S IBNOD=^(0) D BD S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="You should determine if these co-payments have been passed to" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="Accounts Receivable." S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="The following error(s) was encountered:",IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="" D ERRTXT S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)="" I $D(IBWHER) S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=$P($T(IBWHER+IBWHER),";;",2,99) ; SEND S XMTEXT="IBTXT(",XMY(DUZ)="" ; S IBGRP=$S($D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)):$P(^(0),"^",9),1:"") F IBI=0:0 S IBI=$O(^XMB(3.8,+IBGRP,1,"B",IBI)) Q:'IBI S XMY(IBI)="" D ^XMD K XMSUB,XMY,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,IBTXT,IBC,IBNOD,IBNOS1,IBI Q ; ERRTXT S X2=$P(Y,"^",2) F K=1:1 S X=$P(X2,";",K) Q:X="" S X1=$O(^IBE(350.8,"AC",X,0)),IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" "_$S($D(^IBE(350.8,+X1,0)):$P(^(0),"^",2),1:"Unknown Error") I $P(Y,"^",3)]"" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" "_$P(Y,"^",3) Q ; BD I IBI=1 S DFN=$P(IBNOD,"^",2),IBATYPN=$S($D(^IBE(350.1,$P(IBNOD,"^",3),0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"") D DEM S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" "_$E($P(IBNOD,"^")_" ",1,14)_$E($P(IBNOD,"^",8)_" ",1,24)_$E($P(IBNOD,"^",11)_" ",1,12)_" $"_$P(IBNOD,"^",7) Q DEM N X,Y D DEM^VADPT S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" Patient: "_VADM(1)_" Pt. Id: "_VA("PID")_" Type: "_IBATYPN Q ; SAVX S IBAX=$S($D(IBSAVXU):IBSAVXU,$D(IBSAVX):IBSAVX,1:"") Q:IBAX="" S IBATYPN=$S('$P(IBAX,"^",3):"",$D(^IBE(350.1,$P(IBAX,"^",3),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:""),DFN=$P(IBAX,"^",2) D DEM S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" Service: "_$S($D(^DIC(49,+IBAX,0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"") S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" User: "_$S($D(^VA(200,+$P(IBAX,"^",4),0)):$P(^(0),"^"),$D(^VA(200,+DUZ,0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"") S IB="" F S IB=$O(IBSAVX(IB)) Q:IB="" D .K IBARXN I +$P(IBSAVX(IB),"^",1)=52 S IBARXN="Rx# "_$$FILE^IBRXUTL(+$P($P(IBSAVX(IB),"^"),":",2),.01) I $P($P(IBSAVX(IB),"^"),";",2)'="" S IBARXN=IBARXN_"/Refill# "_$P($P($P(IBSAVX(IB),"^"),";",2),":",2) .S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" Entry: "_$S($D(IBARXN):IBARXN,1:$P(IBSAVX(IB),"^",1)) K IBARXN S IB="" F S IB=$O(IBSAVXU(IB)) Q:IB="" S IBC=IBC+1,IBTXT(IBC)=" Ref No: "_$S($D(^IB(+IB,0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"") Q ; 1 S Y="-1^IB001" Q ;patient eligibility data not calculated Q IBWHER ; ;;Error occurred before Integrated Billing entry created, Reprint labels or recancel after correcting error. ;;Error occurred after Integrated Billing entry created but Accounts Receivable not updated. ;;Error occurred during posting to Accounts Receivable. Check to see if amount passed! ;;Error occurred after successful passing of charges to AR, IB entry may not be properly updated. ;;Error occurred during eligibility determination for Co-pay.