IBAERR2 ;ALB/AAS - RX COPAY EXEMPTION ERROR PROCESSOR ; 15-JAN-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**26,34**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; -- medication copayment exemtpion errors Q:'$G(IBEXERR)!('$G(IBWHER))!('$G(IBJOB)) ; N IBP,IBALERT S IBP=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN) I $$ALERT^IBAUTL7 S IBALERT=IBEXERR+10 D SEND^IBAERR3 G BQ D BULL BQ Q ; BULL ; -- send bulletin ; S XMSUB="Medication Copayment Exemption Error" S IBT(1)="The following Medication Copayment Exemption error occured" S IBT(2)="during the "_$P($T(JOB+(IBJOB-10)),";;",2) S IBT(3)=$P($T(WHERE+(IBWHER-10)),";;",2) S IBT(4)="" ; S IBT(5)=" Patient: "_$E($P(IBP,"^")_" ",1,25)_" PT. ID: "_$P(IBP,"^",2) I '$D(IBEVTP) N IBEVTP S IBEVTP=$$LST^IBARXEU0(DFN,DT) S IBT(6)="Current Status: "_$E($$TEXT^IBARXEU0($P(IBEVTP,"^",4))_" ",1,10)_" - "_$P($G(^IBE(354.2,+$P(IBEVTP,"^",5),0)),"^") S IBT(7)="" S IBT(8)=" by: "_$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,0)),"^") S Y=DT D D^DIQ S IBT(9)=" on: "_$P(Y,"@") S IBT(10)="" S IBT(11)="The following error occured:" S IBT(12)=$P($T(ERR+IBEXERR),";;",2) I IBEXERR=3 S IBT(12)=IBT(12)_" (actual format was "_$S($G(IBDT)="":"",1:IBDT)_")" S IBT(13)="" S IBT(14)="Use option Manually Change Copay Exemption (Hardships)" S IBT(15)="to verify exemption status." D SEND BULLQ Q ; SEND S XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE",XMTEXT="IBT(" K XMY S XMN=0 S XMY(DUZ)="" S IBGRP=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,0),"^",9) F IBI=0:0 S IBI=$O(^XMB(3.8,+IBGRP,1,"B",IBI)) Q:'IBI S XMY(IBI)="" D ^XMD K X,Y,IBI,IBT,IBGRP,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY,XMSUB,XMZ Q ; JOB ;; ;;Medication Copayment Installation/Conversion Process ;;Automated Exemption Link to Income Tests ;;Manual Update/Hardship exemption option ;;Automated Exemption Creation during Copay Billing ;;Print/Verify Medication Copayment Exemption Option ;;Automated Exemption Link to Patient Eligibility data ;;Update of Exemptions based on Prior Year Income ;; WHERE ;; ;;while attempting to add a patient to the Billing Patient File. ;;while attempting to add a Billing Exemption. ;;from the automated exemption link to the Income tests. ;;while updating the current exemption status. ;;while inactivating an exemption record. ;;while looping thorough entries. ;;while processing in Accounts Receivable. ;; ERR ;; ;;Entry locked by another user. ;;Failed to add patient to Billing Patient file. ;;Date in incorrect format. ;;Failed to add exemption record to Billing Exemptions file. ;;Failed while updating exemption record. ;;Failed while updating current exemption status ;;Failed while inactivating old exemption status ;;Failed to add exemption. User not defined ;;Failed to add Patient to Billing Patient file, entry locked. ;;Failed during processing of decrease adjustment or refund.