IBAMTBU ;ALB/CPM - MEANS TEST BILLING BULLETINS ; 09-DEC-91 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**153**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PM ; Send bulletin when patient movements for a Means Test copay patient ; have been edited, deleted, or retro-actively added. ; Input: IBJOB = 3 (Edited, deleted movements) ; = 6 (Retro-actively added movements) ; DFN, DUZ, DGPMA, DGPMP ; ; - quit if a bulletin is not needed Q:'$$APM^IBAMTD2 ; ; - generate the bulletin K IBT S IBPT=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN) S XMSUB=$E($P(IBPT,"^"),1,14)_" "_$P(IBPT,"^",3)_" - MOVEMENT CHANGE" S IBMTYP=$S(DGPMP="":$P(DGPMA,"^",2),1:$P(DGPMP,"^",2)) I IBJOB=3 S IBT(1)="A"_$S(IBMTYP=1:"n admission",IBMTYP=2:" transfer",IBMTYP=3:" discharge",IBMTYP=6:" treating specialty",1:" lodger movement")_" has been "_$S(DGPMA]"":"edited",1:"deleted") I IBJOB=6 S IBT(1)="A "_$S($P(DGPMA,"^",2)=6:"treating specialty",1:"transfer")_" has been retro-actively added" S IBT(1)=IBT(1)_" for the following patient:" S IBT(2)=" ",IBC=2 S IBDUZ=DUZ D PAT^IBAERR1 S Y=$S(DGPMA:+DGPMA,1:+DGPMP) D DD^%DT S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=$S(IBMTYP=1:" Adm",IBMTYP=2:"Trnf",IBMTYP=3:"Disc",IBMTYP=6:"Spec",1:"Lodg")_" Date: "_Y S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " ; ; - display before/after critical values and instructions D DISP^IBAMTBU1 ; ; - deliver message D SEND Q ; CTPT ; Send bulletin for the discharge of a Continuous Patient. ; Input: DGPMA, DFN, DUZ, IBASIH, TRAN S IBPT=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN),Y=+DGPMA D D^DIQ K IBT S XMSUB=$E($P(IBPT,"^"),1,14)_" "_$P(IBPT,"^",3)_" - CONTINUOUS PATIENT" S IBT(1)="The following continuous patient was discharged on "_Y S IBT(2)=" ",IBC=2 S IBDUZ=DUZ D PAT^IBAERR1 S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="Discharge Type: "_$S($P($G(^DG(405.1,+$P(DGPMA,"^",4),0)),"^")]"":$P(^(0),"^"),1:"TYPE UNKNOWN") I TRAN S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="Transferred To: "_$S($P($G(^DIC(4,+$P(DGPMA,"^",5),0)),"^")]"":$P(^(0),"^"),1:"FACILITY UNKNOWN") S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " ; - message for ASIH or non-transfers I 'TRAN!(IBASIH) D G SEND . S IBC=IBC+1 I IBASIH S IBT(IBC)="Please note that, since this patient went out on ASIH," . E S IBT(IBC)="Since the patient was not transferred to another facility," . S IBT(IBC)=IBT(IBC)_" the patient's" . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="discharge date was entered into the Continuous Patient file, 'unflagging'" . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="the patient as continuous. The patient will now be charged the Means Test" . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="copayment (Medicare Deductible) for any future episodes of Hospital or" . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="Nursing Home care, if s/he is Means Test copay at that time." . Q:IBASIH . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="If the patient was in fact transferred, then the Discharge Date must be" . S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="deleted from the Continuous Patient file." ; ; - message for transferred patients S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="Please note that, since the patient was transferred to another facility," S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="the patient's discharge date was not entered into the Continuous Patient" S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="file. If the patient does not receive continuous care while outside of" S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="your facility, you must manually enter the date on which the patient's" S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="care was discontinued into the Continuous Patient file." ; SEND ; - send message and quit. D MAIL^IBAERR1 K IBVAL,IBT,IBMTYP,IBC,IBI,IBPT,XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ Q