IBAMTI1 ;ALB/CPM - SPECIAL INPATIENT BILLING CASES (CON'T.) ; 11-AUG-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,132,156,199,234,339**;21-MAR-94;Build 2 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; DISP ; Manually disposition a case record. W !!,"This option is used to disposition case records for special inpatient" W !,"episodes of care which are not to be billed. (AO/IR/SWA/SC/MST/HNC/CV/SHAD)" W !,"After identifying the case, please enter the reason (up to 80 characters)" W !,"for non-billing." ; ; - main processing loop S IBQ=0 F W ! D SEL Q:IBQ K IBQ Q ; SEL ; Select an inpatient billing case and enter the reason for non-billing. S DIC="^IBE(351.2,",DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC("A")="Select PATIENT: " N DPTNOFZY S DPTNOFZY=1 ;Suppress PATIENT file fuzzy lookups D ^DIC S IBC=+Y I Y<0 S IBQ=1 G SELQ I $P(Y(0),"^",5)=1 W !!,"You must wait until this patient has been discharged to disposition the case." G SELQ I $P(Y(0),"^",4) S IBBILLED=1 W !!,"Please note that it appears as if this case has been billed." I $P(Y(0),"^",8) W !!,"Please note that this case has already been dispositioned." ; ; - display case record W ! D DSPL(IBC) ; ; - allow user update of record S IBHC=$P(Y(0),"^",7),IBHR=$G(^IBE(351.2,IBC,1)) S DIE="^IBE(351.2,",DA=IBC,DR=$S($G(IBBILLED):".07;",1:"")_1 D ^DIE ; S IBNC=$P(^IBE(351.2,IBC,0),"^",7),IBNR=$G(^IBE(351.2,IBC,1)) I IBHC=IBNC,IBHR=IBNR W !!,"No changes made to the case record!" G SELQ I IBNR]"" W !!,"This case record will be dispositioned." S DR="2.03////"_DUZ_";2.04///NOW" I IBNR]"" S DR=".07////1;.08////1;"_DR S DIE="^IBE(351.2,",DA=IBC D ^DIE SELQ K DA,DIC,DIE,DR,IBC,IBHC,IBHR,IBNC,IBNR,IBBILLED Q ; CEA(IBPM,IBEVT) ; Automatically disposition the case from Cancel/Edit/Add. ; Input: IBPM -- Pointer to the adm movement in file #405 ; IBEVT -- Pointer to the billing event record in file #350 I '$G(IBEVT) G CEAQ N DA,DIE,DR,IBC S IBC=$O(^IBE(351.2,"AC",+$G(IBPM),0)) I IBC D UPD(0) CEAQ Q ; CHK(IBC,IBEVT) ; Review the case after adding a charge from Cancel/Edit/Add. ; Input: IBC -- Pointer to the case in file #351.2 ; IBEVT -- Pointer to the billing event record in file #350 I '$G(IBC)!'$G(IBEVT) G CHKQ N DA,DIE,DR,IBCD,IBCD1 S IBCD=$G(^IBE(351.2,IBC,0)),IBCD1=$G(^(1)) I $P(IBCD,"^",7)!'$P(IBCD,"^",8)!(IBCD1]"") D UPD(1) CHKQ Q ; UPD(IND) ; Disposition the case record. ; Input: IND -- 0 = dispositioning | 1 = reviewing ; variables -- IBC => ptr to case record ; IBEVT => ptr to event record in #350 W !,"Dispositioning the special inpatient billing case record" W:$G(IND) " (as billable)" W "..." K ^IBE(351.2,IBC,1) S DR=".04////"_IBEVT_";.07////0;.08////1;2.03////"_DUZ_";2.04///NOW" S DIE="^IBE(351.2,",DA=IBC D ^DIE W " done." Q ; DSPL(IBC) ; Display a case record. ; Input: IBC -- Pointer to the case record in file #351.2 I '$G(IBC) G DSPLQ N DFN,IBCD,IBC1,IBC2,IBATYP,IBPT,IBDIS,IBCL,IBEVT,IBN,IBND,Y S IBCD=$G(^IBE(351.2,IBC,0)),IBC1=$G(^(1)),IBC2=$G(^(2)) S DFN=+IBCD,IBPT=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN),IBCL=$P(IBCD,"^",3) W !,$$DASH(),!?1,"Pt. Name: ",$E($P(IBPT,"^"),1,17)," (",$P(IBPT,"^",3),")" W ?38,"Care related to ",$$PATTYAB^IBACV(IBCL),": ",$S($P(IBCD,"^",7):"YES",$P(IBCD,"^",7)=0:"NO",1:"UNANSWERED") W !?5,"Type: ",$$UCCL^IBAMTI(IBCL),?39,"Case Dispositioned: ",$S($P(IBCD,"^",8):"YES",1:"NO") W !?1,"Adm Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(+$G(^DGPM(+$P(IBCD,"^",2),0)),1),?41,"Date Last Edited: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(+$P(IBC2,"^",4),1) S IBDIS=+$G(^DGPM(+$P($G(^DGPM(+$P(IBCD,"^",2),0)),"^",17),0)) W !,"Disc Date: ",$S(IBDIS:$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBDIS,1),1:"Still Admitted"),?43,"Last Edited By: ",$E($P($G(^VA(200,+$P(IBC2,"^",3),0)),"^"),1,20),!,$$DASH() ; S IBEVT=+$P(IBCD,"^",4) I $O(^IB("AF",IBEVT,IBEVT)) W !?1,"Charges Billed:" D .S IBN=0 F S IBN=$O(^IB("AF",IBEVT,IBN)) Q:'IBN I IBN'=IBEVT D ..S IBND=$G(^IB(IBN,0)) ..S IBATYP=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^") ..S:$E(IBATYP,1,2)="DG" IBATYP=$E(IBATYP,4,99) ..W !?5,IBATYP,?35,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBND,"^",14)),?46,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBND,"^",15)) ..W ?57,"$",$P(IBND,"^",7),?64,$P($G(^IBE(350.21,+$P(IBND,"^",5),0)),"^",2) .W !,$$DASH() ; I IBC1]"" W !?1,"Reason for Non-Billing:",!,IBC1,!,$$DASH(),! DSPLQ Q ; DASH() ; Return a dashed line. Q $TR($J("",80)," ","-")