IBAMTV32 ;ALB/CPM - RELEASE PENDING CHARGES ACTIONS ; 03-JUN-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**15**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PC ; 'Pass Charges' entry action. N IBCOMMIT,IBNBR,IBY,IBMSG,IBNOS,IBNOSX,IBND,IBY,IBMSG,IBDUZ,IBSTAT N IBAFY,IBATYP,IBARTYP,IBN,IBSEQNO,IBSERV,IBTOTL,IBTRAN,IBIL,IBBG S IBCOMMIT=0 D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I '$O(VALMY(0)) G PCQ S IBNBR="" F S IBNBR=$O(VALMY(IBNBR)) Q:'IBNBR D D MSG .S (IBNOS,IBNOSX)=^TMP("IBAMTV31",$J,"IDX",IBNBR,IBNBR) .S IBND=$G(^IB(IBNOS,0)),IBY=1,IBMSG="",IBDUZ=DUZ .I 'IBND S IBMSG="was not passed - record missing the zeroth node" Q .I $P(IBND,"^",12) S IBMSG="was not passed - the charge already has an AR Transaction Number" Q .S IBSTAT=+$P(IBND,"^",5) I $P($G(^IBE(350.21,IBSTAT,0)),"^",4) S IBMSG="was not passed - the status indicates that the charge is billed" Q .I $P(IBND,"^",7)'>0 S IBMSG="was not passed - there is no charge amount" Q .S IBSEQNO=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^",5) I 'IBSEQNO S IBMSG="was not passed (Bulletin will be generated)",IBY="-1^IB023" Q .; .; - okay to pass charge? .D PROC^IBECEAU4("pass") I IBY<0 S IBY=1 Q .; .; - pass charge to AR and update list .D ^IBR S IBY=$G(Y) .S IBND=$G(^IB(IBNOSX,0)),IBCOMMIT=1 .S IBMSG=$S(IBY<0:"was not passed - see error message (bulletin).",$P(IBND,"^",5)=8:"has now been placed ON HOLD (patient has active insurance).",1:"has been passed to Accounts Receivable.") .; .; - update IVM .D IVM(IBND) ; PCQ D PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK=$S(IBCOMMIT:"R",1:"") I IBCOMMIT S IBBG=VALMBG D INIT^IBAMTV31 S VALMBG=IBBG Q ; ; CC ; 'Cancel Charges' entry action. N IBCHG,IBCRES,IBIL,IBND,IBSEQNO,IBUNIT,IBATYP,IBDUZ,IBBG N IBN,IBY,IBPARNT,IBH,IBCANTR,IBXA,IBFR,IBCANC,IBCOMMIT,IBNBR D FULL^VALM1 S IBCOMMIT=0 D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I '$O(VALMY(0)) G CCQ S IBNBR="" F S IBNBR=$O(VALMY(IBNBR)) Q:'IBNBR D .S IBN=^TMP("IBAMTV31",$J,"IDX",IBNBR,IBNBR),IBDUZ=DUZ,IBY=0 Q:'IBN .; .; - perform up-front edits .D CED^IBECEAU4(IBN) Q:IBY<0 .I 'IBH,IBIL="" S IBY="-1^IB024" Q .; .; - ask for the cancellation reason .D REAS^IBECEAU2("C") Q:IBCRES<0 .; .; - okay to proceed? .D PROC^IBECEAU4("cancel") I IBY<0 S IBY=1 Q .; .; - handle incomplete and regular transactions .D CANC^IBECEAU4(IBN,IBCRES,1) Q:IBY<0 .; .S IBCOMMIT=1,IBMSG="has been cancelled." D MSG .; .; - handle the clock .D CLSTR^IBECEAU1(DFN,$P(IBND,"^",14)) .I 'IBCLDA W !!,"Please note that there is no billing clock which would cover this charge.",!,"Be sure that this patient's billing clock is correct." Q .D CLDSP^IBECEAU1(IBCLST,$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN)) .W !!,"Since the billing clock was updated when the charge was originally built," .W !,"you may now need to update this clock since the charge has been cancelled." ; CCQ D PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" I IBCOMMIT S IBBG=VALMBG D INIT^IBAMTV31 S VALMBG=IBBG Q ; ; MSG ; Display results message. I IBMSG]"" W !,"Charge #"_IBNBR_" "_IBMSG I +IBY=-1 D ^IBAERR1 Q ; ; IVM(IBND) ; Pass billing information to the IVM package. ; This tag is also called by IBECEA1 (Pass a Charge) ; ; Input: IBND -- Zeroth node of IB action in file #350 ; Q:'$G(IBND) D REV^IVMUFNC3(+IBND,+$P(IBND,"^",2),$S($P(IBND,"^",8)["OPT COPAY":2,1:1),$S($P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^")["PER DIEM":3,1:2),$P(IBND,"^",14),$P(IBND,"^",15),$P(IBND,"^",7),$P(IBND,"^",5)=8) Q