IBARXEC0 ;ALB/AAS - RX COPAY EXEMPTION CONVERSION HELP ; 07-JAN-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; RESTART ; -- help for restarting the conversion S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Show help on Restarting",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S IBQUIT=1 Q Q:Y<1 ; W !! F I=1:1 S LINE=$P($T(TEXT1+I),";",3) Q:LINE=""!(IBQUIT) W !,LINE I ($Y+5)>IOSL D PAUSE^IBOUTL Q:IBQUIT W @IOF W !! Q ; ; Q ; HELP S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to see the help",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S IBQUIT=1 Q Q:Y<1 ; W !! F I=1:1 S LINE=$P($T(TEXT+I),";",3) Q:LINE=""!(IBQUIT) W !,LINE I ($Y+5)>IOSL D PAUSE^IBOUTL Q:IBQUIT W @IOF W !! Q ; TEXT ;; ; ;;This routine is the Medication Copayment Exemption ;;Conversion. It should be started immediately after bringing ;;your system up after the installation of the Medication ;;Copayment Exemption Patch. It will not run unless all parts ;;of the installation have been completed. ;; ; ;;Running of this conversion will set up the correct exemption ;;status for all patients who have received a pharmacy copay ;;charge since Oct. 30, 1992. For all patients determined to ;;be exempt it will cancel the charges in Integrated Billing ;;and then adjust the patient account to remove the copay ;;charges plus any administrative and interest charges that ;;may have accumulated on the canceled charges. ;; ; ;;In order for this conversion to work correctly you must have ;;AR version 3.7 installed correctly to do refunds. This ;;includes setting up an entry in the SERVICE/SECTION file ;;with the name of 'FISCAL' and a mail symbol of '04'. One ;;entry in file 411 must be identified as the primary ;;station. A Common Numbering series for refunds for the ;;Primary Station, for 'FISCAL' service must be set up. ;;Make sure that there are sufficient bill numbers available, ;;you may generate 1000 to 5000 refunds during this conversion ;;depending on the size of your facility. ;; ; ;;This conversion may run for a significant period of time. ;;It can be run with the users on a live system but should ;;not be run at peak business hours. It can be ;;restarted at any time. It will pick up after the patient it ;;last processed. If you do not queue the conversion, ;;pressing '^' return will pause the conversion after it finishes ;;the current patient and display the conversion's current ;;progress. ;; ; ;;After the conversion has completed, there will be a mail ;;message sent to the pharmacy copay mail group, the ;;user who started the conversion, and the Albany ISC telling ;;them the final statistics on the conversion. ;; ; ;;There are two reports that will need to be printed after the ;;conversion has completed. One in Accounts Receivable and one ;;in Integrated Billing. You should reconcile these reports. ;;For each patient listed on either report there should be a ;;matching patient and equal dollar amount shown. The only ;;exception will be if interest and/or admin charges have been ;;removed in AR they will not show on the IB report. ;; ;; TEXT1 ;; ;;This is the current status of the Medication Copayment Exemption ;;Conversion. It may be restarted at any time. If a second ;;conversion is started the running conversion will stop at the ;;conclusion of a patient. This may affect the total counts ;;kept for quick reports by losing the count of the patient ;;being processed. ;; ; ;;If you are unsure stop now and do a system status. The conversion ;;routines are all named IBARXEC*. If your system is live, you may ;;see an intermittent conversion on the fly of a patient who has ;;not been converted. ;;