IBARXET ;ALB/AAS - RX COPAY EXEMPTION THRESHOLD ENTER/LIST ; 20-JAN-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**26,74**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ADD ; -- add/edit new thresholds S IBTH="" S DIC="^IBE(354.3,",DIC(0)="AEQLMN",DLAYGO=354.3,DIC("DR")="" D ^DIC G ADDQ:Y<1 S DA=+Y,DIE="^IBE(354.3,",DR="[IB ENTER THRESHOLD]" D ^DIE ;I $D(DA) S IBX=$G(^IBE(354.3,DA,0)),$P(IBX,"^",2)=2 D I $D(DA) S IBX=$G(^IBE(354.3,DA,0)),$P(IBX,"^",2)=$S($E($P(IBX,"^",1),1,5)<29612:2,1:1) D .I $P(IBX,"^",3)'="",$P(IBX,"^",4)'="",$P(IBX,"^",12)'="" Q .S DIK="^IBE(354.3," D ^DIK .W !!,"Entry Deleted, not enough information." .K DA,DIK .Q ; D:$D(DA)#2 PRIOR W ! G ADD ADDQ K DLAYGO,DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,IBDA,IBTH,IBX Q ; PRINT ; -- print threshold list I '$D(IOF) D HOME^%ZIS W @IOF,?15,"Print Medication Copayment Income Thresholds",!!! W !!,"You will need a 132 column printer for this report!",! S DIC="^IBE(354.3,",L=0,FLDS="[IB PRINT THRESHOLD]",BY="[IB PRINT THRESHOLD]",FR="?,?",TO="?,?" S DHD="Medication Copayment Income Thresholds" D EN1^DIP PRINTQ K L,FLDS,BY,FR,TO,DHD,DIC Q ; PRIOR ; -- check to see if prior year thresholds used S IBPR=$G(^IBE(354.3,+DA,0)) I IBPR="" G PRIORQ ;I $P(IBPR,"^",2)'=2 G PRIORQ S X=$S($P(IBPR,"^",2)=2:1,$P(IBPR,"^",2)=1:1,1:"") G:X="" PRIORQ ;S IBPRDT=$O(^IBE(354.3,"AIVDT",2,-($P(IBPR,"^")))) ;threshold prior to the one entered S X=$S($E($P(IBPR,"^"),1,5)'<29712:1,1:2) S IBPRDT=$O(^IBE(354.3,"AIVDT",X,-($P(IBPR,"^")))) ;threshold prior to the one entered I IBPRDT<0 S IBPRDT=-IBPRDT ; minus a negative to make positive G:IBPRDT="" PRIORQ I '$D(^IBA(354.1,"APRIOR",IBPRDT)) G PRIORQ ; ; -- is exemptions based on prior thresholds W !!,"There are Medication Copayment Exemptions based on prior thresholds",! S DIR("?")="There are exemptions that were based on the threshold values over a year old. You can ignore this, print a list of patients with old exemptions, or automatically update while printing the same list" S DIR(0)="S^1:IGNORE;2:PRINT;3:UPDATE AND PRINT",DIR("A")="Select ACTION",DIR("B")="IGNORE" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y<2)!(Y>3) G PRIORQ S IBACT=Y ; S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP PRIORQ I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") S ZTRTN="DQ^IBARXET",ZTDESC="IB PRIOR YEAR THRESHOLD PRINT"_$S(IBACT=3:" AND UPDATE",1:""),ZTSAVE("IB*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS G PRIORQ U IO ; DQ ; -- entry point from tasking S (IBQUIT,IBPAG)=0 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D D^DIQ S IBPDAT=Y K ^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR") S IBJOB=17 D HDR S IBEX="" F S IBEX=$O(^IBA(354.1,"APRIOR",IBPRDT,IBEX)) Q:IBEX="" D SET ; S IBNAM="" F S IBNAM=$O(^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR",IBNAM)) Q:IBNAM=""!IBQUIT D .S DFN="" F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR",IBNAM,DFN)) Q:DFN=""!IBQUIT D ..S IBXXX=0 F S IBXXX=$O(^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR",IBNAM,DFN,IBXXX)) Q:'IBXXX!IBQUIT S IBP=^(IBXXX) D ONE ; I 'IBQUIT D PAUSE^IBOUTL K ^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR") I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC PRIORQ K X,Y,DFN,DIR,DIRUT,IBACT,IBPR,IBPRDT,IBQUIT,IBPAG,IBPDAT,IBPRIOR K IBEX,IBNAM,IBND,IBP,IBEXREA,IBJOB,IBQUIT,IBXXX,IBWHER,IBEXERR,IBADDE,IBADD,IBCODA,IBCODP Q ; HDR ; -- print prior threshold header I IBPAG!($E(IOST,1,2)="C-") W @IOF,*13 S IBPAG=IBPAG+1 W "Exemptions Based on Prior Year Thresholds",?(IOM-35),$P(IBPDAT,"@")," @ ",$P(IBPDAT,"@",2)," Page ",IBPAG W !,"Patient",?22,"PT. ID",?36,"Exemption Date",?52,"Status" W:IBACT=3 ?63,"Action" W !,$TR($J(" ",IOM)," ","-") Q ; SET ; -- set up sortable array by patient S IBND=$G(^IBA(354.1,IBEX,0)) Q:IBND="" S DFN=$P(IBND,"^",2),IBP=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN) S ^TMP($J,"IBPRIOR",$P(IBP,"^"),DFN,IBEX)=IBEX_"^"_IBP Q ; ONE ; -- print line for one patient S IBEX=+IBP,IBP=$P(IBP,"^",2,5) I $Y>(IOSL-5) D PAUSE^IBOUTL G:IBQUIT ONEQ D HDR S IBND=$G(^IBA(354.1,IBEX,0)) G ONEQ:IBND="" S Y=+IBND D D^DIQ W !,$E(IBNAM,1,20),?22,$P(IBP,"^",2),?36,Y,?52,$$TEXT^IBARXEU0($P(IBND,"^",4)) ; ; -- compute exempt, add if different, else delete prior G:IBACT'=3 ONEQ S IBEXREA=$$STATUS^IBARXEU1(DFN,+IBND) I +IBEXREA'=$P(IBND,"^",5) D ADDEX^IBAUTL6(+IBEXREA,+IBND,1,1) W ?63,"Exemption updated" I +IBEXREA=$P(IBND,"^",5) S DA=IBEX,DIE="^IBA(354.1,",DR=".15///@" D ^DIE W ?63,"No Change" K DIE,DA,DR,DIC ONEQ Q