IBARXMA ;LL/ELZ - PHARMCAY COPAY BACKGROUND PROCESSES ;19-JAN-2001 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**150,158**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; FILER(IBA) ; This label is called by the IB background filer to ; notify other facilities that a transaction has occurred on the current ; facility. It will then update the status in 354.71 assuming that the ; transaction was accepted at all the subscribing facilities. ; ; IBA would be the IEN of file 350 to process. ; N IBZ,IBY,Y,IBER ; S IBZ=$P($G(^IB(+IBA,0)),"^",19) I 'IBZ Q S $P(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,0),"^",4)=+IBA ; set reference back ; S IBY=1 D FOUND(.IBY,IBZ) ; I -1=+$G(IBY) S Y=IBY D ^IBAERR ; Q ; FOUND(IBY,IBZ) ; come in here to do the work ; ; ien in 354.71 stored in IBZ, assumes DFN is defined ; N IBTFL,IBX,IBT,X,Y,DIE,DA,DR,DIC,IBS ; ; get treating facility list S IBTFL=$$TFL^IBARXMU(DFN,.IBTFL) ; ; no other facilities, i'm done I 'IBTFL D STATUS(.IBY,IBZ,0) Q ; ; ok lets do some talking to other VA's S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBTFL(IBX)) Q:IBX<1!(IBY<1) D . ; . ; have I already completed transmission here? . S IBS=$$LKUP^XUAF4(IBX) I IBS>0,$P($G(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,+$O(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,"B",+IBS,0)),0)),"^",2),'$G(IBONE) Q . ; . I '$D(ZTQUEUED) U IO W !,"Now transmitting to ",$P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",2)," ..." . S IBT=$$SEND^IBARXMU(DFN,IBX,^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,0)) . ; . ; update 354.71 transmission record . S DA=$O(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,"B",IBS,0)),DA(1)=IBZ . ; . ; save of error(s) for message . S:IBT<1 IBER(IBX)=IBT . ; . I DA D Q .. S DIE="^IBAM(354.71,"_IBZ_",1,",DR=".02////"_$S(+IBT>0:1,1:0) .. L +^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,DA):10 I '$T S IBY="-1^IB318" Q .. D ^DIE L -^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,DA) . S DIC="^IBAM(354.71,"_IBZ_",1,",DIC(0)="",X=IBS . S DIC("DR")=".02////"_$S(IBT>0:1,1:0) D FILE^DICN ; D STATUS(.IBY,IBZ,IBTFL):IBY>0 ; Q ; NIGHT ; queue off job to do nightly processing N IOP,ZTIO,ZTSAVE,ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTASK,%ZIS,ZTDTH S ZTIO="",ZTRTN="NIGHTQ^IBARXMA",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="RX Copay Cap Follow-up Transmissions" D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; NIGHTQ ; called from nightly background job for transmissions ; N IBX,IBS,X ; F IBS="P","Y" S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBAM(354.71,"AC",IBS,IBX)) Q:IBX<1 D . N IBY,IBZ,IBM,XMZ,XMY,XMDUZ,XMSUB,IBL,IBF,IBT,DFN,IBA,IBN,IBER S IBY=1 . ; . S DFN=$P($G(^IBAM(354.71,+IBX,0)),"^",2) Q:'DFN . S IBY=1 D FOUND(.IBY,IBX) . ; . ; if it is successful, quit and move on to next one . S IBZ=^IBAM(354.71,IBX,0) . I IBY>0,($P(IBZ,"^",5)="C"!($P(IBZ,"^",5)="X")) Q . ; . ; is the transaction < 2 days old, quit . I $$FMADD^XLFDT($P(IBZ,"^",15),2)>DT Q . ; . ; send message to mail group of old transaction notification . D DEM^VADPT . S XMSUB="Rx Copay Transmission Error",XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE" D XMZ^XMA2 I XMZ<1 Q . S IBL=0 . D M("A medication co-payment transaction could not be sent to one or more of"),M("the patient's treating facilities for at least 2 days. After verifying that") . D M("the HL7 Logical Links are working correctly to the sites listed below, you"),M("can use the option 'Push Rx Copay Cap Transactions' to transmit this") . D M("transaction immediately or the IB software will try to transmit this"),M("transaction when the IB MT NIGHT COMP job runs.") . D M(" "),M(" Patient: "_VADM(1)),M(" SSN: "_VA("PID")),M("Transaction: "_$P(IBZ,"^")),M(" ") . D M("Facility Status"),M("----------------------------------- --------------------") . S IBF=0 F S IBF=$O(^IBAM(354.71,IBX,1,IBF)) Q:IBF<1 S IBT=^IBAM(354.71,IBX,1,IBF,0),IBN=$$FAC^IBARXMU(+IBT),IBN=$P(IBN,"^")_" ("_$P(IBN,"^",2)_")" D .. D M($$SP(IBN,39)_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(354.711,.02,"",$P(IBT,"^",2))) . ; . ; include errors in message . I $D(IBER) D M(" "),M("Errors:") S X=0 F S X=$O(IBER(X)) Q:X<1 D M(X_" = "_IBER(X)) . ; . S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92^"_IBL_"^"_IBL_"^"_DT . S XMY("G.IB RX COPAY CAP ERROR")="" . D ENT1^XMD Q ; SP(X,Y) ; makes X be Y space long F Q:$L(X)>(Y-1) S X=X_" " Q $E(X,1,Y) ; STATUS(IBY,IBZ,IBT) ; update status in 354.71 if applicable ; IBY is return error if applicable ; IBZ is the entry number in 354.71 ; IBT indicates number of treating facilities ; N IBS,IBX,DA,DIE,DR,X,Y,IBD ; S IBS=1,IBX=0 I IBT F S IBX=$O(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,IBX)) Q:IBX<1 S:$P(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,1,IBX,0),"^",2)'=1 IBS=0 ; I IBS S IBD=$P(^IBAM(354.71,IBZ,0),"^",5) D . S DIE="^IBAM(354.71,",DA=IBZ . S DR=".05///"_$S(IBD="Y":"X",IBD="X":IBD,1:"C") . L +^IBAM(354.71,IBZ):10 I '$T S IBY="-1^IB318" Q . D ^DIE L -^IBAM(354.71,IBZ) ; I $G(IBY)<1 S IBY=1 ; success flag ; Q M(T) ; used to set text in mail message ; assumes XMZ and IBL S IBL=IBL+1,^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,IBL,0)=T