IBATEI ;ALB/BGA - TRANSFER PRICING INPATIENT TRACKER ; 02-FEB-99 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**115,210**;21-MAR-94 ;; Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified ; ; This routine is called from ^IBAMTD and tracks all patient movements ; as they relate to patients who are out of network. ; EN ; Main Entry Point I '$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,10)),"^",2) Q ; transfer pricing turned off I $G(DGPMA)="",$G(DGPMP)="" Q N DFN,IBATIEN,DA,IBRTYPE,TYPE,IBA,IBIND,IBPTF,IBDISDT,IBDISPT,IBATFILE N IBADMDT,IBSOURCE,IBPREF,PTF,ADMIS,IBDFN,IBREST S IBA=$P($S(DGPMA="":DGPMP,1:DGPMA),U,14) Q:IBA<1 ; iba ptr to the admission S IBIND=IBA_";DGPM(" ; $$FINDT checks to see if the entry exist and the entry is not cancelled S IBATIEN=$$FINDT^IBATUTL(IBIND) I IBATIEN D G END . S DFN=$P($G(^IBAT(351.61,+IBATIEN,0)),U,2) Q:DFN<1 . ; if the MOVEMENT admission was deleted DELETE entry from 351.61 . I DGPMA="",($P(DGPMP,U,2)=1) D Q . . D DEL^IBATFILE(IBATIEN) . ; if the MOVEMENT deleted a discharge reset transaction STATUS="entered" . I DGPMA="",($P(DGPMP,U,2)=3) D Q . . S IBATFILE=$$DISC^IBATFILE(IBATIEN) . ; if the MOVEMENT is adding a *DISCHARGE* add the event . I DGPMP="",($P(DGPMA,U,2)=3) D Q . . ; Look for ptf in the parent event . . Q:'$P(DGPMA,U,14) . . S IBPTF=$P($G(^DGPM($P(DGPMA,U,14),0)),U,16) Q:'IBPTF . . S IBDISDT=$P($G(^DGPT(IBPTF,70)),U) . . Q:IBDISDT']" " . . S IBDISPT=$P($G(^DGPM($P(DGPMA,U,14),0)),U,17) Q:'IBDISPT . . ; PASS IN=ien 351.61,discharge dt in ptf,discharge movement . . S IBATFILE=$$DIS^IBATFILE(IBATIEN,IBDISDT,IBPTF,IBDISPT) . . ; <> . . ; [if new admission not currently being tracked added to 351.61] I DGPMP="",($P(DGPMA,U,2)=1) D G END . ; check to see if this is a tp $$TTP returns '0' if not TP . Q:'$$TPP^IBATUTL($P(DGPMA,U,3)) . S IBADMDT=$P(DGPMA,U),IBSOURCE=$P(DGPMA,U,14) . S IBPREF=$$PPF^IBATUTL($P(DGPMA,U,3)) Q:'IBPREF . Q:IBSOURCE=""!($P(DGPMA,U,14)="") . S IBSOURCE=IBSOURCE_";DGPM(" . S IBATFILE=$$ADM^IBATFILE($P(DGPMA,U,3),IBADMDT,IBPREF,IBSOURCE) ; ; Case where we have a discharge but the admission was not recorded I DGPMP="",($P(DGPMA,U,2)=3) D G END . Q:'$$TPP^IBATUTL($P(DGPMA,U,3)) . ; add the admission and than add the discharge . S IBADMDT=$P(DGPMA,U),IBSOURCE=$P(DGPMA,U,14) . S IBPREF=$$PPF^IBATUTL($P(DGPMA,U,3)) Q:'IBPREF . Q:IBSOURCE=""!($P(DGPMA,U,14)="") . S IBSOURCE=IBSOURCE_";DGPM(" . S IBATFILE=$$ADM^IBATFILE($P(DGPMA,U,3),IBADMDT,IBPREF,IBSOURCE) . ; add the discharge . Q:'$P(DGPMA,U,14)!(IBATFILE<1) . S IBATIEN=+IBATFILE,IBPTF=$P($G(^DGPM($P(DGPMA,U,14),0)),U,16) Q:'IBPTF . S IBDISDT=$P($G(^DGPT(IBPTF,70)),U) . Q:IBDISDT']" " . S IBDISPT=$P($G(^DGPM($P(DGPMA,U,14),0)),U,17) Q:'IBDISPT . ; PASS IN=ien 351.61,discharge dt in ptf,discharge movement . S IBATFILE=$$DIS^IBATFILE(IBATIEN,IBDISDT,IBPTF,IBDISPT) Q ; FINDRT(PTF,ADMIS,IBDFN) ; Find the Rate ; ; Input: PTF=ien to PTF ; ADMIS=ien to DGPM Patient Movement ; IBDFN=ien to Patient File ; ; Output: ; IBREST= if 0^ 2nd piece is error message ; = if 1^ the rate has been calculated. N IBATERR,IBRTYPE,IBADMDT,CHARGE,IBPREF,DISSPEC,TYPE,IBCALC,DRG I '$G(PTF)!('$G(ADMIS))!('$G(IBDFN)) S IBREST="0^Parmeter passed in to FINDRT was less than one" Q IBREST S IBATERR=0,IBADMDT=$P($P($G(^DGPM(+ADMIS,0)),U),".") I IBADMDT<1 S IBREST="0^No admission date FOUND for ^dgpm ien="_ADMIS Q IBREST S IBRTYPE=$$TYPRATE(PTF) ; returns bed or drg I IBRTYPE["Could not find" Q IBRTYPE ;no DRG or Rate could be found I $P(IBRTYPE,U,2)["DRG" D Q IBREST . S DRG=$P(IBRTYPE,U) . ; Find the home facility . S IBPREF=$$PPF^IBATUTL(+IBDFN) I 'IBPREF S IBREST="0^No home facility found for DFN="_IBDFN Q . ; Pass in DRG the date of the admission, the pref fac. and return . ; CHARGE=1!0^default rate^nego rate^rate to use^tortliability rate . S CHARGE=$$INPT^IBATCM(DRG,IBADMDT,IBPREF) . I '$P(CHARGE,U)!$P(CHARGE,U,4)<1 S IBREST="0^Could not find a valid charge for the DRG" Q . ; Pass in string "DRG",ien 405,DRG, DOLLAR AMOUNT) . S IBREST=$$CALCRT("DRG",ADMIS,DRG,$P(CHARGE,U,4)) . ; if the second piece of IBVALUE is there than we have an . ; error (need to do something) if not file away. . ; if the filing was successful we need to set IBREST=1 and quit . ; otherwise set IBREST="0^give reason for problem I $P(IBRTYPE,U,2)["BED" D Q IBREST ; price and file the claim . S IBREST=$$CALCRT("BED",ADMIS,$P(IBRTYPE,U)) ; TYPRATE(X) ; Pass in PTF ien and return either DRG or Bedsection or ERROR ; see if PTF has a DRG I '$G(X) S TYPE="0^Parameter passed into TYPRATE(X) has no value" Q TYPE N IBPTF,IBPTFD,DIC,DA,DR,DIQ,IBDISCH,IBBED S DIC="^DGPT(",DA=X,DR=".01;71;9",DIQ="IBPTF",DIQ(0)="I" D EN^DIQ1 K DIQ(0) S DIQ="IBPTFD" D EN^DIQ1 ; i need the computed drg value I '$D(IBPTF),('$D(IBPTFD)) S TYPE="0^Could not find PTF RECORD" Q TYPE I $G(IBPTFD(45,DA,9))="",$G(IBPTF(45,DA,71,"I"))="" S TYPE="0^Could not find a PTF RECORD" Q TYPE S DISSPEC=$G(IBPTF(45,DA,71,"I")) ; used in $$calc when calculating outliers ; Below if i have a drg and the drg can be priced SELECT drg I $G(IBPTFD(45,DA,9)),+$$INPT^IBATCM(IBPTFD(45,DA,9),IBADMDT) S TYPE=$G(IBPTFD(45,DA,9))_U_"DRG" E D . S IBDISCH=$G(IBPTF(45,DA,71,"I")) ;gives you the discharge speciality . S IBBED=$P($G(^DIC(42.4,+IBDISCH,0)),U,5) ; Bedsection 399.1 . S TYPE=IBBED_U_"BED" Q TYPE ; CALCRT(Z,Y,V,R) ; Calculate LOS, and price out claim. ; INPUT: ; Z = a string either "BED" or "DRG" ; Y = ien for the admission movement ; V = value either bedsection NAME or the drg NUMBER ; R = used only with DRG and it is the dollar value of the drg. ; OUTPUT: ; IBCALC=" if 0^ 2nd piece is error message ; if 1^ there are 2 possible options that can be returned ; Option 1 - If we are calculating a Bed Section ; 1^calculated amount^"B" ; Option 2 - If we are calculating a DRG ; 1^calculated amt^ien drg^los^hightrim^outlier days ; ^bedsection rate for the outliers ; N X,IBBEDPTR,IBLOS,IBDATE,CALCDATE,DRGHIGH,IBBEDRT,IBDIFF,IBBED,IBOUTDT,IBBEDRT,DGPMIFN I '$D(Z)!('$D(V))!($G(Y)<1) S IBCALC="0^parameter 'Z' is invalid" Q IBCALC S IBCALC=0 I Z'="DRG"&(Z'="BED") S IBCALC="0^parameter is incorrect" Q IBCALC ; calculate the LOS Y=ien for the admission movement I '$D(^DGPM(+Y,0)) S IBCALC="0^ien "_Y_" in 405 does not exist" Q IBCALC I Z["DRG",($G(R)<1) S IBCALC="0^the drg dollar value for ien "_Y_" was not passed in" Q IBCALC S DGPMIFN=Y D ^DGPMLOS I $P(X,U,5)<1 S IBCALC="0^no LOS found FOR movement "_Y Q IBCALC E S IBLOS=$P(X,U,5) S IBDATE=$P($P($G(^DGPM(+Y,0)),U),".") ; Date of patient movement I Z="BED" D Q IBCALC . ;get the pointer to the bedsection . S IBBEDPTR=$$MCCRUTL^IBCRU1(V,5) ; 5 distinguishes bedsection in 399.1 . I IBBEDPTR<1 S IBCALC="0^could not find pointer to bedsection for name: "_V Q . S CALCDATE=IBDATE . ; below 1=ien to the charge set = TL-INPT(INCLUSIVE) #363.3 . S IBCALC=$$ITCHG^IBCRCI(1,IBBEDPTR,CALCDATE) . S IBCALC=$P(IBCALC,U) . S IBCALC=$S(IBCALC<1:"0^No rate found for bedsect "_Y,1:IBCALC) . I IBCALC<1 Q . S IBCALC="1^"_(IBLOS*(IBCALC*.8))_U_"B" ; ; (***** calculate DRG outliers here ******) I Z="DRG" D Q IBCALC . ; do look up calculate drg value . S DRGHIGH=$P($$DRG^IBACSV(+V,IBDATE),U,4) . S IBDIFF=$S(DRGHIGH:IBLOS-DRGHIGH,1:0) . S IBCALC=R ;==DRG is calculated for the entire los except when there are high trim days . ; if you have an outlier and you have a bedsection calc outlier . ; disspec is the ptr to speciality from ptf set in $$typrate . I IBDIFF>0,(DISSPEC>0) D . . ; DISSPEC ;gives you the discharge speciality . . S IBBED=$P($G(^DIC(42.4,+DISSPEC,0)),U,5) ; Name of Bedsection 399.1 . . S IBBEDPTR=$$MCCRUTL^IBCRU1(IBBED,5) ; Ptr to bedsection . . S IBOUTDT=$P($G(^DGPM(+Y,0)),U) . . S IBBEDRT=$$ITCHG^IBCRCI(1,IBBEDPTR,IBOUTDT) ; returns rate for bedsection . . S IBBEDRT=$P(IBBEDRT,U) . . I IBBEDRT>0 S IBBEDRT=(IBBEDRT*.8) ;**BGA-MOD 2/9/2000 . S IBCALC="1^"_IBCALC_U_V_U_IBLOS_U_DRGHIGH_U_$S(IBDIFF<1:0,1:IBDIFF)_U_$S($G(IBBEDRT)>0:IBBEDRT,1:0) . ; All bedsections,drgs and outliers are calculated at 80% of there face value Q IBCALC ; END ; W !,"Updating Transfer Pricing has been...completed." Q