IBATER ;LL/ELZ - TRANSFER PRICING PROSTHETICS DRIVER ; 7-APR-2000 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**115**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is called by the nightly back ground job. It will go ; through the prosthetics file (660) and look for transfer pricing ; transactions that it has not previously found. It looks for T-30 ; through T based upon the delivery date. File 660 - dbia #373 ; EN ; I '$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,10)),"^",5) Q ; transfer pricing turned off ; N IBDT,IBDA ; ; date range t-30 to t S IBDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-30) ; F S IBDT=$O(^RMPR(660,"CT",IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>DT) S IBDA="" F S IBDA=$O(^RMPR(660,"CT",IBDT,IBDA)) Q:'IBDA D CHECK ; Q ; CHECK ; check if transfer pricing and not already added ; N IBDATA,IBDFN ; ; already in file I $O(^IBAT(351.61,"AD",(IBDA_";RMPR(660,"),0)) Q ; ; valid tp patient S IBDATA=$G(^RMPR(660,+IBDA,0)) Q:IBDATA="" S IBDFN=$P(IBDATA,"^",2) Q:'IBDFN Q:'$$TPP^IBATUTL(IBDFN) ; ; checks from RMPRBIL copied 4/7/2000 with mod for patient type removed I $S('$D(^RMPR(660,IBDA,"AM")):1,$P(IBDATA,"^",9)="":1,$P(IBDATA,"^",12)="":1,$P(IBDATA,"^",6)="":1,$P(IBDATA,"^",14)="V":1,$P(IBDATA,"^",15)="*":1,1:0) Q ; ; now if inpt, must be in 351.67 I $P(^RMPR(660,IBDA,"AM"),"^",3)'=1,$P(^("AM"),"^",3)'=4,'$D(^IBAT(351.67,"B",$P(IBDATA,"^",6))) Q ; Q:'$P(IBDATA,"^",16) ; no total cost, at least yet ; FILE ; ok transaction needs to be filled in tp files ; S IBDATA=$$RMPR^IBATFILE(IBDFN,IBDT,$$PPF^IBATUTL(IBDFN),(IBDA_";RMPR(660,"),$P(IBDATA,"^",6),$P(IBDATA,"^",16)) ; Q