IBAUTL ;ALB/AAS - INTEGRATED BILLING APPLICATION UTILITIES ; 14-FEB-91 V ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**93,156,347**;21-MAR-94;Build 24 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; COST ; - find charges for transaction type, when only one N IBD,IBN,IB K X1 S IBD=-(DT+.9) F S IBD=$O(^IBE(350.2,"AIVDT",DA,IBD)) Q:'IBD S IBN=0 F S IBN=$O(^IBE(350.2,"AIVDT",DA,IBD,IBN)) Q:'IBN S IB=$G(^IBE(350.2,IBN,0)) I IB]"",'$P(IB,"^",5)!($P(IB,"^",5)>DT) S X1=$P(IB,"^",4) G COSTQ COSTQ S X1=+$G(X1) Q ; FY I $D(X) S IBAFY=$$FY^IBOUTL(X) Q ; PTL ; - parent trace logic ; - input in x resulting from field from file 350 ; - output in y=1 if found, -1^error message if not found ; - y(0) = zeroth node of top level ; - y(1) = zeroth node of second level ; - y(n) = zeroth node of nth level ; K Y S Y=1 I '+X!'($D(^DIC(+X,0,"GL"))) S Y="-1^IB004" G PTLQ I +X=52 G PHAPI S IBAGL=^DIC(+X,0,"GL") I '$D(@(IBAGL_$P($P(X,";",1),":",2)_",0)")) S Y="-1^IB005" G PTLQ ; ; This naked reference should be set to the original data source that ; is causing this charge to be created. The data source will be one of ; many different data sources that will generate patient charges. S Y(0)=^(0) ; F IBJJ=2:1 S IBII=$P(X,";",IBJJ) Q:IBII="" D PTL1 PTLQ K IBAGL,IBII,IBJJ,IBMIN Q ; PTL1 ; - find y(n) of sublevels ; Call in here with a FOR loop to go each level deeper. This will ; setup the subsripts in Y for all the data elements that go into ; causing this charge to be created. It looks in the original data ; source file as approprite to obtain the information. The naked ; reference should be the last data level in the data source appropriate ; data source file last looked up. ; S IBMIN=$P(IBII,":") I IBMIN="" S Y="-1^IB006" Q I '$D(^(IBMIN,$P(IBII,":",2),0)) S Y="-1^IB006" Q ;I '$D(^(+IBII,$P(IBII,":",2),0)) S Y="-1^IB006" Q S Y(IBJJ-1)=^(0) Q ; CHKX ; - check input x ; - piece 1 = service and exists ; - peice 2 = patient and exists ; - piece 3 = action type ; - piece 4 = user duz S DFN=$P(X,"^",2),IBSERV=+IBSAVX I $S('DFN:1,'$D(^DPT(DFN,0)):1,1:0) S Y="-1^IB002" G CHKXQ ;patient pointer bad I $S('IBSERV:1,'$D(^DIC(49,IBSERV,0)):1,1:0) S Y="-1^IB003" G CHKXQ ;service pointer bad I IBTAG=1 G CHKXQ S IBDUZ=$P(IBSAVX,"^",4) I $S('IBDUZ:1,'$D(^VA(200,IBDUZ,0)):1,1:0) S Y="-1^IB007" G CHKXQ I IBTAG=3 G CHKXQ S IBATYP=$P(IBSAVX,"^",3) I $S('IBATYP:1,'$D(^IBE(350.1,IBATYP,0)):1,1:0) S Y="-1^IB008" CHKXQ Q ; SITE ; - calculate site from site parameters ; - output ibsite = station number ; = ibfac = pointer to institution file I '$D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)) S Y="-1^IB016" Q S IBFAC=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,0),"^",2),IBSITE=$S('$D(^DIC(4,IBFAC,99)):"",1:+^(99)) I IBSITE<1 S Y="-1^IB009" Q ; ADD ; - add new entry to ^ib ; N %DT,IBYCHK L +^IB(0):10 I '$T S Y="-1^IB014" G ADDQ S X=$P($S($D(^IB(0)):^(0),1:"^^-1"),"^",3)+1 L -^IB(0) I 'X S Y="-1^IB015" G ADDQ K DD,DO,DIC,DR S DIC="^IB(",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=350 F X=X:1 L:$D(IBN1) -^IB(IBN1) I X>0,'$D(^IB(X)) S IBN1=X L +^IB(IBN1):1 I $T,'$D(^IB(X)) S DINUM=X,X=+IBSITE_X D FILE^DICN I +Y>0 Q S IBN=+Y,DIE="^IB(",DA=IBN,DR=".02////"_$S($D(DFN):DFN,1:"")_";.03////"_$S($D(IBATYP):IBATYP,1:"")_";.05////1;12///NOW" D . N Y D ^DIE K DA,DR,DIE I $D(Y) S IBYCHK=Y L -^IB(IBN1) S Y=$S('$D(IBYCHK):1,1:"-1^IB028") ; ADDQ K DO,DD,DINUM,DIC,IBN1 Q ; ARPARM N X S X=DT D SITE,FY,NOW^%DTC S IBNOW=% Q BILLNO ; -get open bill number I '$G(IBTOTL) S (IBIL,IBTRAN)="" G BILLQ S IBARTYP=$S($D(^IBE(350.1,+IBATYP,0)):$P(^(0),"^",3),1:"") S X=IBSITE_"^"_IBSERV_"^"_IBARTYP_"^"_DFN_";DPT("_"^"_IBAFY_"^"_$S($D(IBTOTL):IBTOTL,1:0)_"^"_$S($D(IBDUZ):IBDUZ,$D(DUZ):DUZ,1:0)_"^"_$P(IBNOW,".",1) D ^PRCASER I +Y<1 G BILLQ S IBIL=$P(Y,"^",2),IBTRAN=$P(Y,"^",3) I IBIL="" S Y="-1^IB011" G BILLQ S IBTRAN=$S(IBTRAN>0:IBTRAN,1:"") BILLQ Q ; PHAPI ; ;This is alternate code for Parent Trace Logic ; to deal with the Pharmacy Encapsulation of Prescription File (#52) ; N IBRFL,IBXX,IBPT,IBRX,IBY S IBXX=X,IBY=1 S IBRX=$P($P(IBXX,";"),":",2) S IBPT=$$FILE^IBRXUTL(IBRX,2),IBY(0)=$$RXZERO^IBRXUTL(IBPT,IBRX) I IBY(0)="" S IBY="-1^IB005" G PHAPIQ I $P(IBXX,";",2)="" G PHAPIQ ; original fill being billed S IBRFL=$P($P(IBXX,";",2),":",2),IBY(1)=$$ZEROSUB^IBRXUTL(IBPT,IBRX,IBRFL) I IBY(1)="" S IBY="-1^IB006" G PHAPIQ ; PHAPIQ ; S:$G(IBY)]"" Y=IBY S:$G(IBY(0))]"" Y(0)=IBY(0) S:$G(IBY(1))]"" Y(1)=IBY(1) Q ;