IBAUTL6 ;AAS/ALB-RX EXEMPTION UTILITY ROUTINE (CONT.);2-NOV-92 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**34,195**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ADDP ; -- Add patient to file 354 ; -- Input : dfn = entry in patient file ; returns : ibadd = 0 if not added, 1 if added ; N DINUM,DLAYGO,X I '$D(DT) D DT^DICRW S IBWHER=11,IBEXERR="" S IBADD=0 I $S('$D(DFN):1,'$D(^IBA(354)):1,$D(^IBA(354,DFN)):1,1:0) G ADDPQ K DO,DD,DIC,DR,DA,DIE S DIC="^IBA(354,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=354 L +^IBA(354,DFN):15 I $T,'$D(^IBA(354,DFN)) S (DINUM,X)=DFN D FILE^DICN I +Y>0 S IBADD=1 I IBADD'=1 S IBEXERR=9 L -^IBA(354,DFN) ; ADDPQ K DO,DD,DIC,DR,DIE,DA Q ; ADDEX(IBEXREA,IBDT,IBHOW,IBTYPE,IBOLDAUT) ; -- add entry to 354.1 and update ; -- this will become the active entry for this effective date ; other entries for this effective date should be cancelled ; prior to making this call ; ; -- input dfn = pt ien (required) ; ibexrea = pointer to exemption reason file (required) ; ibdt = internal form of effective date (required) ; ibhow = 1=system added, 2=user override (optional) default =1 ; ibtype = type of exemption (optional) default =1 (copay) ; iboldaut = date (optional) if defined is the date of a previous exemption status (automatic) that needs to be inactivated ; ; -- returns ibadde = ibexrea^ibdt or null if not added ; iberr = error if occurs else null ; L +^IBA(354,DFN):30 I '$T S IBEXERR=1 W:$D(IBTALK)&('$D(ZTQUEUED)) !,"ENTRY LOCKED" G ADDEXQ A1 I '$D(^IBA(354,DFN,0)) D ADDP G ADDEXQ:$G(IBEXERR) ; N IBDGMTA,IBDGMTP,IBDGMTF I $D(DGMTA) S IBDGMTA=$G(DGMTA),IBDGMTP=$G(DGMTP),IBDGMTF=$G(DGMTINF) N X,X1,X2,Y,IBCNT,DGMTA,DGMTP,DGMTINF I $D(IBDGMTA) S DGMTA=$G(IBDGMTA),DGMTP=$G(IBDGMTP),DGMTINF=$G(IBDGMTF) S IBWHER=12,IBEXERR="",IBADDE="" ; ; - one last quick check I IBDT'?7N S IBEXERR=3 G ADDEXQ I DUZ,$G(^VA(200,+DUZ,0))="" S IBEXERR=8 G ADDEXQ ; if DUZ=0, it will be considered as .5 (POSTMASTER) by the input template [IB NEW EXEMPTION] ; D BEFORE^IBARXEVT ;get prior exemption ; N IBSTAT,IBEXDA S IBSTAT=$P($G(^IBE(354.2,+IBEXREA,0)),"^",4) S IBHOW=$S('$D(IBHOW):1,IBHOW="":1,IBHOW>2:1,IBHOW<1:1,1:IBHOW) S IBTYPE=$S('$D(IBTYPE):1,IBTYPE="":1,1:IBTYPE) ;I '$D(IBACTION) S IBACTION="ADD" ; ; -- inactivate a current autoexempt of no longer autoexempt I $G(IBOLDAUT)?7N D INACT^IBAUTL7(IBOLDAUT) ;I '$D(ZTQUEUED),$D(IBTALK) W !,"Inactivating current non-income based exemption for patient" ; ; -- if forcing a new entry to correct problems I $G(IBFORCE)?7N D INACT^IBAUTL7(IBFORCE) ; ; -- check for duplicate entry I $G(IBOLDAUT)'?7N,$G(IBFORCE)'?7N,$$DUPL() W:'$D(ZTQUEUED)&($D(IBTALK)) !,"Exemption Attempting to Add is a duplicate, nothing added!",! G ADDEXQ ; ; -- inactivate previous active entries D INACT^IBAUTL7(IBDT) I $G(IBEXERR) G ADDEXQ ; ; -- if no income data from conversion set date = start date I $D(IBCONVER),$P($G(^IBE(354.2,+IBEXREA,0)),"^",5)=210 S IBDT=$$STDATE^IBARXEU ; ; -- add entry S DIC="^IBA(354.1,",DIC(0)="L",X=IBDT K DO,DD D FILE^DICN S (IBEXDA,DA)=+Y I Y<1 W:'$D(ZTQUEUED)&($D(IBTALK)) !,"Can't add entry to exemption file" S IBEXERR=4 G ADDEXQ ; ; -- edit new entry S DIE="^IBA(354.1,",DR="[IB NEW EXEMPTION]" ; use compiled template ; ;DR=".02////"_DFN_";.03////"_IBTYPE_";.04////"_IBSTAT_";.05////"_IBEXREA_";.06////"_IBHOW_";.07////"_DUZ_";.08///NOW;.1////1;.11////"_$G(IBASIG) ; D ^DIE K DIC,DIE,DA,DR I $D(Y) S IBEXERR=5 G ADDEXQ S IBADDE=IBEXREA_"^"_IBDT ; ; --if effective date is in last 365 days make current I IBDT>$$MINUS^IBARXEU0(DT) D CURREX^IBAUTL7(IBSTAT,IBDT) I $G(IBEXERR) G ADDEXQ ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED),$G(IBADDE),$D(IBTALK) W !!,"Medication Copayment Exemption Status Updated: ",$P(^IBE(354.2,+IBADDE,0),"^")," ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBADDE,"^",2)) ; -- setup and call event driver I '$D(IBCONVER) D ;if not from conversion do following .D AFTER^IBARXEVT .S IBEVT=$$RXST^IBARXEU(DFN,$S(IBDT<$$STDATE^IBARXEU:$$STDATE^IBARXEU,1:IBDT)) .D ^IBARXEVT .I IBSTAT D CANCEL^IBARXEU3 ;exempt patient cancel old charges .D ^IBARXEB ; process bulletins and alerts ; ADDEXQ ; L -^IBA(354,DFN) I $G(IBEXERR) D ^IBAERR K DO,DD,DIC,DIE,DA,DR,IBEVT,IBEVTP,IBEVTA,IBASIG,IBARCAN Q ; DUPL() ; -- see if entry is a duplicate N X,Y S X=0 S Y=$$LST^IBARXEU0(DFN,IBDT) I IBDT=+Y,+IBEXREA=+$P(Y,"^",5),IBTYPE=$P(Y,"^",3) S X=1 Q X