IBCCCB ;ALB/ARH - COPY BILL FOR COB ; 2/13/06 10:46am ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**80,106,51,151,137,182,155,323**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Copy bill for COB w/out cancelling, update some flds ; Primary->Secondary->Tertiary ASK ; S IBCBCOPY=1 ; flag that copy function entered thru Copy COB option ; D KVAR S IBCAN=2,IBU="UNSPECIFIED" ; S IBX=$$PB^IBJTU2 S:+IBX=2 IBIFN=$P(IBX,U,2) I +IBX=1 S DFN=$P(IBX,U,2),IBV=1,IBAC=5 D DATE^IBCB I '$G(IBIFN) G EXIT ; ; Restrict access to this process for REQUEST MRA bills in 2 Cases: ; 1. No MRA EOB's on File for bill I $P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)=2,'$$CHK^IBCEMU1(IBIFN) D G ASK . W !!?4,"This bill is in a status of REQUEST MRA and it has No MRA EOB's" . W !?4,"on file. Access to this bill is restricted." ; ; 2. At least one MRA EOB appears on the MRA management worklist I $P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)=2,$$MRAWL^IBCEMU2(IBIFN) D G ASK . W !!?4,"This bill is in a status of REQUEST MRA and it does appear on the" . W !?4,"MRA Management Work List. Please use the 'MRA Management Menu' options" . W !?4,"for all processing related to this bill." . Q ; ; If MRA is Activated and bill is in Entered/Not Reviewed status and current insurance Co. is WNR --> ; ask if user wants to continue I $$EDIACTV^IBCEF4(2),$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)=1,$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(+$$CURR^IBCEF2(IBIFN)) D I 'Y G ASK . W !!?4,"This bill is in a status of ENTERED/NOT REVIEWED and current payer is " . W !?4,"MEDICARE (WNR). No MRA has been requested for this bill." . S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")=" Are you sure you want to continue to process this bill?: " . D ^DIR K DIR ; ; Display related bills D DSPRB^IBCCCB0(IBIFN) ; CHKB ; Entrypoint-COB processing via EDI's COB Mgmt ; Ask if final EOB was received for previous bill I '$$FINALEOB^IBCCCB0(IBIFN) S IBSECHK=1 I $G(IBSECHK)=1,$$MCRONBIL^IBEFUNC(IBIFN) G EXIT ; ; Warn if previous bill not at least authorized I '$$MCRONBIL^IBEFUNC(IBIFN) I '$$COBOK^IBCCCB0(IBIFN) G EXIT ; CHKB1 ; Entry point for Automatic/Silent COB Processing. ; No writes or reads can occur from this point forward if variable ; IBSILENT=1. Any and all error messages should be processed with ; the ERROR procedure below. ; S IBX=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)),DFN=$P(IBX,U,2),IBDT=$P(IBX,U,3)\1,IBER="" I IBCAN>1 D NOPTF^IBCB2 I 'IBAC1 D NOPTF1^IBCB2 G ASK1 ; F IBI=0,"S","U1","M","MP","M1" S IB(IBI)=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,IBI)) I IB(0)="" S IBER="Invalid Bill Number" D ERROR G ASK1 ; ; check to see if the bill has been cancelled I $P(IB("S"),U,16),$P(IB("S"),U,17) D G ASK1 . N WHO . S IBER="This bill was cancelled on " . S IBER=IBER_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IB("S"),U,17),"1Z")_" by " . S WHO="UNSPECIFIED" . I $P(IB("S"),U,18) S WHO=$P($G(^VA(200,$P(IB("S"),U,18),0)),U,1) . S IBER=IBER_WHO_"." . D ERROR . Q ; S IBCOB=$$COB^IBCEF(IBIFN),IBCOBN=$TR(IBCOB,"PSTA","12") S IBMRAIO=+$$CURR^IBCEF2(IBIFN),IBMRAO=$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(IBMRAIO) S IBNMOLD=$S(IBCOB="P":"Primary",IBCOB="S":"Secondary",IBCOB="T":"Tertiary",IBCOB="A":"Patient",1:"")_$S(IBMRAO:"-MRA Only",1:"") S IBINSOLD=$G(^DIC(36,$S(IB("MP"):+IB("MP"),IBMRAO:IBMRAIO,1:0),0)) ; NEXTP ; If current bill=MEDICARE WNR and valid 'next payer', use same ; bill for new payer ; If next valid 'payer' is ins co or MEDICARE WNR, create new bill S IBCOBN=IBCOBN+1,IBNM=$S(IBCOBN=2:"Secondary Payer",IBCOBN=3:"Tertiary Payer",1:"") ; I IBNM="" S IBER=$P(IB(0),U,1)_" is a "_IBNMOLD_" bill, there is no next bill in the series." D ERROR G ASK1 ; S IBX=+$P(IB("M1"),U,(4+IBCOBN)),IBY=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBX,0)),IBCOBIL(+IBIFN)="" ; I $P(IBY,U,13)=7 S IBER="The "_$P(IBNM," ",1)_" bill "_$P(IBY,U,1)_" has been cancelled." D ERROR S IBX="" ; I +IBX,$D(IBCOBIL(+IBX)) S IBER="Next bill in series can not be determined." D ERROR G ASK1 I +IBX S IBER=$P(IBNM," ",1)_" bill already defined for this series: "_$P(IBY,U,1) D ERROR S IBIFN=IBX G ASK1 ; S IBINSN=$P(IB("M"),U,IBCOBN) I 'IBINSN S IBER="There is no "_IBNM_" for "_$P(IB(0),U,1)_"." D ERROR G ASK1 S IBINS=$G(^DIC(36,+IBINSN,0)) I IBINS="" S IBER="The "_IBNM_" for "_$P(IB(0),U,1)_" is not a valid Insurance Co." D ERROR G ASK1 ; S IBMRA=0 I $P(IBINS,U,2)="N" S IBQ=0 D G:IBQ NEXTP . I $$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(IBINSN) D Q .. ; Check if a valid tert ins if MCR WNR secondary .. I IBCOBN'>2 D ... N Z ... S Z=+$P(IB("M"),U,IBCOBN+1) ... I Z,$D(^DIC(36,Z,0)),$P(^(0),U,2)'="N" S IBMRA=1,IBNM=$P(IBNM," ")_"-MRA.Only" .. I 'IBMRA S IBER="MEDICARE will not reimburse and no further valid insurance for bill" D ERROR S IBQ=1 . S IBER=$P(IB(0),U,1)_" "_IBNM_", "_$P(IBINS,U,1)_", will not Reimburse" D ERROR S IBQ=1 ; ; If processing in silent mode, skip over the following reads I $G(IBSILENT) G SKIP ; W !! S DIR("?")="Enter Yes to "_$S('$G(IBMRAO):"create a new bill in the bill series for this care. The new bill will be the "_$P(IBNM," ")_" bill ",1:"enter the MRA information and change the payer to the "_$P($P(IBNM,"-")," ")_" payer ") S DIR("?")=DIR("?")_$S('IBMRA:"with the "_IBNM_" responsible for payment.",1:"and will request an MRA from MEDICARE.") S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")=$S('$G(IBMRAO):"Copy "_$P(IB(0),U,1)_" for a bill to the ",1:"Change payer on bill "_$P(IB(0),U,1)_" to ")_IBNM_", "_$P(IBINS,U,1) D ^DIR K DIR I Y'=1 S IBSECHK=1 G ASK1 ; W ! S IBQ=0 I '$G(IBMRAO) D G:IBQ ASK1 . N Z . S DIR("?")="Enter the amount of the payment from the payer of the "_IBNMOLD_" bill." . S DIR("?")=DIR("?")_" This will be added to the new bill as a prior payment and subtracted from the charges due for the new bill." . S DIR("A")="Prior Payment from "_$P(IB(0),U,1)_" "_IBNMOLD_" Payer, "_$P(IBINSOLD,U,1)_": " . S Z=$$EOBTOT^IBCEU1(IBIFN,$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN)) . S:Z DIR("B")=Z . S DIR(0)="NOA^0:99999999:2" . D ^DIR K DIR I Y=""!$D(DIRUT) S IBQ=1 . K IBCOB . S IBCOB("U2",IBCOBN+2)=Y . Q ; SKIP ; Jump here if skipping over the preceeding reads ; ; If payer is Medicare (WNR) update payer sequence and quit I IBMRAO D G END . N IBPRTOT,IBTOTCHG,IBPTRESP . S IBTOTCHG=0 . ; Get Total Charges from BILLS/CLAIMS (#399) file . S IBTOTCHG=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"U1")),U,1) . ; Calculate Patient Responsibility for Bill . S IBPTRESP=$$PREOBTOT^IBCEU0(IBIFN) . ; Calculate Patient Primary/Secondary Prior Payment (field 218 or 219 of File 399) . ; These fields are stored in DGCR(399,IBIFN,"U2") pieces 4 and 5 respectively . ; Calculate: Prior Payment= Total Submitted Charges - Patient Responsibility . S IBPRTOT=IBTOTCHG-IBPTRESP . I IBPRTOT<0 S IBPRTOT=0 ; don't allow negative prior payment or offset . S IBCOB("U2",IBCOBN+2)=IBPRTOT . D COBCHG^IBCCC2(IBIFN,IBMRAIO,.IBCOB) . D STAT^IBCEMU2(IBIFN,1.5,1) ; mra eob status update . I $G(IBSILENT) S IBERRMSG="" . Q ; ; We should NOT get to here in silent mode .... just in case I $G(IBSILENT) G END ; currently only MCRWNR in silent mode ; ; Payer is not Medicare (WNR) - Perform additional steps S IBCOB(0,15)="" S IBCOB(0,21)=$S(IBCOBN=2:"S",IBCOBN=3:"T",1:"") I IBCOB(0,21)="" G END S IBCOB("M1",IBCOBN+3)=IBIFN S IBIDS(.15)=IBIFN D KVAR G STEP2^IBCCC ; END ; Q ; ; ASK1 ; If entering thru EDI COB processing, don't ask for new bill, quit I $G(IBCBASK) G EXIT G ASK ; ERROR ; Display/Save error message I '$G(IBSILENT) W !,IBER,! E S IBERRMSG=IBER S IBER="" I $D(IBSECHK) S IBSECHK=1 Q ; EXIT K IBCAN,IBCOB,IBU KVAR K IBX,IBY,IBI,IBIFN,DFN,IBDT,IB,IBCOBN,IBNMOLD,IBINSOLD,IBNM,IBINSN,IBINS,IBER,DIR,IBAC,IBAC1,IBV,X,Y,IBDATA,IBT,IBND0,DIRUT,IBCOBIL,IBMRA,IBMRAI,IBMRAO,IBMRAIO,IBCBCOPY K ^UTILITY($J) Q ; DSPRB(IBIFN) ; display related bills ; D DSPRB^IBCCCB0(IBIFN) ; Code moved for size too big Q ; ; ============== ; ; Copy a bill for Reasonable Charges without cancelling it, update certain fields ; ; there is always both inpt inst (created first) and prof charges, always need both bills ; there may be both outpt inst (created first) and prof charges, may not need both bills ; if billing by episode rather than by day (current standard) then may need multiple prof bills per day ; ; Inst bills are copied to create prof Bills automatically ; Subsequent prof bills may be created if the user wants them ; ; Only the first bill in the COB series of bills should be copied for the next prof bill ; The primary inst bill should be copied to get the secondary inst bill ; The primary prof bill should be copied to get the secondary prof bill ; CTCOPY(IBIFN,IBMRA) ; based on the type of bill, copy without cancelling ; IBMRA = 1 if an MRA bill and copy for prof components is desired ; D CTCOPY^IBCCCB0(IBIFN,$G(IBMRA)) ;Moved due to routine size Q ;