IBCE837B ;ALB/TMP - OUTPUT FOR 837 TRANSMISSION (cont) ;24-APR-01 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137,191,197,320**;21-MAR-94 ; QTXMT(IBSITE8) ; Run now or queue EDI bill transmit (part of nightly job) ; IBSITE8 = the '8' node of the site parameters file (350.9) I $P(IBSITE8,U,6)="" D . D EN1("",1) E D . N Z,Z0 . F Z=1:1:4 S Z0=$P($P(IBSITE8,U,6),";",Z) Q:Z0="" D .. S IBQDT=$S($E(($$NOW^XLFDT()#1*10000\1)_"0000",1,4)>Z0:$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,1),1:DT)_"."_Z0 ; If time to queue is after the current time, queue for the next day .. D EN1("",1,+IBQDT) Q ; EN1(IBZTSK,IBNOASK,IBQDT,IBABORT) ;Txmit 837's for bills waiting transmission ; Pass IBZTSK by ref to get task # if job is tasked ; IBNOASK = flag: 0 = ask to queue, 1 = no ask to queue ; IBQDT = if IBNOASK=1, this can be the date/time to queue the job ; Pass IBABORT by reference to determine if user aborted process N Z S Z=$O(^IBE(353,"B","IB 837 TRANSMISSION",0)),Z=$S($P($G(^IBE(353,+Z,2)),U,8):$P(^(2),U,8),1:Z) I Z D . I $D(^TMP("IBRESUBMIT",$J))!($G(IBNOASK)) D FORM^IBCEFG7(Z,$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,8)),U),+$G(IBNOASK),$S($G(IBNOASK):$G(IBQDT),1:""),.IBZTSK,.IBABORT) Q . D FORM^IBCEFG7(Z,$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,8)),U),+$G(IBNOASK),$S($G(IBNOASK):$G(IBQDT),1:""),"",.IBABORT) Q ;