IBCEBUL ;ALB/TMP - 837 EDI SPECIAL BULLETINS PROCESSING ;19-SEP-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137,250,377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; NOTSENT ; Check for batches in pending status (no confirmation from Austin) ; from yesterday or before N XMTO,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,XMDUZ,IBT,IB,IBE,IBCT,IBI,IB0,IB1,Z,IBTYP K ^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT") S (IBCT,IBI)=0 F S IBI=$O(^IBA(364.1,"ASTAT","P",IBI)) Q:'IBI D . I $$BCHCHK(IBI) Q ; Batch check function . S IBCT=IBCT+1 . S IBTYP=$P($G(^IBA(364.1,IBI,0)),U,7) . I IBCT'>10,IBTYP'="" S ^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT",IBTYP,IBI)="" . Q ; I IBCT D .S IBT(1)="There are "_IBCT_" EDI batch(es) still pending Austin receipt " .S IBT(2)="for more than 1 day. Please investigate why they have not yet been confirmed" .S IBT(3)="as being received by Austin." .S IBT(4)=" " .I IBCT>10 S IBT(5)="Since there were more than 10 batches found, please run the ",IBT(6)=" EDI BATCHES PENDING RECEIPT report to get a list of these batches." .I IBCT'>10 D ..S IBT(5)=" BATCH # PENDING SINCE MAIL MESSAGE #",IBT(6)="",$P(IBT(6),"-",76)="",IBT(6)=" "_IBT(6),IBE=6 ..S IBTYP="" ..F S IBTYP=$O(^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT",IBTYP)) Q:IBTYP="" D ...S Z=$$EXPAND^IBTRE(364.1,.07,IBTYP) S:Z="" Z="??" ...I $O(^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT",IBTYP),-1)'="" S IBE=IBE+1,IBT(IBE)=" " ...S IBE=IBE+1,IBT(IBE)=" BATCH TYPE: "_Z ...S IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT",IBTYP,IBI)) Q:'IBI D ....S IBE=IBE+1,IB0=$G(^IBA(364.1,IBI,0)),IB1=$G(^(1)) ....S IBT(IBE)=" "_$E($P(IB0,U)_$J("",10),1,10)_" "_$E($$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IB1,U,6),1)_$J("",20),1,20)_" "_$P(IB0,U,4),IBE=IBE+1,IBT(IBE)=$J("",8)_$E($P(IB0,U,8),1,72) .S XMSUBJ="EDI BATCHES WAITING AUSTIN RECEIPT FOR OVER 1 DAY",XMBODY="IBT",XMDUZ="",XMTO("I:G.IB EDI")="" .D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO) K ^TMP($J,"IBNOTSENT") Q ; UPDBCH(BCHIEN) ; update the status of this batch to show A0:received in Austin NEW DIE,DA,DR S DIE=364.1,DA=+BCHIEN,DR=".02///A0" I $D(^IBA(DIE,DA,0)) D ^DIE UPDBCHX ; Q ; BCHCHK(BCHIEN) ; This function will check the EDI claims associated with this ; batch and determine if this batch has been received in Austin or not. ; ; ** This function is also called by routine IBCERP3 ** ; ; Function value = 1 if we can determine that the batch was received in Austin, or ; = 1 if there are no claims in this batch, or ; = 1 if the batch is less than 24 hours old - too new to worry about ; = 1 means don't display on report or MailMan message ; ; Function value = 0 if the batch has not yet been received in Austin ; = 0 means we need to display batch on report and in MailMan message ; NEW IBEDI,IBOK,IBZ,IBIFN,IB0,AR,IBSECS S IBEDI=0,IBOK=1,BCHIEN=+$G(BCHIEN) ; ; if the batch transmission is still less than 24 hours old, skip this batch and get out S IBSECS=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,$P($G(^IBA(364.1,BCHIEN,1)),U,6),2) I IBSECS<86400 G BCHCHKX ; # seconds in a day ; ; if no edi claims in this batch, update batch status and get out I '$O(^IBA(364,"C",BCHIEN,0)) D UPDBCH(BCHIEN) G BCHCHKX ; F S IBEDI=$O(^IBA(364,"C",BCHIEN,IBEDI)) Q:'IBEDI D Q:'IBOK . S IBZ=$G(^IBA(364,IBEDI,0)) . S IBIFN=+IBZ,IB0=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)) . I $P(IB0,U,13)=7 Q ; cancelled in IB . I $P(IBZ,U,3)'="P" Q ; edi claim status is not pending . S AR=$P($$BILL^RCJIBFN2(IBIFN),U,2) ; AR status DBIA 1452 . I $F(".22.26.39.","."_AR_".") Q ; collected/closed or cancelled . ; . ; if we get to this point, then we have found an EDI claim in this batch . ; that is not cancelled in IB, the EDI claim status is "P", and the . ; AR status is not collected/closed nor cancelled in AR. So therefore . ; this claim didn't get to Austin, so the batch didn't get to Austin. . S IBOK=0 . Q ; ; If we find the batch has been received in Austin, then change the batch status. I IBOK D UPDBCH(BCHIEN) ; BCHCHKX ; Q IBOK ;