IBCEF1 ;ALB/TMP - FORMATTER SPECIFIC BILL FUNCTIONS - CONT ;30-JAN-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,124,51,137,210,155,349,371**;21-MAR-94;Build 57 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; OCC(IBIFN,REL,TEXT) ;Sets up an arrays of occurrence codes for various cks ;RETURNS 1^additional data for entry IBXSAVE("OCC",n) if REL or TEXT ; parameters have been met or null if conditions not met ;If no REL or TEXT parameters sent, just extract codes array ; IBIFN = bill ien ; REL = 'OCC RELATED TO' value to check for ; TEXT = text to check for the .01 field of 399.1 entry pointed to ; by the occurrence code N OCC,SORT,ARR,N,DATA,CODE,CT I '$D(IBXSAVE("OCC")),'$D(IBXSAVE("OCCS")) D .N IBI,Z,CT1,CT2,Z0 S (IBI,CT1,CT2)=0 .F S IBI=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"OC",IBI)) Q:'IBI S Z=$G(^(IBI,0)) D ..S Z0=$G(^DGCR(399.1,+Z,0)) ..Q:'$P(Z0,U,10)&'$P(Z0,U,4) ;Not an occurrence code ..I $P(Z0,U,10) S CT2=CT2+1,IBXSAVE("OCCS",CT2)=$S($P(Z0,U,4):$P(Z0,U,2)_U_$P(Z,U,2),1:U)_U_$P(Z,U,4)_U_$P(Z0,U)_U_$P(Z0,U,9)_U_$P(Z,U,3)_U_$P(Z,U,2) ..I '$P(Z0,U,10) S CT1=CT1+1,IBXSAVE("OCC",CT1)=$S($P(Z0,U,4):$P(Z0,U,2)_U_$P(Z,U,2),1:U)_U_U_$P(Z0,U)_U_$P(Z0,U,9)_U_$P(Z,U,3)_U_$P(Z,U,2) I '$D(IBXSAVE("OCC"))&'$D(IBXSAVE("OCCS")) S IBXSAVE("OCC")="" G OCCQ ; ; esg - IB*2*349 - order the occurrence codes ; Build the SORT array sorted by the occ code F ARR="OCC","OCCS" S N=0 F S N=$O(IBXSAVE(ARR,N)) Q:'N S DATA=$G(IBXSAVE(ARR,N)) I $P(DATA,U,1)'="" S CODE=" "_$P(DATA,U,1),SORT(ARR,CODE,N)=DATA ; Loop thru the SORT array and re-build the IBXSAVE array F ARR="OCC","OCCS" K IBXSAVE(ARR) S CODE="",CT=0 F S CODE=$O(SORT(ARR,CODE)) Q:CODE="" S N=0 F S N=$O(SORT(ARR,CODE,N)) Q:'N S CT=CT+1,IBXSAVE(ARR,CT)=SORT(ARR,CODE,N) ; I $G(REL)'=""!($G(TEXT)'="") D OCC1("",.OCC,$G(REL),$G(TEXT)) D:'$D(OCC) OCC1("S",.OCC,$G(REL),$G(TEXT)) OCCQ Q $G(OCC) ; OCC1(ARR,OCC,REL,TEXT) ; Search thru local array for parameters met ; ARR = null to search OCC subscript, "S" to search OCCS subscript N Z S ARR="OCC"_ARR,Z=0 F S Z=$O(IBXSAVE(ARR,Z)) Q:'Z D .I $G(REL)'="",$P(IBXSAVE(ARR,Z),U,5)=REL S OCC="1"_$S(REL=2:U_$P(IBXSAVE(ARR,Z),U,6),1:"") Q .I $G(TEXT)'="",$P(IBXSAVE(ARR,Z),U,4)=TEXT S OCC="1^"_$P(IBXSAVE(ARR,Z),U,7) Q ; RX(IBIFN) ; Format billable prescription data for refills for 837 N Z,IBXDATA,CT I '$D(IBXSAVE("BOX24")) D B24^IBCEF3(.IBXSAVE,IBIFN,1) S Z="",CT=0 F S Z=$O(IBXSAVE("BOX24",Z)) Q:Z="" I $D(IBXSAVE("BOX24",Z,"RX")) S CT=CT+1,IBXDATA(Z)=IBXSAVE("BOX24",Z,"RX") RXQ Q CT ; OTHPAY(IBIFN,SEQ) ; Return the other insurance payment amount for bill ; IBIFN and payer sequence SEQ (1-3) N AMT,IBIFN1 S IBIFN1=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"M1")),U,SEQ+4) I IBIFN1 D . I $$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(+$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I"_SEQ))) S AMT=$$MCRPAY^IBCEU0(IBIFN) Q . S AMT=+$$TPR^PRCAFN(IBIFN1) Q:AMT ; A/R amount . S AMT=+$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"U2")),U,SEQ+3) ; amount on bill Q $G(AMT) ; OUTPT(IBIFN,IBPRINT) ; Moved for space D OUTPT^IBCEF11(IBIFN,$G(IBPRINT)) Q ; OCC92 ;Reformats IBXSAVE("OCC") and IBXSAVE("OCCS") to fit blocks on UB-04 ; Set up IBXSAVE(32-36) arrays N IBPG,IB32,IB33,IB34,IB35,IB36,IBFL,Z,Z0,PG S IBPG=0 F Z=32:1:36 K IBFL(Z) S IBFL(Z)=0 M IB32=IBXSAVE("OCC"),IB36=IBXSAVE("OCCS") S IB32=$O(IB32(""),-1),IB36=$O(IB36(""),-1),PG=1 D OCC^IBCF32 F Z=32:1:36 S Z0="" F S Z0=$O(IBFL(Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S IBXSAVE("OC92",Z,Z0)=$P(IBFL(Z,Z0),U,1,3) Q ; BATCH() ; Moved for space IB*2*349 Q $$BATCH^IBCEF11() ; PROC(T,TYPE) ; Find procedure code, strip '.' Function returns result ; T = Procedure internal entry #;file reference ; TYPE = "CPT" for only CPT/HCPCS valid ; "ICD" for only ICD9 valid or null for either N Q,S S Q="",S="^"_$P($P(T,";",2),"(") I $G(TYPE)="" D . I $E(S,2,3)="IC" S Q=$P($$PRCD(T),U) Q . I T["DIC(81.3" S Q=$$MOD^ICPTMOD(+T,"I") S Q=$S(Q>0:$P(Q,U,4),1:"") I $G(TYPE)="CPT",$E(S,2,3)="IC" S Q=$$PRCD(T) Q I $G(TYPE)="ICD",T["ICD0" S Q=$P($$ICD0^IBACSV(+T),U) Q $TR(Q,".") ; FACILITY(IBIFN) ;return the Facility (Institution pointer-#4) for a bill ; the institution of the Bill Division (399,.22) if defined, otherwise the Facility Name (350.9,.02) ; N IB0,IBIN S IBIN=0 S IB0=$G(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),0)) I +$P(IB0,U,22) S IBIN=$$SITE^VASITE(+$P(IB0,U,3),+$P(IB0,U,22)) I IBIN'>0 S IBIN=+$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,0)),U,2) Q +IBIN ; ISRX(IBIFN) ; Function to determine if bill is a prescription refill bill ; Returns 0 if no Rx on bill or 1 if there is. ; N IBRX I $D(^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_IBIFN)) S IBRX=1 Q +$G(IBRX) ; ISPROS(IBIFN) ; Function to determine if bill is a prosthetics bill ; Returns 0 if no Prosthetics on bill or 1 if there is. ; N IBPROS I $D(^IBA(362.5,"AIFN"_IBIFN)) S IBPROS=1 Q +$G(IBPROS) ; FINDINS(IBIFN,IBSEQ) ; Returns the internal entry number of the insurance ; company for bill ien IBIFN for payer sequence IBSEQ (or current if ; IBSEQ is null) Q $P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I"_$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN,$G(IBSEQ)))),U) ; TOB(IBIFN) ; Returns UB-04 type of bill from data in the output formatter N IBTOB,IBZ1,IBZ2,IBZ3 D F^IBCEF("N-UB-04 LOCATION OF CARE","IBZ1",,IBIFN) D F^IBCEF("N-UB-04 BILL CLASSIFICATION","IBZ2",,IBIFN) D F^IBCEF("N-UB-04 TIMEFRAME OF BILL","IBZ3",,IBIFN) S IBTOB=IBZ1_IBZ2_IBZ3 Q IBTOB ; PRCD(PRIEN,ALL,EDT) ; Function returns the code that corresponds to the variable ; pointer data in PRIEN (ien;file) ; ALL = if ALL=1, returns the entire $$CPT^ICPTCOD for CPT or ; ^code^name format for ICD result ; or null if lookup fails ; EDT = Effective date to check (not used if +$G(ALL)=0) N CODE,IBX S CODE="" ;Modified for Code Set Versioning I PRIEN["ICPT" S IBX=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(+PRIEN,$G(EDT)) G:IBX'>0 PRCDQ S CODE=$S($G(ALL):IBX,1:$P(IBX,U,2)) I PRIEN["ICD0" S IBX=$$ICD0^IBACSV(+PRIEN,$G(EDT)) G:IBX="" PRCDQ S CODE=$S($G(ALL):U_$P(IBX,U)_U_$P(IBX,U,4),1:$P(IBX,U)) PRCDQ Q CODE ; NFT(FT,IBIFN) ; Returns 1 if bill IBIFN is not of form type FT (internal) ; so the data element should not be required S FT=$S($$FT^IBCEF(IBIFN)=FT:0,1:1) Q FT ; REQ(FT,INP,IBIFN) ; Determine if bill IBIFN is of form type FT and ; Inpatient (I) or Outpatient (O) status INP [or either if (null)] ; ;Returns 1 if both conditions FT and INP match for the bill ; or 0 if either of these conditions are not true ; I $$REQ^IBCEF1(2,"I",1) would mean if bill entry #1 is ; CMS-1500/inpatient the data would be required ; I '$$REQ^IBCEF1(2,"I",1) would mean if bill entry #1 is anything but ; CMS-1500/inpatient, the data would not be ; required N Z S Z=1 S:$$NFT(FT,IBIFN) Z=0 ; Not the form type for requirement I Z,$G(INP)'="" D . S Z0=$$INPAT^IBCEF(IBIFN,1),INP=$G(INP) . S Z=$S(Z0:INP="I",1:INP="O") ;Check if I/O matches required state Q Z ; SET1(IBIFN,A,IBZ,IBXDATA,IBXNOREQ) ; Utility to set variables for output ; formatter for professional EDI ; Returns values of A, IBXDATA, IBZ, IBXNOREQ N Z,CT S A="^TMP($J,""IBLCT"")" S (Z,CT)=0 F S Z=$O(IBXDATA(Z)) Q:'Z D ; Don't transmit 0-charges . I $P(IBXDATA(Z),U,9),$P(IBXDATA(Z),U,8) S CT=CT+1 M IBZ(CT)=IBXDATA(Z) K IBXDATA S IBXNOREQ='$$REQ(2,"O",IBIFN) Q ; CIADDR(IBXDATA,IBXSAVE,LINE,FORM) ; Format current ins co address line LINE for FORM ; FORM = 1 for CMS-1500, 2 for UB-04 ; Called from output formatter - both IBXDATA, IBXSAVE parameters are ; passed by reference ; K IBXDATA I $G(FORM)'=1 D . ; . ; esg - 11/17/06 - IB*2*349 - UB-04 FL-38 contains the payer name . ; and address on 4 lines within this 5 line box. All 5 lines . ; are formatted here into the IBXDATA array. This is the . ; address that shows through the envelope window. . ; . ; esg - 9/13/07 - IB*2*371 - Line 1 of this box contains the print . ; status (i.e. copy, 2nd notice, 3rd notice, MRA needed). . ; . N Z,Z1,LM,Q,ADDR,X,IBPSTAT . S LM=$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,1)),U,31) ; UB address column parameter . S Z="" . I LM S $P(Z," ",LM)="" ; beginning spaces indent . S ADDR=$G(IBXSAVE("CADR")) ; address data string . ; . D F^IBCEF("N-PRINT BILL SUBMIT STATUS","IBPSTAT",,+$G(IBXIEN)) . S Z1=Z I Z1="" S Z1=" " ; line 1 can't start in column 1 . S IBXDATA(1)=Z1_$G(IBPSTAT),Q=1 ; line 1 print status . S Q=Q+1 . S IBXDATA(Q)=Z_$G(IBXSAVE("CADR_NAME")) ; line 2 payer name . S X=$P(ADDR,U,1) . I X'="" S Q=Q+1,IBXDATA(Q)=Z_X ; address line 1 . S X=$P(ADDR,U,2) . I X'="" S Q=Q+1,IBXDATA(Q)=Z_X D ; address line 2 .. S X=$P(ADDR,U,3) .. I X'="" S IBXDATA(Q)=IBXDATA(Q)_" "_X ; address line 3 .. Q . S Q=Q+1 ; city,st,zip on last line . S IBXDATA(Q)=Z_$P(ADDR,U,4)_", "_$$STATE^IBCEFG1($P(ADDR,U,5))_" "_$P(ADDR,U,6) . KILL IBXSAVE("CADR_NAME"),IBXSAVE("CADR") ; cleanup . Q ; I $G(FORM)=1 D ; CMS-1500 . N CT,X,Z . S:'$D(IBXSAVE("INDENT")) Z="",$P(Z," ",+$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,1)),U,27)+1)="",IBXSAVE("INDENT")=Z . S CT=0 . S X=$P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U) S:X'="" CT=CT+1,IBXDATA(CT)=IBXSAVE("INDENT")_X . S X=$S($P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,2)'="":$P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,2),1:"")_$S($P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,2)'="":" ",1:"")_$P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,3) S:X'="" CT=CT+1,IBXDATA(CT)=IBXSAVE("INDENT")_X . S CT=CT+1,IBXDATA(CT)=IBXSAVE("INDENT")_$P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,4)_", "_$$STATE^IBCEFG1($P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,5))_" "_$P(IBXSAVE("CADR"),U,6) . Q ; Q ;