IBCEF2 ;ALB/TMP - FORMATTER SPECIFIC BILL FUNCTIONS ;8/6/03 10:54am ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,85,51,137,232,155,296,349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; HOS(IBIFN) ; Extract rev codes for inst. episode into IBXDATA ; Moved for space D HOS^IBCEF22(IBIFN) Q ; OTHINS(IBIFN) ;Determine 'other insurance' node (I1,I2) ; If primary bill, other ins is secondary ; If sec or tert bill, other ins is primary ;IBIFN = bill ien N Z S Z=$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN) Q "I"_$S(Z=1:2,1:1) ; OTHINS1(IBIFN) ; Returns the COB #'s of all 'other insurance' as a string ;IBIFN = bill ien N IBC,Z S Z=$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN) I Z=1 S IBC=$S($D(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I2")):$S($D(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I3")):23,1:2),1:"") ;Primary=>2 or 23 I Z=2 S IBC="1"_$S($D(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I3")):3,1:"") ;Secondary=>1 or 13 I Z=3 S IBC="12" ;Tertiary =>12 OTHQ Q IBC ; RECVR(IBIFN) ; Returns the V.A. internal routing id of the current ins ; co for 837 ;IBIFN = bill ien N MCR,NUM,IBPH S IBPH=$P("P^H",U,$$FT^IBCEF(IBIFN)-1) S NUM="ENVOY"_IBPH ; If rate type is CHAMPVA, send 'CHAMVA' I $P($G(^DGCR(399.3,+$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,7),0)),U)="CHAMPVA" S NUM="CHAMV"_IBPH I NUM["ENVOY",$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(+$$CURR(IBIFN)) D . S MCR=$P("B^A",U,$$FT^IBCEF(IBIFN)-1) ; PART A/B for MEDICARE . S NUM="PART"_MCR Q NUM ; ALLPAYID(IBIFN,IBXDATA,SEQ) ; Returns clearinghouse id for all (SEQ="") ; or a specific (SEQ=1,2,3) ins co's for 837 in IBXDATA(n) for bill ien ; IBIFN ; EJK *296* Add IBMRA - MRA Claim type. ; EJK *296* Add IBEBI - Electronic Billing ID N Z,Z0,Z1,A,IBM,IBINST,IBMCR,IBX,IBMRA,IBEBI S IBXDATA="",IBM=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"M")) F Z=1:1:3 I $S('$G(SEQ):1,1:Z=SEQ) S Z0=$P(IBM,U,Z) I Z0 D S:A'="" IBXDATA(Z)=A . S A="" . S IBINST=($$FT^IBCEF(IBIFN)=3) ;Is bill UB-04? . ; EJK *296* Get IBEBI based on Prof. or Inst. claim . I IBINST S IBEBI=$P($G(^DIC(36,Z0,3)),U,4) . I 'IBINST S IBEBI=$P($G(^DIC(36,Z0,3)),U,2) . S IBEBI=$$UP^XLFSTR(IBEBI) . ; EJK *296* If this is a Medicare claim, it may be printed or transmitted. . S IBMRA=$$MRASEC^IBCEF4(IBIFN) ;Is claim 2ndary to an MRA? . S IBMCR=$$MCRONBIL^IBEFUNC(IBIFN),Z1=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"TX")) . Q:$P(Z1,U,8)=1!$S('$P(Z1,U,9):0,1:$$MRASEC^IBCEF4(IBIFN)) ;Force local prnt . S A=$S($P(Z1,U,8)'=2:$P($G(^DIC(36,Z0,3)),U,$S(IBINST:4,1:2)),1:"") . S A=$$UP^XLFSTR(A) . ; . ; RPRNT = CMS-1500 Rx bills . ; IPRNT = Inst MRA secondary claims . ; PPRNT = Prof MRA secondary claims . ; HPRNT = inst printed bills (non-MRA, force print at clearinghouse) . ; SPRNT = prof printed bills (non-MRA, force print at clearinghouse) . ; . ; Default to appropriate 'xPRNT' if Rx bill or COB bill or forced to . ; print - claims must print at clearinghouse . ; . ; Rx bills on CMS-1500 . I 'IBINST,$$ISRX^IBCEF1(IBIFN) S A="RPRNT" Q . ; . ; Claim forced to print at clearinghouse . I $P(Z1,U,8)=2 S A=$S(IBINST:"H",1:"S")_"PRNT" Q . ; . ; EJK *296* Send IBEBI for MRA secondary claims if it exists . I Z>1,IBMRA,IBEBI'="" S A=IBEBI Q . ; . ; MRA secondary claim . I Z>1,IBMCR=1,$P(Z1,U,5)="C" S A=$S(IBINST:"I",1:"P")_"PRNT" Q . ; . ; Medicare is current payer (MRA request claim) . I $$WNRBILL^IBEFUNC(IBIFN,Z) S A=$S(IBINST:"12M61",1:"SMTX1") Q . ; . ; IB*296 - Do not modify the payer ID for CHAMPVA (HAC) . I A=84146 Q . I A=84147 Q . ; . ; If not a primary bill force to print . I Z>1,Z=$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN) S A=$S(IBINST:"H",1:"S")_"PRNT" Q . Q ; Q ; PAYERID(IBIFN) ; Returns clearinghouse id for current ins co ; IBIFN = bill ien N NUM,IBSEQ ; Determine the current ins co's # to identify at WEBMD ; Envoy changed to WEBMD in patch 232 S IBSEQ=+$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN) D ALLPAYID(IBIFN,.NUM,IBSEQ) S NUM=$G(NUM(IBSEQ)) Q $G(NUM) ; CURR(IBIFN) ; Returns ien of the current insurance ; company for bill ien IBIFN Q $$FINDINS^IBCEF1(IBIFN) ; ADMDT(IBIFN,NOOUTCK) ; Calculate admission/start of care date/time D ADMDT^IBCEF21(IBIFN,$G(NOOUTCK)) ; Moved for space Q ; DISDT(IBIFN) ; Calculate discharge date D DISDT^IBCEF21(IBIFN) ; Moved for space Q ; INDTS(IBIFN) ; Function returns the admit ^ discharge date/time of admission if patient is an inpatient on bill's event date N Z,Z0,DFN,VAINDT,VAIN S Z0="" S Z=$G(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),0)),DFN=$P(Z,U,2),VAINDT=$P(Z,U,3) I +DFN,+VAINDT D INP^VADPT I +VAIN(1) S Z0=+VAIN(7)_U_+$G(^DGPM(+$P($G(^DGPM(+VAIN(1),0)),U,17),0)) Q Z0 ; TXMT(IBIFN) ; Function moved - use new call in IBCEF4 Q $$TXMT^IBCEF4(IBIFN) ; ; ID(LN,VAL) ; Set EXTRACT GLOBAL for multi-valued record ; ids for Austin ; LN = the line # being extracted ; VAL = the value of the element being extracted ; ; Assumes IBXPG exists ; Q:LN<2 D SETGBL^IBCEFG(IBXPG,LN,1,VAL,.IBXSIZE) Q ; ID1(LN,DX,CT) ;Special entrypoint for diagnoses to 'save' the fact ; a dx code is an e-code. ; LN is last entry # output, returned as the entry # (IBXLINE) to assign to this entry ; DX = the actual Dx code array(RECORD ID). Pass by reference, DX returned null if ; dx was not output ; CT = the ct on the 'DC' entry. pass by reference, returned null if ; the end of the valid dx codes has been reached N IBINS,VAL S IBINS=($$FT^IBCEF(IBXIEN)=3) S VAL="DC"_CT ; **232** S VAL=$E(VAL_" ",1,4) I IBINS D . I CT>8 S CT="" Q ;Only 8 codes for institutional/UB **232** . ; Check for 'E-code'. If there, don't extract the first one as a dx, . ; but as a special E-code . I $G(IBXSAVE("DX-E"))="",$E($G(DX))="E" S IBXSAVE("DX-E")=DX,DX="" I 'IBINS,CT>8 S ^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN)=$G(^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN))+1,^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN,$P(DX(+^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN)),U,2))=$G(^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN)) S DX="" Q I CT'="",DX'="" S LN=LN+1 D ID(LN,VAL) S ^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN,$P(DX(LN),U,2))=LN,^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J,"DX",IBXIEN)=CT,CT=CT+1 Q Q ; M(CT) ; Calculate multi-valued field for 837 extract ; CT = passed by reference/the record ID counter S CT=CT+1 Q $E(CT#12+$S(CT#12:0,1:12)_" ",1,2) ; SVITM(IBA,LINE) ; Saves the linked items from the bill data extract into ; an array the formatter will use to link Rxs and prosthetics ; to an SV1 or SV2 line item, if possible. Kills off IBA array entries ; after they are 'moved' ; IBA = array that contains the data to be saved ; subscripts are (line #,item type,item pointer)=ct N Z0,Z1 S Z0="" F S Z0=$O(IBA("OUTPT",LINE,Z0)) Q:Z0="" I Z0?1N.N S Z1="" F S Z1=$O(IBA("OUTPT",LINE,Z0,Z1)) Q:Z1="" S ^TMP($J,"IBITEM",Z0,Z1,LINE)=IBA("OUTPT",LINE,Z0,Z1) K IBA("OUTPT",LINE,Z0,Z1) Q ; LINK(IBTYP,IBDATA) ; Link the item with a service line, if possible ; IBTYP = the code for the type of item ; returned incremented if no link is made ; IBDATA = the extracted data string that identifies the item. ; Returns the line to link to or null if no link N IBLN,IBKEY,Z S IBLN="" S IBKEY=$S(IBTYP=3:$P(IBDATA,U,9),IBTYP=5:$P(IBDATA,U,4),1:"") Q:IBKEY="" I $D(^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY)) D G:IBLN LINKQ .S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)) Q:'Z I ^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z) S IBLN=Z,^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)=^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)-1 Q I $D(^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,0)) S IBKEY=0 D .S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)) Q:'Z I ^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z) S IBLN=Z,^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)=^TMP($J,"IBITEM",IBTYP,IBKEY,Z)-1 Q LINKQ Q IBLN ; COID(IBIFN) ; Claim office ID - moved for space Q $$COID^IBCEF21(IBIFN) ; PPOL(IBIFN,COB) ; return IFN of patient policy on a bill defined by COB (fields 399,112-114) N X,Y,PPOL S PPOL="" I +$G(IBIFN) S X=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"M")) I +$G(COB),COB<4 S Y=COB+11,PPOL=$P(X,U,Y) Q PPOL ; LADJ(SUB,LINE,SEQ1,GRP,IBXSAVE,PIECE) ; Extract line level adjustments ; SUB = 1st subscript in IBXSAVE array to use ; LINE = 2nd subscript ; SEQ1 = 4th subscript ; GRP = 5th subscript ; IBXSAVE = array that has the data for COB line level adjustments ; PIECE = # of the piece on the 0-node of the line level ; adjustment reason to be extracted ; N A,B S (A,B)=0 F S A=$O(IBXSAVE(SUB,LINE,"COB",SEQ1,GRP,A)) Q:'A D . S B=B+1,IBXDATA(B)=$P(IBXSAVE(SUB,LINE,"COB",SEQ1,GRP,A),U,PIECE) Q ; ESGHPST(IBIFN,COB) ; return insureds employ status if bill policy defined by COB is an Employer Sponsored Group Health Plan Q $$ESGHPST^IBCEF21(IBIFN,COB) ;Tag moved ; ESGHPNL(IBIFN,COB) ; return employer name and location if bill policy defined by COB is an Employer Sponsored Group Health Plan Q $$ESGHPNL^IBCEF21(IBIFN,COB) ;Tag moved ; AMTOUT(A,B,C,IBXSAVE) ; format output amount ; N Z,K,IBZ,IBARR K IBXDATA S (IBZ,K)=0,IBARR="IBXSAVE("""_A_""")" F S IBZ=$O(@IBARR@(IBZ)) Q:'IBZ S K=K+1,Z=0 F S Z=$O(@IBARR@(IBZ,Z)) Q:'Z I $P($G(@IBARR@(IBZ,Z,B)),U,C) S IBXDATA(K)=$$DOLLAR^IBCEFG1($G(IBXDATA(K))+$P(@IBARR@(IBZ,Z,B),U,C)) Q