IBCEF3 ;ALB/TMP - FORMATTER SPECIFIC BILL FLD FUNCTIONS ;17-JUNE-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,84,121,51,152,210,155,348,349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; MPG(PG,FLDS,FORM) ; Set static flds on pages after page 1 ; for either 1500 or UB ; PG = page # ; FORM= 1 for UB, otherwise for 1500 ; FLDS: array passed by reference and containing lines OR ; line/column from pg 1 to repeat on subsequent pages ; Format: FLDS(LINE,COL) or FLDS(LINE) for whole line ; CMS-1500: LINES 1-5,7-43,57 from col 1 to 50, 58-63 ; UB: see CKPGUB for lines and columns ; N Z,Z0,Z1,LPG S FORM=$S($G(FORM)=1:3,1:2) I FORM=2 D ; print page # on each pg, totals on last page of 1500 . S LPG=+$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,""),-1) . S Z="[Page "_PG_" of "_LPG_"]" . S Z=$$FO^IBCNEUT1(Z,17,"R") . D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,6,61,Z,.IBXSIZE) . I PG=2 S Z=$P(Z,"[",1)_"[Page 1 of "_LPG_"]" D SETGBL^IBCEFG(1,6,61,Z,.IBXSIZE) . I LPG=PG D .. ; .. ; esg - IB*2*348 - update dollar format for last page of 1500 .. ; .. D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,57,51,$$DOL^IBCEF77($G(IBXSAVE("TOT")),9),.IBXSIZE) .. D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,57,62,$$DOL^IBCEF77($G(IBXSAVE("PAID")),8),.IBXSIZE) .. D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,57,71,$$DOL^IBCEF77($G(IBXSAVE("BDUE")),8),.IBXSIZE) .. K IBXSAVE("PTOT"),IBXSAVE("TOT"),IBXSAVE("BDUE"),IBXSAVE("PAID") ; S Z=0 F S Z=$O(FLDS(Z)) Q:'Z D . I $O(FLDS(Z,""))="" D Q ;repeats line .. S Z0=0 F S Z0=$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,1,Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S Z1=$G(^(Z0)) I Z1'="" D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,Z,Z0,Z1,.IBXSIZE) . S Z0=0 F S Z0=$O(FLDS(Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S Z1=$G(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,1,Z,Z0)) I Z1'="" D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,Z,Z0,Z1,.IBXSIZE) . I FORM=2,LPG'=PG D .. D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,57,51,"",.IBXSIZE) .. D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,57,71,"",.IBXSIZE) Q ; NONSERV(Z,Z0) ; Set variable if non-service/non-text data is present for box ; 24 of CMS-1500 ; Z = sequence of IBXSAVE being processed ; Z0 = sequnce within IBXDATA to indicate actual line # I $P(IBXSAVE("BOX24",Z),U)="" S IBXSAVE("NON-SERV",Z0)="" Q ; PG(VAL,LNCT) ;Set next pg for CMS-1500 lines ;VAL = value of fld ;LNCT = line # from IBXSAVE("BOX24") array N IBP,IBL S IBP=LNCT\12+(LNCT#12>0),IBL=LNCT-(12*(IBP-1))-1 I IBL'<0 S VAL=$$FORMAT(VAL,$G(IBXLOOP("IBX0")),$G(IBXDA)) D SETGBL^IBCEFG(IBP,IBXLN+IBL,IBXCOL,VAL,.IBXSIZE) K IBXDATA(LNCT) Q ; MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,VAL,IBLN,IBCOL,NOFORM) ; Set up pages > 1 for UB overflows ; PG = Page # to set (REQUIRED) ; OFFSET = offset from first line this should be extracted into ; 0 = first line (REQUIRED) ; VAL = value to set (REQUIRED) ; IBLN = line to set data at (if null, uses IBXLN) ; IBCOL = column to set data at (if null, uses IBXCOL) ; NOFORM = don't format, just output data as passed ; Assumes formatter IBXLN,IBXCOL variables exist ; I $G(IBLN)="" S IBLN=IBXLN I $G(IBCOL)="" S IBCOL=IBXCOL S:'$G(NOFORM) VAL=$$FORMAT(VAL,$G(IBXLOOP("IBX0")),$G(IBXDA)) D SETGBL^IBCEFG(PG,IBLN+OFFSET,IBCOL,VAL,.IBXSIZE) Q ; CKREV(CT,VAL) ; Check too many rev code lines to fit on page ; This procedure is only called when CT>22 (i.e. 23 or more) ; D MPGUB((CT-1)\22+1,CT-1#22,VAL) ; 22 codes on a single page Q ; CKPGUB ; Check to see if multiple UB pages are needed then populate ; static flds from page 1, add page numbers ; N FLDS,LPG,IBPG,IBP,Z,Z0,TOT1,TOT2 ; S LPG=$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,""),-1),IBP=0 S Z="" F S Z=$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,LPG,Z),-1) Q:'Z S Z0=0 F S Z0=$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,LPG,Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 I $G(^(Z0))'="" S IBP=1 Q I 'IBP K ^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,LPG) S LPG=$O(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,""),-1) Q:LPG=1 ; ; Static flds F Z=2:1:7 S FLDS(Z)="" ; FL-1 thru FL-9 F Z=1,10,13,19,22,25,28,31 S FLDS(9,Z)="" ; FL-10 thru FL-17 F Z=13:1:17 S FLDS(Z,1)="" ; payer address in FL-38 S FLDS(41,46)="" ; creation date F Z=42,43,44,45,47,48,49,51,52,53 S FLDS(Z)="" ; FL-50 thru FL-65 F Z=57,59,61,63 S (FLDS(Z,59),FLDS(Z,72),FLDS(Z,74))="" ; FL-76-79 ID's F Z=58,60,62,64 S (FLDS(Z,53),FLDS(Z,71))="" ; FL-76-79 Names ; F IBPG=1:1:LPG D . ; Add pg # to last line of rev codes if multiple pages . N IB,IBP . S IB=$G(^TMP("IBXDATA",$J,IBXREC,IBPG,41,6)) . D MPGUB(IBPG,0,IBPG,41,10,1) . D MPGUB(IBPG,0,LPG,41,16,1) . D:IBPG>1 MPG(IBPG,.FLDS,1) . Q ; print totals on line 41 of the last page S (TOT1,TOT2)=0 F Z=1:1 Q:'$D(^TMP($J,"IBC-RC",Z)) S Z0=^(Z) I +Z0=1 S TOT1=TOT1+$P(Z0,U,7),TOT2=TOT2+$P(Z0,U,8) D MPGUB(IBPG,0,"0001",41,1,1) D MPGUB(IBPG,0,$$DOL^IBCEF77(TOT1,9),41,61,1) D MPGUB(IBPG,0,$$DOL^IBCEF77(TOT2,9),41,71,1) ; Q ; HCPC(R) ;FORMAT HCPC fld FOR UB (returns formatted value) ; R = flag for type of fld (1/2/3) being printed in rev code block Q R ;No longer used as of patch IB*2.0*51 ; PROS(IBIFN) ; Extract billable prosthetics for 837 N IBARRAY,Z,Z0,CT,PROS D SET^IBCSC5B(IBIFN,.IBARRAY) I '$P(IBARRAY,U,2) S CT="" G PROSQ S Z="",CT=0 F S Z=$O(IBARRAY(Z)) Q:Z="" S Z0="" F S Z0=$O(IBARRAY(Z,Z0)) Q:Z0="" S CT=CT+1 D .S PROS=$P($$PIN^IBCSC5B(+$P($G(^IBA(362.5,+IBARRAY(Z,Z0),0)),U,3)),U,2) .;date^item ptr file 661^short descr from file 441^entry # in file 362.5 .S IBXDATA(CT)=Z_U_Z0_U_PROS_U_+IBARRAY(Z,Z0) PROSQ Q CT ; B24(IBXSV,IBIFN,IBNOSHOW) ; Code to execute to set up IBXSV("BOX24") for ; print or IBXSAVE("OUTPT") for transmit - called by output formatter ; IBNOSHOW = 1 if not to show error/warning text lines ; Pass IBXSV by reference N IBSUB S IBSUB=$S('$G(^TMP("IBTX",$J,IBIFN)):"BOX24",1:"OUTPT") K IBXSV(IBSUB) I '$D(IBIFN) S IBIFN=$G(IBXIEN) I IBIFN D F^IBCEF("N-HCFA 1500 SERVICE"_$S(IBSUB["24":"S (PRINT",1:" LINE (EDI")_")",,,IBIFN) I $S(IBSUB'["24":1,1:'$G(IBNOSHOW)) D . M IBXSV(IBSUB)=IBXDATA E D . N Z,CT . S (Z,CT)=0 F S Z=$O(IBXDATA(Z)) Q:'Z I '$D(IBXDATA(Z,"ARX")) S CT=CT+1 M IBXSV(IBSUB,CT)=IBXDATA(Z) Q ; ; esg - 11/14/03 - Moved the below functions due to space constraints ; ALLTYP(IBIFN) Q $$ALLTYP^IBCEF31(IBIFN) INSTYP(IBIFN,SEQ) Q $$INSTYP^IBCEF31(IBIFN,$G(SEQ)) POLTYP(IBIFN,IBSEQ) Q $$POLTYP^IBCEF31(IBIFN,$G(IBSEQ)) ALLPTYP(IBIFN) Q $$ALLPTYP^IBCEF31(IBIFN) ; FILL(Z) ; Q ; ; ***** ; The following code performs the multi-page set up for ; printing overflow data on the UB ; ***** ; XPROC(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB procedures after 6 on new page(s) ; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("PROC",CT) ; CT = array sequence # of the procedure being output ; Only used for local prints N OFFSET,PG,COL,PRCODE,Q S Q=(CT-1)\3#2,OFFSET=$S('Q:0,1:2) S PG=(CT-1)\6+1,COL=1+(CT-1#3*15) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,1),58,COL) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,2),58,COL+9) Q ; XDIAG(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB other diagnoses after 8 on new page(s) ; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("DX",CT) ; CT = array sequence # of the diagnosis being output ; Only used for local prints N COL,PG S PG=(CT-1)\8+1,COL=8+(CT-1#9*7) S DATA=$P($$ICD9^IBACSV(+DATA),U,1) D MPGUB(PG,0,DATA,56,COL) Q ; XVAL(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB value codes after 12 on new page(s) ; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("VC",CT) ; CT = array sequence # of the value code being output ; N COL,PG,OFFSET S PG=(CT-1)\12+1,COL=44+(CT-1#3*13),OFFSET=(CT-(12*(PG-1))-1)\3 D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,1),14,COL) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,2),14,COL+3) Q ; XCC(DATA,CT) ; Output any UB condition codes after 11 on new page(s) ; 11 condition codes per page, starting columns 34 thru 64 ; DATA = output data from IBXSAVE("CC",CT) ; CT = array sequence # of the condition code being output ; N COL,PG S PG=(CT-1)\11+1,COL=34+(CT-1#11*3) D MPGUB(PG,0,DATA,9,COL) Q ; XOCC(DATA,CT,FL) ; Output any UB occurrence codes after 8 (2 per form ; locators 31-34) on new page(s) ; DATA = data from IBXSAVE("OCC",z) to be output ; CT = array sequence # of occurrence code being output ; FL = # of form locator being populated with the occ code ; N COL,PG,OFFSET S PG=(CT-1)\2+1,COL=1+((FL-31)*10),OFFSET=$S(CT#2:0,1:1) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,1),11,COL) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,2),11,COL+4) Q ; XOCCS(DATA,CT,FL) ; Output any UB occurrence span codes after 4 on new page(s) ; DATA = data from IBXSAVE("OCCS",z) to be output ; CT = array sequence # of occurrence span code being output ; FL = # of form locator being populated (either FL 35 or 36) ; N COL,PG,OFFSET S PG=(CT-1)\2+1,OFFSET=$S(CT#2:0,1:1) S COL=41+((FL-35)*17) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,1),11,COL) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,2),11,COL+4) D MPGUB(PG,OFFSET,$P(DATA,U,3),11,COL+11) Q ; FORMAT(VAL,IBX0,IBXDA) ; I IBX0'="",IBXDA S VAL=$$FORMAT^IBCEFG(VAL,$P($G(^IBA(364.6,+IBXDA,0)),U,9),$P(IBX0,U,7),IBX0) Q VAL ; OUTPDT(IBIFN,IBXSAVE,IBXDATA) ; Returns outpatient service to date ; formatted CCYYMMDD for UB 837 ; IBIFN = ien of bill (file 399) ; IBXSAVE = pass by reference for IBXSAVE("INPT") and IBXSAVE("DATE") ; IBXDATA = array with formatted date or each line item - CCYYMMDD N Z S Z=0 F S Z=$O(IBXSAVE("INPT",Z)) Q:'Z S IBXDATA(Z)=$S($P(IBXSAVE("INPT",Z),U,10):$$DT^IBCEFG1($P(IBXSAVE("INPT",Z),U,10),,"D8"),1:IBXSAVE("DATE")) K IBXSAVE("DATE") Q ;