IBCEM2 ;ALB/TMP - 837 EDI RETURN MSG EXTRACT MAIN LIST TEMPLATE ;02-MAY-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137**;21-MAR-94 ; SCRIT(IBSCRIT) ; Enter display selection criteria ; Pass IBSCRIT by reference - returned containing selection criteria ; IBSCRIT(n)=n-level sort IBSCRIT(n,1-x)=selections ; IBSCRIT(n,"D1") = from DATE range IBSCRIT(n,"D2") = to DATE range D FULL^VALM1 W ! S DIR("B")="ALL" S DIR("A",1)="Enter sort and selection criteria for message list",DIR("A",2)=" ",DIR("A")="First level sort field: " S DIR(0)="SA^MS:MESSAGE STATUS;MT:TYPE OF MESSAGE;BA:BATCH #;BI:BILL #;ALL:ALL MESSAGES" S DIR("?")="Enter the top-level sort for the list of messages" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) K IBSCRIT Q S IBSCRIT(1)=Y I Y="ALL" Q D SELECT(1,.IBSCRIT) Q:'$D(IBSCRIT) S DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A")="Second level sort field: " S DIR(0)="SAO^"_$S(IBSCRIT(1)'="MS":"MS:MESSAGE STATUS;",1:"")_$S(IBSCRIT(1)'="MT":"MT:TYPE OF MESSAGE;",1:"")_"MD:MESSAGE DATE;RD:RECORDED DATE" S DIR("?")="Enter the second-level sort for the list of messages" S DIR("?",1)="First level sort selected was: "_$$FLD(IBSCRIT(1)) D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K IBSCRIT Q I Y="" Q S IBSCRIT(2)=Y D SELECT(2,.IBSCRIT) Q:'$D(IBSCRIT) S DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A")="Third level sort field: " S DIR(0)="SAO^" S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$S(IBSCRIT(1)'="MS"&(IBSCRIT(2)'="MS"):"MS:MESSAGE STATUS;",1:"")_$S(IBSCRIT(1)'="MT"&(IBSCRIT(2)'="MT"):"MT:TYPE OF MESSAGE;",1:"") S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_$S(IBSCRIT(2)'="MD":"MD:MESSAGE DATE;",1:"")_$S(IBSCRIT(2)'="RD":"RD:RECORDED DATE",1:"") S DIR("?")="Enter the third-level sort for the list of messages" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K IBSCRIT Q I Y="" Q S IBSCRIT(3)=Y D SELECT(3,.IBSCRIT) Q ; SELECT(LEVEL,IBSCRIT) ; Select specific or all values/date range for IBSCRIT(LEVEL) ; LEVEL = sort level 1-3 N SELNM,SEL,CT,Y,DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIRUT,Z S SEL=$G(IBSCRIT(LEVEL)) I SEL="" K IBSCRIT Q S SELNM=$$FLD(SEL) RESEL S DIR("A")="Do you want ALL "_SELNM_"'s",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("?")="ANSWER YES TO INCLUDE ALL "_SELNM_" OR NO TO SELECT SPECIFIC VALUES OR RANGES" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) K IBSCRIT Q I Y=1 Q I SEL="MD"!(SEL="RD") D Q ;Date field . S DIR("A")="From Date: ",DIR(0)="DA^:"_DT_":P",DIR("?")="Enter the earliest date you want included in the list" D ^DIR . I $D(DIRUT) K IBSCRIT Q . S IBSCRIT(LEVEL,"D1")=Y I 'X W " ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y,2) . S DIR("A")="To Date: ",DIR(0)="DA^:"_DT_":P",DIR("?")="Enter the latest date you want included in the list" D ^DIR . I $D(DIRUT) K IBSCRIT Q . S IBSCRIT(LEVEL,"D2")=Y I 'X W " ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y,2) S CT=0 S DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A",2)="Enter your selections one at a time.",DIR("A",3)="When done, press return at the "_SELNM_" prompt to continue." S DIR("A")=SELNM_": ",DIR(0)=$S(SEL="MS":"364.2,.06",SEL="MT":"364.2,.02",SEL="BA":"364.2,.04",SEL="BI":"364,.01",1:"")_"AO" F D ^DIR D Q:"^"[Y . Q:$D(DUOUT) . I Y="" Q:CT W !,*7,"You must select at least one entry" S Y=-1 Q . S CT=CT+1,IBSCRIT(LEVEL,$P(Y,U))=Y . I $D(DIR("A",1)) F Z=1:1:3 K DIR("A",Z) K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) D I $D(IBSCRIT) K IBSCRIT(LEVEL) S IBSCRIT(LEVEL)=SEL G RESEL . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A")="Do you want to abort this entire sort/selection" . S DIR("?")="Answer YES if you want to abort or to re-enter all sort/selection criteria",DIR("?",1)="Answer NO if you want to re-enter just this sort level's criteria" . D ^DIR K DIR . I $D(DIRUT)!Y K IBSCRIT Q ; FLD(FLD) ; RETURN NAME OF FIELD Q $S(FLD="MS":"MESSAGE STATUS",FLD="MT":"TYPE OF MESSAGE",FLD="BA":"BATCH",FLD="BI":"BILL",FLD="MD":"MESSAGE DATE",FLD="RD":"DATE RECORDED",1:"") ;