IBCEM3 ;ALB/TMP - IB ELECTRONIC MESSAGE MGMNT ACTIONS ;18-AUG-1999 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137,155,320**;21-MAR-1994 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; CANCEL(IBDA,IBIFN,IB364) ; Generic cancel bill action ; IBDA = entry selected from list (pass by reference-value is returned) ; IBIFN = ien of bill entry in file 399 ; IB364 = ien of transmitted bill entry in file 364 ; N Y,IBCAN,IBCE,IBTDA,IB0 I 'IBDA!'IBIFN S IBDA="" G CANCELQ I '$$CANCKS("C",IBIFN) S IBDA="" G CANCELQ ; S (IBCAN,IBCE("EDI"))=1,Y=IBIFN I $G(IBCEAUTO) S IBCAN=2 N IBQUIT D NOPTF^IBCC S:$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)'=7 IBDA="" I '$G(IBCEAUTO) D PAUSE^VALM1 CANCELQ Q ; CANCKS(FUNC,IBIFN) ; Check validity of cancel or cancel/clone function ;FUNC = "C" for cancel "CC" for cancel/clone ;IBIFN = bill internal entry # N ERR S ERR="" I '$$DISP(IBIFN,"cancel"_$S(FUNC="C":"",1:"/clone")) S ERR="" I ERR'="" W !,*7,ERR D PAUSE^VALM1 Q (ERR="") ; EBILL(IBDA,IBIFN,IB364) ;Generic edit bill action N IBAC,IBBDA,IBTDA,IB0,IBV,DFN,IBDA1,IBELOOP,IB399,IBDAB,IBHOLD,IB399TX,IBNEED,IBPOPOUT,IBTXPRT S IB399=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)) S IB399TX=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"TX")),IBNEED=$$NEEDMRA^IBEFUNC(IBIFN) I $P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)'<3 D G EBILLQ . N DIR . S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A",1)="You cannot edit a bill with a status of "_$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,.13,$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)) . S DIR("A")="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:" . D ^DIR . S IBDA="" I '$$DISP(IBIFN,"edit") S IBDA="" G EBILLQ S IBAC=1,DFN=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,2),IBV=0 S IBHOLD("IBIFN")=IBIFN,IBHOLD("IBDA")=$G(IBDA) ; Warning - do not use IBH variable when calling the following routine D ST^IBCB,ENS^%ZISS D:$D(IBIFN) PAUSE^VALM1 S IBIFN=IBHOLD("IBIFN"),IBDA=IBHOLD("IBDA") I $S(IBNEED:$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)'=2,1:$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13)'=3) S IBDA="" I IBDA D . S $P(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"S"),U,10,11)=(DT_U_DUZ) . S DIK="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBIFN F DIK(1)=10,11 D EN1^DIK . D UPDEDI^IBCEM(IB364,"E") EBILLQ Q ; DISP(IBIFN,FUNC,DISP,IBDEF,DIRUT) ;Display bill detail ; Returns 1 if function should continue, 0 if function should not ; IBIFN = Bill # ; FUNC = Text (lower case) to describe function to perform ; DISP = flag = 1 for return data, no display ; format: 1^BILL #^PATIENT^BILL TYPE^DATES ; IBDEF = Default answer for Yes/No question here (1=Yes) ; DIRUT = output parameter is defined if passed by reference, ; = this will be defined if the user enters a leading up-arrow ; = or times out or enters a null response ; ; Function returns Y and DIRUT - used by IBCEMCA2 - DO NOT NEW THESE ; N IBB0,IBBU,IBNO,STAT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,IBV S IBB0=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),IBBU=$G(^("U")),IBNO=$P(IBB0,U) S IBV(1)=$P($G(^DPT(+$P(IBB0,U,2),0)),U)_$S($P($G(^(0)),U,9)'="":" ("_$P(^(0),U,9)_")",1:"") S IBV(2)=$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,.05,$P(IBB0,U,5)) S IBV(3)=$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,151,$P(IBBU,U))_" - "_$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,151,$P(IBBU,U,2)) ; I '$G(DISP) D G DISPQ . S (DIR("A",1),DIR("A",6))=" ",STAT=1 . S DIR("A",2)=" Bill #: "_IBNO . S DIR("A",3)=" Patient: "_IBV(1) . S DIR("A",4)=" Bill Type: "_IBV(2) . S DIR("A",5)="Bill Dates: "_IBV(3) . S DIR("A")="Are you sure this is the bill you want to "_FUNC_"? " . S DIR("B")="NO" . I $G(IBDEF) S DIR("B")="Yes" . S DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR K DIR . I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!'Y S STAT=0 S STAT="1^"_IBNO_U_IBV(1)_U_IBV(2)_U_IBV(3) DISPQ ; Q STAT ;