IBCEMMR ;ALB/ESG - IB MRA Report of Patients w/o Medicare WNR ;20-NOV-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**155,366**;21-MAR-94;Build 3 ; ; Find patients with Medicare supplemental insurance or Medigap ; insurance (etc.) but who do not have MEDICARE (WNR) on file as ; one of their insurances. ; Q ; EN ; Entry Point NEW IBMSORT D SORT I 'IBMSORT G EX D DEVICE EX ; Exit Point Q ; SORT ; Ask user how to sort the report NEW CH,DIR,X,Y,DIRUT,DIROUT W @IOF,!?20,"Patients Without MEDICARE (WNR) Insurance" W !!?2,"This option finds patients who do not have active MEDICARE (WNR) insurance," W !?2,"but who do have active insurance with a Plan Type of Medigap, Carve-Out, or" W !?2,"Medicare Secondary. In these cases, MEDICARE (WNR) should be primary." W !!?2,"The insurances for all living patients will be analyzed, but" W !?2,"you can determine how this information will be sorted." S IBMSORT="" W ! S CH="1:Patient Name;2:SSN - Last 4 Digits;3:Insurance Company;" S CH=CH_"4:Type of Plan;5:Appointment Date" S DIR(0)="SO^"_CH S DIR("A")="Please enter the Sort Criteria" S DIR("B")="Patient Name" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y G SORTX S IBMSORT=Y SORTX ; Q ; COMPILE ; Entry point for both background and foreground task execution ; NEW RTN,DFN,CNT,MS,DPT,PTNM,SSN,APPT,APDTE,A NEW INS,GRP,PLN,INSNM,PLNTYP,SORT,X,IBNEXT S RTN="IBCEMMR" K ^TMP($J,RTN),^("IBCEPT"),^("IBSDNEXT"),^("IBDPT"),^("IBLAST") S DFN=" ",CNT=0 F S DFN=$O(^DPT(DFN),-1) Q:'DFN!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . S CNT=CNT+1 . I '$D(ZTQUEUED),CNT#500=0 U IO(0) W "." U IO . I $D(ZTQUEUED),CNT#500=0,$$S^%ZTLOAD() S ZTSTOP=1 Q . I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U,1) Q ; date of death . I '$$PTINS(DFN,.MS) Q ; eligible for report . S ^TMP($J,"IBNEXT",DFN)="" . S ^TMP($J,"IBLAST",DFN)="" . S ^TMP($J,"IBDPT",DFN)="" ; S X=$$NEXT^IBSDU("^TMP($J,""IBNEXT"",") S X=$$LAST^IBSDU("^TMP($J,""IBLAST"",") ; S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"IBDPT",DFN)) Q:'DFN!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . I '$D(ZTQUEUED),CNT#500=0 U IO(0) W "." U IO . I $D(ZTQUEUED),CNT#500=0,$$S^%ZTLOAD() S ZTSTOP=1 Q . I '$$PTINS(DFN,.MS) ; get MS data . S DPT=$G(^DPT(DFN,0)) . S PTNM=$P(DPT,U,1) . I PTNM="" S PTNM="~UNKNOWN" . S SSN=$E($P(DPT,U,9),6,99)_" " . I SSN="" S SSN="~UNK" . S (APPT,IBNEXT)=$G(^TMP($J,"IBNEXT",DFN),"UNKNOWN") . I 'APPT S APPT=$G(^TMP($J,"IBLAST",DFN),"UNKNOWN") . S APDTE=$S(APPT:$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(APPT,"."),"2Z"),$L(IBNEXT):IBNEXT,$L(APPT):APPT,1:"N/A") . S APPT=+APPT . S A=0 F S A=$O(MS(A)) Q:'A D .. S INS=+$P(MS(A),U,1),GRP=+$P(MS(A),U,2) .. S PLN=+$P(MS(A),U,3) .. S INSNM=$P($G(^DIC(36,INS,0)),U,1) .. I INSNM="" S INSNM="~UNKNOWN" .. S PLNTYP=$P($G(^IBE(355.1,PLN,0)),U,1) .. I PLNTYP="" S PLNTYP="~UNKNOWN" .. S SORT=$S(IBMSORT=1:PTNM,IBMSORT=2:SSN,IBMSORT=3:INSNM,IBMSORT=4:PLNTYP,IBMSORT=5:-APPT,1:PTNM) .. S ^TMP($J,RTN,SORT,PTNM,DFN,A)=SSN_U_INSNM_U_PLNTYP_U_APDTE .. Q . Q ; I '$G(ZTSTOP) D PRINT ; print the report D ^%ZISC ; close the device K ^TMP($J,RTN),^("IBCEPT"),^("IBSDNEXT"),^("IBDPT"),^("IBLAST") ;cleanup I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" ; purge the task record COMPX ; Q ; PRINT ; print the report to the device specified N MAXCNT,CRT,PAGECNT,STOP,SORT,PTNM,DFN,A,DATA,DIR,X,Y,DIRUT,DIROUT,IBX I IOST["C-" S MAXCNT=IOSL-3,CRT=1 E S MAXCNT=IOSL-6,CRT=0 S PAGECNT=0,STOP=0 ; ; Check for no data I '$D(^TMP($J,RTN)) D HEADER W !!?5,"No Data Found" ; S SORT="" F S SORT=$O(^TMP($J,RTN,SORT)) Q:SORT="" D Q:STOP . S PTNM="" . F S PTNM=$O(^TMP($J,RTN,SORT,PTNM)) Q:PTNM="" D Q:STOP .. S DFN=0 .. F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,RTN,SORT,PTNM,DFN)) Q:'DFN D Q:STOP ... S A=0 ... F S A=$O(^TMP($J,RTN,SORT,PTNM,DFN,A)) Q:'A D Q:STOP .... S DATA=$G(^TMP($J,RTN,SORT,PTNM,DFN,A)) .... I $Y+1>MAXCNT!'PAGECNT D HEADER Q:STOP .... W !,$E(PTNM,1,20),?23,$P(DATA,U,1),?30,$E($P(DATA,U,2),1,20) .... W ?53,$E($P(DATA,U,3),1,13),?69,$P(DATA,U,4) .... Q ... Q .. Q . Q ; I STOP G PRINTX W !!?30,"*** End of Report ***" I CRT,'$D(ZTQUEUED) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR PRINTX ; Q ; HEADER ; page break and report header information NEW LIN,HDR,TAB S STOP=0 ; ask screen user if they want to continue I CRT,PAGECNT>0,'$D(ZTQUEUED) D I STOP G HEADERX . I MAXCNT<51 F LIN=1:1:(MAXCNT-$Y) W ! . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR . I 'Y S STOP=1 Q . Q ; S PAGECNT=PAGECNT+1 W @IOF,!,"Patients Without MEDICARE (WNR) Insurance" S HDR="Page: "_PAGECNT S TAB=80-$L(HDR)-1 W ?TAB,HDR W !,"Sorted by ",$S(IBMSORT=1:"Patient Name",IBMSORT=2:"SSN - Last 4 Digits",IBMSORT=3:"Insurance Company",IBMSORT=4:"Type of Plan",IBMSORT=5:"Appointment Date",1:"Patient Name") S HDR=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"1Z") S TAB=80-$L(HDR)-1 W ?TAB,HDR W !,"Patient Name",?24,"SSN",?30,"Insurance Company" W ?53,"Type of Plan",?69,"ApptDate" W !,$$RJ^XLFSTR("",80,"=") ; ; check for stop request I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD() D G HEADERX . S (ZTSTOP,STOP)=1 . W !!!?5,"*** Report Halted by TaskManager Request ***" . Q ; HEADERX ; Q ; PTINS(DFN,MCRSUP) ; Function to determine if a patient should be ; included in this report or not. ; Input: DFN - patient ien ; Output: Function value is either 0 (don't include) or 1 (include) ; MCRSUP array pass by reference ; MCRSUP(seq) = [1] insurance co ien pointer to file 36 ; [2] group pointer to file 355.3 ; [3] type of plan pointer to file 355.1 ; NEW INCLUDE,INS,A,MCRWNR,MCRZ,IBINS,IBGRP,GP,TP,PLABBR S INCLUDE=0 KILL MCRSUP I '$G(DFN) G PTINSX I '$D(^DPT(DFN)) G PTINSX D ALLWNR^IBCNS1(DFN,"INS",DT) S A=0,(MCRWNR,MCRZ)=0 F S A=$O(INS(A)) Q:'A D Q:MCRWNR . S IBINS=$P($G(INS(A,0)),U,1) . S IBGRP=$P($G(INS(A,0)),U,18) . I $$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(IBINS) S MCRWNR=1 Q ; Medicare WNR on file . S GP=$G(INS(A,355.3)) ; group/plan info . S TP=$P(GP,U,9),PLABBR="" ; type of plan pointer . I TP S PLABBR=$P($G(^IBE(355.1,TP,0)),U,2) ; plan abbreviation . I '$F(".MG.MS.COUT.","."_PLABBR_".") Q ; check plan . S MCRZ=1 ; Medicare other on file . S MCRSUP(A)=IBINS_U_IBGRP_U_TP . Q ; ; If Medicare Other was found, but no Medicare WNR, then include it I MCRZ,'MCRWNR S INCLUDE=1 ; PTINSX ; I 'INCLUDE K MCRSUP Q INCLUDE ; ; DEVICE ; This procedure displays a warning message and prompts for the ; device on which to print the report. ; NEW ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSAVE,POP W *7,!!!?14,"*** WARNING ***" W !?2,"This report takes a long time to compile!" W !!?2,"The active insurance coverage for all living patients is analyzed." W !!?2,"It is recommended that you queue this report to the background and" W !?2,"run it after hours or on the weekend." W !!?2,"This report is 80 characters wide." W ! ; S ZTRTN="COMPILE^IBCEMMR" S ZTDESC="Patients without MEDICARE (WNR) Insurance" S ZTSAVE("IBMSORT")="" D EN^XUTMDEVQ(ZTRTN,ZTDESC,.ZTSAVE) DEVICEX ; Q ;