IBCEMVU ;DAOU/ESG - STAND-ALONE VIEW MRA EOB ;18-APR-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**155**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; Entry point NEW DA,DIC,DILN,DISYS,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,IBIFN,IBEOBIFN LOOP ; K IBIFN D INIT W ! S DIC="^IBM(361.1," S DIC(0)="AEMQ" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,4)=1" ; MRA EOB type S DIC("W")="D EOBLST^IBCEMU1(Y)" ; modify generic lister D ^DIC I Y=-1!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EX S IBIFN=+$P(Y,U,2) I IBIFN D VIEWEOB(IBIFN,+$P(Y,U,1)) I $$MRACNT^IBCEMU1(IBIFN)'>1 G LOOP ; ; At this point, we know the selected bill has multiple MRA's on file. ; Display the multiple MRA lister and let the user choose again ML1 ; D INIT S IBEOBIFN=$$SEL^IBCEMU1(IBIFN,1) I 'IBEOBIFN G LOOP D VIEWEOB(IBIFN,IBEOBIFN) G ML1 ; EX ; Exit point Q ; INIT ; clear screen, intro text W @IOF W !?33,"View MRA EOB's" W !!?1,"This option will allow you to select and view Medicare Remittance Advice (MRA)" W !?1,"Explanations of Benefits (EOB). Only Medicare EOB's are displayed here." INITX ; Q ; VIEWEOB(IBIFN,IBEOBIFN) ; This procedure is responsible for ; invoking the ListManager list for viewing an EOB. ; IBIFN is the internal bill# (required) ; IBEOBIFN is the ien to file 361.1 if known (optional) ; NEW COL,CTRLCOL,FINISH,IB,IBCNT,IBONE,POP,VALMBCK,VALMY,X,Y,Z D EN^VALM("IBCEM VIEW EOB") VIEWX ; Q ; SCR(IBIFN) ; ?MRA action from the IB Bill Enter/Edit screens NEW DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,CNT,IBFASTXT,IBEOBIFN I '$D(IOUON)!'$D(IORVON) D ENS^%ZISS D SCHD S CNT=$$MRACNT^IBCEMU1(IBIFN) I 'CNT D G SCRX . W !!!?8,"There are no MRA EOB's on file for this bill." . D EOP . Q ; I CNT=1 D VIEWEOB(IBIFN) G SCRX ; only one MRA ; SCLOOP ; Multiple MRA's on file. Call the MRA/EOB lister. ; D SCHD S IBEOBIFN=$$SEL^IBCEMU1(IBIFN,1) I 'IBEOBIFN G SCRX D VIEWEOB(IBIFN,IBEOBIFN) G SCLOOP ; SCRX ; Q ; SCHD ; screen header info W @IOF W !!?24,"View Medicare Remittance Advice" W !?28,"Explanation of Benefits" SCHDX ; Q ; EOP ; End of page W !! S DIR("A")=" Press RETURN to continue",DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR EOPX ; Q ;