IBCEOB ;ALB/TMP - 835 EDI EOB MESSAGE PROCESSING ;20-JAN-99 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137,135,265,155,377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; UPDEOB(IBTDA) ; Update EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS file (#361.1) from return msg ; IBTDA = ien of return message ; Function returns ien of EOB file entry or "" if errors found ; the data. Any errors found are ; stored in array ^TMP("IBCERR-EOB",$J,n) in text format ; n = seq # and are stored with the EOB in a wp field ; N IB0,IB100,IBBTCH,IBE,IBMNUM,IBT,DLAYGO,DIC,DD,DO,X,Y,Z,Z0,Z1,IBEOB,IBBAD,IBOK,IB,IBA1,IBIFN,IBFILE K ^TMP($J),^TMP("IBCERR-EOB",$J) ; S (IBBAD,IBEOB)="" S IB0=$G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)) S IBMNUM=+$P(IB0,U) S X=+$G(^IBA(364,+$P(IB0,U,5),0)) ; G:$S(IBMNUM=""!(X=""):1,1:$D(^IBM(361.1,"AC",IBMNUM))) UPDQ ; ; Duplicate EOB Check S IBFILE="^IBA(364.2,"_IBTDA_",2)" I $$DUP(IBFILE,X) D DELMSG^IBCESRV2(IBTDA) G UPDQ ; I '$$LOCK^IBCEM(IBTDA) G UPDQ ;Lock msg file 364.2 S IBEOB=+$$ADD3611(IBMNUM,$P(IB0,U,5),$P(IB0,U,4),X,0,IBFILE) L -^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0) ; I IBEOB<0 S IBEOB="" G UPDQ D UPD3611(IBEOB,IBTDA,0) ; UPDQ I IBEOB,$O(^TMP("IBCERR-EOB",$J,0)) D ERRUPD(IBEOB,"IBCERR-EOB") K ^TMP($J),^TMP("IBCERR-EOB",$J) D CLEAN^DILF Q +IBEOB ; ; ; NOTE: **** For all variables IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB below: ; IB0 = raw data received for this record type on the 835 flat file ; IBEGBL = subscript to use in error global ; IBEOB = ien in file 361.1 for this EOB ; 835(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Store header ; Q $$HDR^IBCEOB1(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; 5(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '05' ; N IBOK,DA,DR,DIE,X,Y K IBZDATA S DR=";",IBOK=1 S DIE="^IBM(361.1,",DA=IBEOB ; I $P(IB0,U,9) S DR=DR_"1.1///"_$$DATE^IBCEU($P(IB0,U,9))_";" ; statement start date I $P(IB0,U,10) S DR=DR_"1.11///"_$$DATE^IBCEU($P(IB0,U,10))_";" ; statement end date S DR=$P(DR,";",2,$L(DR,";")-1) I DR'="" D ^DIE S IBOK=$D(Y)=0 I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Bad record 5 data" Q IBOK ; 6(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '06' - corrected patient name and/or ID# ; This data is not going to be filed into file 361.1 so the value of this function will always be a 1 so as to ; not interrupt the filing process of the EOB/MRA data into file 361.1. ; ; perform overall integrity checks on the incoming 06 record. If anything is out of place, don't update anything ; and report the problem and get out. NEW CLM,SITE,IBM,IBIFN,IBIFN1,DFN,SEQ,DIE,DA,DR S DIE=361.1,DA=IBEOB,DR="61.01////^S X=IB0" D ^DIE ; archive the raw 06 record data S CLM=$P(IB0,U,2),SITE=+CLM,CLM=$P(CLM,"-",2) I CLM="" D MSG(IBEOB,"The claim# in piece 2 is invalid.") G Q6 S IBM=$G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,0)) I $P(IBM,U,4)'=1 D MSG(IBEOB,"This is a non-Medicare EOB.") G Q6 S IBIFN=+$P(IBM,U,1) ; claim# from MRA S IBIFN1=+$O(^DGCR(399,"B",CLM,"")) ; claim# from 06 record I IBIFN'=IBIFN1 D MSG(IBEOB,"Claim mismatch error."_IBIFN_","_IBIFN1_","_CLM_".") G Q6 I $P($$SITE^VASITE,U,3)'=SITE D MSG(IBEOB,"Invalid station# mismatch."_$P($$SITE^VASITE,U,3)_","_SITE_".") G Q6 S SEQ=$$COBN^IBCEF(IBIFN) ; current payer sequence# on claim I '$$WNRBILL^IBEFUNC(IBIFN,SEQ) D MSG(IBEOB,"The current payer on this claim is not MEDICARE (WNR).") G Q6 S DFN=+$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,2) ; patient ien I 'DFN D MSG(IBEOB,"The patient DFN cannot be determined.") G Q6 ; D UPD^IBCEOB01(IB0,IBEOB,IBIFN,DFN,SEQ) ; update patient insurance policy data ; Q6 ; exit point for $$6 function Q 1 ; 10(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record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ad record 10 data" G Q10 ; ; File ICN in Bill D ICN^IBCEOB00(IBEOB,$P(IB0,U,12),$P($G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,0)),U,15),.IBOK) ; Q10 Q IBOK ; 15(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '15' ; Moved due to space constraints Q15 Q $$15^IBCEOB00(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; 17(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '17' N A,IBOK S A="3;25.01;0;1;0^4;25.02;0;1;0^5;25.03;0;1;0^6;25.04;0;1;0^7;25.05;0;1;0^8;25.06;0;1;0^9;25.07;0;1;0" S IBOK=$$STORE^IBCEOB1(A,IB0,IBEOB) I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Bad record 17 data" Q17 Q IBOK ; 20(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '20' ; Moved due to space constraints Q20 Q $$20^IBCEOB00(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; 30(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '30' ; N IBOK D 30^IBCEOB0(IB0,IBEOB,.IBOK) Q30 Q $G(IBOK) ; 35(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '35' ; Moved due to space constraints Q35 Q $$35^IBCEOB00(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; 37(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '37' ; Moved due to space constraints Q37 Q $$37^IBCEOB00(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; 40(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '40' ; N IBOK D 40^IBCEOB0(IB0,IBEOB,.IBOK) Q40 Q $G(IBOK) ; 41(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '41' ; N IBOK D 41^IBCEOB0(IB0,IBEOB,.IBOK) Q41 Q $G(IBOK) ; 42(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '42' ; N IBOK D 42^IBCEOB0(IB0,IBEOB,.IBOK) Q42 Q $G(IBOK) ; 45(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '45' ; N IBOK D 45^IBCEOB0(IB0,IBEOB,.IBOK) Q $G(IBOK) ; MSG(IBEOB,MSG) ; procedure to file message into field 6.03 ; Results of processing of the "06" record type N DIE,DA,DR,Z S DIE=361.1,DA=+$G(IBEOB) I $G(MSG)="" G MSGX S Z=$P($G(^IBM(361.1,DA,6)),U,3) ; already existing message I Z'="" S MSG=Z_" "_MSG ; append new message to existing message S MSG=$E(MSG,1,190) S DR="6.03///^S X=MSG" D ^DIE MSGX ; Q ; DOLLAR(X) ; Convert value in X to dollar format XXX.XX Q $S(+X:$J(X/100,$L(+X),2),1:0) ; ADD3611(IBMNUM,IBTBILL,IBBATCH,X,IBAR,IBFILE) ; Add stub record to file 361.1 ; X = the ien of the referenced bill in file 399 ; IBTBILL = ien of transmitted bill (optional) ; IBBATCH = ien of batch # the transmitted bill was in (optional) ; IBMNUM = the message # from which this record originally came ; IBAR = 1 only if called from AR ; IBFILE = array reference of raw EOB data ; N DIC,DA,DR,DO,DD,DLAYGO,Y,REVSTAT,BS,MMI F L +^IBM(361.1,0):10 Q:$T ; ; default proper review status S BS=$P($G(^DGCR(399,X,0)),U,13) ; bill status S REVSTAT=$S(BS=7:9,BS=3:3,BS=4:3,1:0) S MMI=$$NET^XMRENT(IBMNUM) ; MailMan header info S DIC(0)="L",DIC="^IBM(361.1,",DLAYGO=361.1 S DIC("DR")=".16////"_REVSTAT_";.17////0"_";100.02////"_IBMNUM_$S('$G(IBAR):";.19////"_+IBTBILL_";100.01////"_IBBATCH,1:"") S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";100.05////"_$$CHKSUM^IBCEMU1(IBFILE)_";62.01////^S X=MMI" D FILE^DICN L -^IBM(361.1,0) Q +Y ; UPD3611(IBEOB,IBTDA,IBAR) ; From flat file 835 format, add EOB record ; IBEOB = the ien of the entry in file 361.1 being updated ; IBTDA = the ien in the source file ; IBAR = 1 if being called from AR N IBA1,IBFILE,IBEGBL,Z,IBREC,Q S IBFILE=$S('$G(IBAR):"^IBA(364.2,"_IBTDA_",2)",1:"^TMP("_$J_",""RCDP-EOB"","_IBTDA_")") S IBEGBL=$S('$G(IBAR):"IBCERR-EOB",1:"RCDPERR-EOB") I $G(IBAR),'$$HDR^IBCEOB1($G(^TMP($J,"RCDPEOB","HDR")),IBEGBL,IBEOB) Q S IBA1=0 F S IBA1=$O(@IBFILE@(IBA1)) Q:'IBA1 S IB0=$S('$G(IBAR):$P($G(^(IBA1,0)),"##RAW DATA: ",2),1:$G(@IBFILE@(IBA1,0))) I IB0'="" D . S IBREC=+IB0 . I IBREC'=37 K ^TMP($J,37) . I IBREC S IB="S IBOK=$$"_IBREC_"(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB)",Q=IBREC_"^IBCEOB" I $T(@Q)'="" X IB S:'IBOK ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)=$S('$G(IBAR):" ##RAW DATA: ",1:"")_IB0 ; Q ; ERRUPD(IBEOB,IBEGBL) ; Update error text in entry, if needed D WP^DIE(361.1,IBEOB_",",20,"","^TMP(IBEGBL,$J)","") Q ; ; DUP(IBARRAY,IBIFN) ; Duplicate Check ; This function determines if the EOB data already exists in file ; 361.1 by comparing the checksums of the raw 835 data. ; ; IBARRAY = Literal array reference where the raw 835 data exists. ; The data exists at @IBARRAY@(n,0), where n is the seq#. ; For example, IBARRAY = "^IBA(364.2,IBIEN,2)" ; ; IBIFN = the bill # (ptr to 399). The checksums of the EOB's on ; file for this bill will be compared to the checksum of the ; 835 raw data in the IBARRAY reference. ; ; This function returns 0 if the entry is not found (no duplicate), ; Otherwise, the IEN of the entry in file 361.1 is returned if this ; is a duplicate EOB. ; NEW DUP,IBEOB,CHKSUM1,CHKSUM2 S DUP=0,IBIFN=+$G(IBIFN) I $G(IBARRAY)=""!'IBIFN G DUPX I '$D(^IBM(361.1,"B",IBIFN)) G DUPX ; no EOB's on file yet S CHKSUM1=$$CHKSUM^IBCEMU1(IBARRAY) ; checksum of current EOB I 'CHKSUM1 G DUPX ; must be able to be calculated S IBEOB=0 F S IBEOB=$O(^IBM(361.1,"B",IBIFN,IBEOB)) Q:'IBEOB D Q:DUP . S CHKSUM2=+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,100)),U,5) ; checksum of old EOB . I 'CHKSUM2 Q . I CHKSUM1=CHKSUM2 S DUP=IBEOB Q ; comparison . Q DUPX ; Q DUP ;