IBCEOB00 ;ALB/ESG - 835 EDI EOB MSG PROCESSING CONT ;30-JUN-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**155,349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; RCRU(IBZDATA,IB0,IBLN) ; Revenue Code Roll-up procedure check - ; Total up outbound line items by revenue code and compare with ; incoming EOB 40 record to see if it has been rolled up ; ; IBZDATA - UB output formatter array, passed by reference ; IB0 - 40 record data ; IBLN - output parameter, passed by reference ; NEW Z,LN,REV,UN,CH,RUD,RUD2,UCH,MRAUCH I $P(IB0,U,4)="" G RCRUX S IBLN="",Z=0 F S Z=$O(IBZDATA(Z)) Q:'Z S LN=IBZDATA(Z) D . S REV=$P(LN,U,1),UN=$P(LN,U,4),CH=$P(LN,U,5),UCH=+$P(LN,U,3) . I REV="" Q . ; . S RUD=$G(RUD(REV)) ; roll up data array for rev code . S $P(RUD,U,1)=$P(RUD,U,1)+CH ; total charges . S $P(RUD,U,2)=$P(RUD,U,2)+UN ; total units . S $P(RUD,U,3)=$P(RUD,U,3)+1 ; total line items . S RUD(REV)=RUD . S RUD(REV,Z)="" . ; . S RUD2=$G(RUD2(REV,UCH)) ; roll up data array for rev code . S $P(RUD2,U,1)=$P(RUD2,U,1)+CH ; total charges . S $P(RUD2,U,2)=$P(RUD2,U,2)+UN ; total units . S $P(RUD2,U,3)=$P(RUD2,U,3)+1 ; total line items . S RUD2(REV,UCH)=RUD2 . S RUD2(REV,UCH,Z)="" . ; . Q ; I '$D(RUD),'$D(RUD2) G RCRUX ; ; delete the revenue code roll-up, if only 1 line item. S REV="" ; this is not a roll up situation F S REV=$O(RUD(REV)) Q:REV="" I $P(RUD(REV),U,3)=1 KILL RUD(REV) ; S (REV,UCH)="" F S REV=$O(RUD2(REV)) Q:REV="" F S UCH=$O(RUD2(REV,UCH)) Q:UCH="" I $P(RUD2(REV,UCH),U,3)=1 KILL RUD2(REV,UCH) ; I '$D(RUD),'$D(RUD2) G RCRUX ; S RUD=$G(RUD($P(IB0,U,4))) ; compare with 40 record data I RUD="" G RCRU2 ; make sure it exists I $P(RUD,U,1)'=+$$DOLLAR^IBCEOB($P(IB0,U,15)) G RCRU2 ; charges I $P(RUD,U,2)'=$P(IB0,U,16) G RCRU2 ; units S IBLN=$O(RUD($P(IB0,U,4),"")) ; use the first line# found G RCRUX ; RCRU2 ; check roll-up data by rev code and unit charge S MRAUCH=0 I $P(IB0,U,16) S MRAUCH=+$$DOLLAR^IBCEOB($P(IB0,U,15))/$P(IB0,U,16) S RUD2=$G(RUD2($P(IB0,U,4),MRAUCH)) ; compare with 40 record data I RUD2="" G RCRUX ; make sure it exists I $P(RUD2,U,1)'=+$$DOLLAR^IBCEOB($P(IB0,U,15)) G RCRUX ; charges I $P(RUD2,U,2)'=$P(IB0,U,16) G RCRUX ; units S IBLN=$O(RUD2($P(IB0,U,4),MRAUCH,"")) ; use the first line# found ; RCRUX ; Q ; ICN(IBEOB,ICN,COBN,IBOK) ; File the 835 ICN into the Bill ; ; Input parameters ; IBEOB - ien to file 361.1 ; ICN - the ICN# from the 835 transmission ; COBN - the insurance sequence# ; ; Output parameter ; IBOK - returns as 0 if we get a filing error here ; ; The field in file 399 depends on the current payer sequence ; 399,453 - primary ICN ; 399,454 - secondary ICN ; 399,455 - tertiary ICN ; NEW IBIFN,FIELD,D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y S IBEOB=+$G(IBEOB),COBN=+$G(COBN) I 'IBEOB!'COBN G ICNX S IBIFN=+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,0)),U,1) I '$D(^DGCR(399,IBIFN)) G ICNX I $G(ICN)="" G ICNX I '$F(".1.2.3.","."_COBN_".") G ICNX ; S FIELD=452+COBN S DIE=399,DA=IBIFN,DR=FIELD_"////"_ICN D ^DIE S IBOK=($D(Y)=0) I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Error in filing the ICN into the Bill/Claims file" ICNX ; Q ; 35(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '35' ; N A,IBOK ; S A="3;4.12;1;0;0^4;4.13;1;0;0^5;4.14;0;1;1^6;4.15;1;0;0^7;4.16;1;0;0^8;4.17;1;0;0^9;4.18;1;0;0^10;4.04;1;0;0^11;3.01;0;1;1^12;3.02;1;0;0^13;3.08;1;0;0^14;3.09;1;0;0" ; S IBOK=$$STORE^IBCEOB1(A,IB0,IBEOB) I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Bad MEDICARE Inpt Adjudication data" Q35 Q $G(IBOK) ; 37(IB0,IBEGBL,IBEOB) ; Record '37' ; N IBOK,IBCT S IBCT=$G(^TMP($J,37))+1 I IBCT>5 S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Too many Medicare Claim Level Adjudication Remarks" G Q37 ; Max 5 allowed S A="4;"_$S($P(IB0,U,3)="O":"3.0"_(IBCT+2),1:"5.0"_IBCT)_";0;0;0^5;5.0"_IBCT_"1;0;0;0" S IBOK=$$STORE^IBCEOB1(A,IB0,IBEOB) I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Bad Medicare Claim Level Adjudication Remarks data" ; ; 4/22/03 - esg - If claim level remark code MA15 is reported, then ; this is a split EOB and we need to change the REVIEW STATUS ; of this EOB to be ACCEPTED-INTERIM EOB. ; I $P(IB0,U,4)["MA15" D . N DA,DIE,DR,DIC . S DA=IBEOB,DIE=361.1,DR=".16////2" D ^DIE S IBOK=($D(Y)=0) . I 'IBOK S ^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,+$O(^TMP(IBEGBL,$J,""),-1)+1)="Split EOB, but review status was not updated correctly" . Q ; Q37 S ^TMP($J,37)=$G(^TMP($J,37))+1 ; Saves the # of entries for 37 records Q $G(IBOK) ; ; DET40(IB0,ARRAY) ; Format important details of record 40 for error ; IB0 = data on 40 record (some pieces pre-formatted) ; ARRAY(n)=formatted line is returned if passed by ref N Q S ARRAY(1)="Payer reported the following was billed to them:" S ARRAY(2)=" "_$S($P(IB0,U,21)="NU":"Rev Cd",1:"Proc")_": "_$S($P(IB0,U,10)'="":$P(IB0,U,10),1:"Same as adjudicated")_" Chg: "_$J($P(IB0,U,15)/100,"",2)_" Units: "_$S($P(IB0,U,16):$P(IB0,U,16),1:1) S ARRAY(3)=" Svc Date(s): "_$S($P(IB0,U,19)'="":$$FDT($P(IB0,U,19)),1:"??")_$S($P(IB0,U,20)'="":"-"_$$FDT($P(IB0,U,20)),1:"") I $P(IB0,U,11)'="" S ARRAY(3)=ARRAY(3)_" Mods: " F Q=11:1:14 I $P(IB0,U,Q)'="" S ARRAY(3)=ARRAY(3)_$P(IB0,U,Q)_$S(Q=14:"",$P(IB0,U,Q+1)'="":",",1:"") S ARRAY(4)="Payer reported adjudication on:" S ARRAY(5)=" "_$S($P(IB0,U,21)="NU":"Rev Cd",1:"Proc")_": "_$S($P(IB0,U,3)'="":$P(IB0,U,3),1:$P(IB0,U,4)) S ARRAY(5)=ARRAY(5)_" Type: "_$P(IB0,U,21)_$S($P(IB0,U,21)'="NU":" Rev Cd: "_$P(IB0,U,4),1:"")_" Units: "_$S($P(IB0,U,18):$P(IB0,U,18)/100,1:1)_" Amt: "_$J($P(IB0,U,17)/100,"",2) I $P(IB0,U,5)'="" S ARRAY(5)=ARRAY(5)_" Mods: " F Q=5:1:8 I $P(IB0,U,Q)'="" S ARRAY(5)=ARRAY(5)_$P(IB0,U,Q)_$S(Q=8:"",$P(IB0,U,Q+1)'="":",",1:"") Q ; DET4X(RECID,IB0,ARRAY) ; Format important details of record 41-45 for error ; RECID = 41,42,45 ; IB0 = data on RECID record ; ARRAY(n)=formatted line is returned if passed by ref N CT,Q I RECID=41 D Q . S ARRAY(1)="Allowed Amt: "_$J($P(IB0,U,3)/100,"",2)_" Per Diem Amt: "_$J($P(IB0,U,4)/100,"",2) ; I RECID=42 D Q . S ARRAY(1)="Line Item Remark Code: "_$P(IB0,U,3) . I $P(IB0,U,4)'="" S CT=1 F Q=0:80:190 I $E($P(IB0,U,4),Q+1,Q+80)'="" S CT=CT+1,ARRAY(CT)=$E($P(IB0,U,4),Q+1,Q+80) ; I RECID=45 D . S ARRAY(1)="Adj Group Cd: "_$P(IB0,U,3)_" Reason Cd: "_$P(IB0,U,4)_" Amt: "_$J($P(IB0,U,5)/100,"",2)_" Quantity: "_+$P(IB0,U,6) . I $P(IB0,U,7)'="" S CT=1 F Q=0:80:190 I $E($P(IB0,U,7),Q+1,Q+80)'="" S CT=CT+1,ARRAY(CT)=$E($P(IB0,U,7),Q+1,Q+80) Q ; FDT(X) ; Format date in X (YYYYMMDD) to MM/DD/YYYY S:X'="" X=$E(X,5,6)_"/"_$E(X,7,8)_"/"_$E(X,1,4) Q X ; UPDNM(IBEOB,IB0,IBBULL,IBDR) ; Update name on claim if it comes back changed ; IBEOB = the internal entry # of the entry in file 361.1 ; IB0 = the raw data returned from the 835 flat file ; IBBULL = holds result of name change check in piece 1 - if name ; changed, first '^' piece is 1, 3rd '^' piece is the old ; insured's name ; IBDR = returned as the updated 'DR' string with the name changed ; fields to use to update the EOB file (361.1) - pass by reference ; N IBCHGED,IBIFN,IBNEW,IBCOB,DIE,DR,X,Y I $P(IB0,U,7) D . S IBNEW=$P(IB0,U,3)_","_$P(IB0,U,4)_$S($P(IB0,U,5)'="":" "_$P(IB0,U,5),1:""),$P(IBBULL,U)=1 . S IBCOB=+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,0)),U,15) . S IBIFN=+$G(^IBM(361.1,+IBEOB,0)) . S IB=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I"_IBCOB)) . ; . I IB'="",$P(IB,U,17)'=IBNEW D .. ; Update the claim data only .. S $P(IBBULL,U,3)=$P(IB,U,17) ; save old value .. S $P(IB,U,17)=IBNEW .. S DIE="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBIFN,DR="30"_IBCOB_"////"_IB .. D:DA ^DIE .. S IBCHGED=1 . S IBDR=$G(IBDR)_"6.01////"_$P(IB0,U,3)_","_$P(IB0,U,4)_" "_$P(IB0,U,5)_";" ; Q $G(IBCHGED) ; UPDID(IBEOB,IB0,IBBULL,IBDR) ; Update id # on claim and policy if it comes back ; changed ; IBEOB = the internal entry # of the entry in file 361.1 ; IB0 = the raw data returned from the 835 flat file ; IBBULL = holds result of id change check in piece 2 - if id changed, ; second '^' piece = 1,4th '^' piece is the old insured's id ; IBDR = returned as the updated 'DR' string with the id changed fields ; to use to update the EOB file (361.1) - pass by reference ; N IBCHGED,IBNEW,IBCOB,IB,DIE,DR,DA,X,Y I $P(IB0,U,8) D . S IBNEW=$P(IB0,U,6),$P(IBBULL,U,2)=1 . S IBIFN=+$G(^IBM(361.1,+IBEOB,0)) . S IBCOB=+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,IBEOB,0)),U,15) . S IB=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"I"_IBCOB)) . ; . I IB'="",$P(IB,U,2)'=IBNEW D .. ; Update the claim .. S $P(IBBULL,U,4)=$P(IB,U,2) ; save old value .. S $P(IB,U,2)=IBNEW .. S DIE="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBIFN,DR="30"_IBCOB_"////"_IB D ^DIE .. ; .. ; Update the policy .. S DA(1)=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,2),DA=$P($G(^("M")),U,(11+IBCOB)),DR="1////"_IBNEW,DIE="^DPT("_DA(1)_",.312," .. I DA(1),DA D ^DIE .. S IBCHGED=1 . S IBDR=$G(IBDR)_"6.02////"_$P(IB0,U,6)_";" ; Q $G(IBCHGED) ;