IBCEOB01 ;ALB/ESG - 835 EDI EOB MSG PROCESSING CONT ;16-JAN-2008 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; ; This routine processes the "06" record on the incoming 835 and ; updates the patient insurance files with the corrected name and/or ; subscriber ID# data. ; UPD(IB0,IBEOB,IBIFN,DFN,SEQ) ; update pat ins policy data ; IB0 - This is the full "06" record data ; IBEOB - ien# to file 361.1 ; IBIFN - ien# to file 399 ; DFN - patient ien# to file 2 ; SEQ - payer sequence number ; NEW CORRID,IBIT,IBZ,IBZ1,IDCHG,INS,MAX,NAMECHG,NNM,NNM1,PD,POL,X,MCRSFX,MCRLEN,LN ; ; patient ID# processing S IDCHG=0 ; flag indicating an ID# change S CORRID=$P(IB0,U,6) ; corrected patient ID# S CORRID=$TR(CORRID,"-","") I CORRID'="" D . I $$VALHIC^IBCNSMM(CORRID) S IDCHG=1 ; valid HIC# . E D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"The corrected ID# "_CORRID_" is not a valid Medicare HIC#. No ID# correction done.") . Q ; ; corrected name processing S NAMECHG=0 ; flag indicating a name change I $P(IB0,U,3)="",$P(IB0,U,4)="",$P(IB0,U,5)="" G UPD1 ; no corrected name components indicated ; D F^IBCEF("N-CURR INSURED FULL NAME","IBZ",,IBIFN) ; get the existing name in standard format (see CI2-2.9) I IBZ="" D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"Unable to determine the existing subscriber name.") G UPD1 S IBZ1=$$NAME^IBCEFG1(IBZ) ; parse existing name into component pieces (see CI2-2.9) ; ; Determine if Medicare sent the suffix in the last name field S MCRSFX="" ; default Medicare suffix found in last name S LN=$P(IB0,U,3) ; last name S MCRLEN=$L(LN," ") ; how many " " pieces there are in the Medicare last name I MCRLEN>1 D . S MCRSFX=$$CHKSUF($P(LN," ",MCRLEN)) ; check the last piece to see if it is a common suffix . Q ; ; build new name components S NNM("FAMILY")=$S($P(IB0,U,3)'="":$P(IB0,U,3),1:$P(IBZ1,U,1)) S NNM("GIVEN")=$S($P(IB0,U,4)'="":$P(IB0,U,4),1:$P(IBZ1,U,2)) S NNM("MIDDLE")=$S($P(IB0,U,5)'="":$P(IB0,U,5),1:$P(IBZ1,U,3)) S NNM("SUFFIX")=$S(MCRSFX'="":"",1:$P(IBZ1,U,5)) ; if suffix is in the Medicare last name, blank it out here ; I NNM("FAMILY")="" D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"Last name is nil.") G UPD1 I NNM("GIVEN")="" D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"First name is nil.") G UPD1 ; K MAX D FIELD^DID(2.312,17,,"FIELD LENGTH","MAX") S MAX=$G(MAX("FIELD LENGTH")) I 'MAX D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"Unable to determine the maximum field length for 2.312,17.") G UPD1 S NNM1=$$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.NNM,"F","CL"_MAX) ; construct the new name K IBIT D FIELD^DID(2.312,17,,"INPUT TRANSFORM","IBIT") S IBIT=$G(IBIT("INPUT TRANSFORM")) S X=NNM1 X IBIT ; invoke the input transform on the field to see if it is valid I '$D(X) D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"New name '"_NNM1_"' failed the input transform for field 2.312,17.") G UPD1 ; ; at this point, all name checks have passed and we have a valid, new, corrected name in NNM1 S NAMECHG=1 ; UPD1 ; ; I 'NAMECHG,'IDCHG D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"No changes made.") G UPDX ; I NAMECHG D . N DIE,DA,DR . D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"Name corrected from "_IBZ_" to "_NNM1_".") . S DIE=361.1,DA=IBEOB,DR="6.01////^S X=NNM1" D ^DIE . Q ; I IDCHG D . N DIE,DA,DR . D MSG^IBCEOB(IBEOB,"ID# corrected from "_$$POLICY^IBCEF(IBIFN,2,SEQ)_" to "_CORRID_".") . S DIE=361.1,DA=IBEOB,DR="6.02////^S X=CORRID" D ^DIE . Q ; ; Loop thru patient policies looking to update all Medicare entries S POL=0 F S POL=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,POL)) Q:'POL D . S PD=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,POL,0)) ; policy data on the 0 node . S INS=+PD . I '$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(INS) Q ; quit if ins co isn't Medicare . I IDCHG,CORRID'=$P(PD,U,2) D UPDID(DFN,POL,CORRID) ; ID# change . I NAMECHG,NNM1'=$P(PD,U,17) D UPDNM(DFN,POL,NNM1) ; name change . Q UPDX ; Q ; UPDID(DFN,DA,ID) ; update the subscriber ID# field N DR,DIE,DIC S DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",.312,",DA(1)=DFN S DR="1///^S X=ID" D ^DIE D UPDAUD(DFN,DA) ; audit info Q ; UPDNM(DFN,DA,NM) ; update the subscriber name field N DR,DIE,DIC S DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",.312,",DA(1)=DFN S DR="17///^S X=NM" D ^DIE D UPDAUD(DFN,DA) ; audit info Q ; UPDAUD(DFN,DA) ; update the audit information for this patient insurance policy N DR,DIE,DIC D UPDATPT^IBCNSP3(DFN,DA) ; date and time last edited and by whom S DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",.312,",DA(1)=DFN S DR="1.09///MEDICARE" ; source of information is MEDICARE D ^DIE D UPDCLM^IBCNSP1(DFN,DA) ; update editable claims Q ; CHKSUF(X) ; Return X if it looks like a suffix; otherwise, return null Q:"^I^II^III^IV^V^VI^VII^VIII^IX^X^JR^SR^DR^MD^ESQ^DDS^RN^"[(U_X_U) X Q:"^1ST^2ND^3RD^4TH^5TH^6TH^7TH^8TH^9TH^10TH^"[(U_X_U) X Q "" ;