IBCEPTC ;ALB/TMK - EDI PREVIOUSLY TRANSMITTED CLAIMS ; 4/12/05 11:15am ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**296,320,348,349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; Main entrypoint ; IBDT1,IBDT2 = last transmit date range to use ; IBSORT = primary sort criteria to use B=BATCH #,I=INS CO NAME ; IBFORM = form type to limit selection to U=UB-04,C=CMS-1500,B=BOTH ; IBCRIT = the additional sort criteria needed ; IBPTCCAN = whether or not to include cancelled claims ; IBRCBFPC = whether or not to include force print @ clearinghouse ; ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J) = 1 for specific ins co/null for all ; ^($J,1,ien)="" for ien of each ins co selected ; ^($J,2,payer ID,ien)="" if selected ; IBREP = format output should be put in R=report,S=Listman ; N DIR,DIC,X,Y,Z,Z0,Z1,IBHOW,IBACT,IBCT,IBREP,IBCRIT,IBDT1,IBDT2 N IBFORM,IBOK,IBQUIT,IBSORT,IBY,DTOUT,DUOUT,%ZIS,ZTSAVE,ZTRTN,ZTDESC N POP,IBPAYER,EDI,INST,PROF,IBPTCCAN,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,IBRCBFPC ; Q1 ; W !!,"*** Please Note ***" W ?20,"2 '^' are needed to abort this option (^^)" W !?20,"1 '^' brings you back to the previous prompt (^)" W ! ; S DIR(0)="SA^C:Claim;B:Batch;L:List",DIR("A")="Select By: (C)laim, (B)atch or see a (L)ist to pick from?: ",DIR("B")="List" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G ENQ S IBHOW=Y I IBHOW="L" G Q1A ; S IBQUIT=0,IBCT=0 K ^TMP($J,IBHOW) F D Q:IBQUIT . I IBHOW="C" S DIR("A")="Select a"_$S(IBCT:"nother",1:"")_" Claim: ",DIR(0)="PA^364:AEMQZ",DIR("S")="I '$P(^(0),U,7),'$O(^IBA(364,""B"",+^(0),Y))" . I IBHOW="B" S DIR("A")="Select a"_$S(IBCT:"nother",1:"")_" Batch: ",DIR(0)="PA^IBA(364.1,:AEMQ^W "" "",$P(^(0),U,3),"" Claims""",DIR("S")="I '$P(^(0),U,14)" . S DIR("?")="^D SELDSP^IBCEPTC(IBHOW)" . S:IBCT $P(DIR(0),U)=$P(DIR(0),U)_"O" ; Optional prompt after one is selected . D ^DIR K DIR . I Y'>0 S IBQUIT=$S(X="^":2,X="^^":3,1:1) Q . S IBY=$S(IBHOW="C":+Y,1:""),Y=$S(IBHOW="C":+Y(0),1:Y) . I '$D(^TMP($J,IBHOW,+Y)) S IBCT=IBCT+1,^TMP($J,IBHOW,+Y)=IBY ; G:IBQUIT=3 ENQ G:IBQUIT=2!'$O(^TMP($J,IBHOW,0)) Q1 S Z=0 I IBHOW="C" F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,"C",Z)) Q:'Z S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_SELECT",$J,Z,0)=^TMP($J,"C",Z) I IBHOW="B" S (Z,IBCT)=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,"B",Z)) Q:'Z D . S Z0=0 F S Z0=$O(^IBA(364,"C",Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S Z1=+$G(^IBA(364,Z0,0)) I Z1,'$D(^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_SELECT",$J,Z1,0)) S ^(0)=Z0,IBCT=IBCT+1 S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_SELECT",$J)=IBCT D RESUB^IBCEPTC3 G ENQ ; Q1A K ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J) S DIR(0)="SA^A:All Payers;S:Selected Payers" S DIR("A")="Run for (A)ll Payers or (S)elected Payers?: " S DIR("B")="Selected Payers" W !!,"PAYER SELECTION:" D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q1 ; I Y="A" S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J)="" G Q2 ; ; esg - 11/21/05 - patch 320 question W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Include all payers with the same electronic Payer ID",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIROUT) G ENQ I $D(DIRUT) G Q1A S IBPAYER=Y W ! ; S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J)=1 S IBQUIT=0 F D Q:IBQUIT . S DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC=36,DIC("A")=" Select Insurance Company: " . I $O(^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J,1,"")) S DIC("A")=" Select Another Insurance Company: " . S DIC("W")="D INSLIST^IBCEMCA(Y)" . D ^DIC K DIC ; lookup . I X="^^" S IBQUIT=2 Q ; user entered "^^" . I +Y'>0 S IBQUIT=1 Q ; user is done . W ! . S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J,1,+Y)="" . I 'IBPAYER Q . S EDI=$$UP^XLFSTR($G(^DIC(36,+Y,3))) . S PROF=$P(EDI,U,2),INST=$P(EDI,U,4) . I PROF'="",PROF'["PRNT" S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J,2,PROF,+Y)="" . I INST'="",INST'["PRNT" S ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J,2,INST,+Y)="" . Q ; I IBQUIT=2 G ENQ ; I '$O(^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J,1,0)) D G Q1A . W *7,!!?3,"No payers have been selected. Please try again." . Q ; Q2 S DIR(0)="SA^C:CMS-1500;U:UB-04;B:Both",DIR("B")="Both" S DIR("A")="Run for (U)B-04, (C)MS-1500 or (B)oth: " W !!,"BILL FORM TYPE SELECTION:" D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q1A S IBFORM=Y ; Q3 S DIR(0)="DA^0:9999999:EPX",DIR("A")="Start with Date Last Transmitted: " S DIR("?",1)="This is the earliest date on which a batch that you want to include on this",DIR("?",2)=" report was last transmitted. You may choose a maximum date range of 90 days.",DIR("?")=" " W !!,"LAST BATCH TRANSMIT DATE RANGE SELECTION:" D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q2 S IBDT1=Y S IBDT2=$$FMADD^XLFDT(IBDT1,90) I IBDT2>DT S IBDT2=DT S DIR("?",1)="This is the latest date on which a batch that you want to include on this",DIR("?",2)=" report was last transmitted. You may choose a maximum date range of 90 days.",DIR("?")=" " S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(IBDT2,2),DIR(0)="DA^"_IBDT1_":"_IBDT2_":EPX" S DIR("A")="Go to Date Last Transmitted:("_$$FMTE^XLFDT(IBDT1,2)_"-"_$$FMTE^XLFDT(IBDT2,2)_"): " D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q3 S IBDT2=Y ; Q4 ; Additional selection criteria S DIR(0)="SAO^1:MRA Secondary Only;2:Primary Claims Only;3:Secondary Claims Only;4:Claims Previously Printed at Clearinghouse" S DIR("A",1)="ADDITIONAL SELECTION CRITERIA:",DIR("A",2)=" ",DIR("A",3)="1 - MRA Secondary Only",DIR("A",4)="2 - Primary Claims Only",DIR("A",5)="3 - Secondary Claims Only" S DIR("A",6)="4 - Claims Sent to Print at Clearinghouse Only",DIR("A",7)=" ",DIR("A")="Select Additional Limiting Criteria (optional): " S DIR("?")="Select one of the listed criteria to further limit the claims to include" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q3 S IBCRIT=Y ; Q41 ; Ask user if they want to include cancelled claims S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="No",DIR("A")="Would you like to include cancelled claims" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DIRUT) G Q4 S IBPTCCAN=Y ; Q42 ; Include claims that are forced to print at clearinghouse? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="No",DIR("A")="Would you like to include claims Forced to Print at the Clearinghouse" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DIRUT) G Q41 S IBRCBFPC=Y ; Q5 S DIR("L",1)="Select one of the following: ",DIR("L",2)=" ",DIR("L",3)=$J("",10)_"1 Batch By Last Transmitted Date (Claims within a Batch)",DIR("L",4)=$J("",10)_"2 Current Payer (Insurance Company)" S DIR("L",5)=" " S DIR(0)="SA^1:Batch By Last Transmitted Date (Claims within a Batch);2:Current Payer (Insurance Company)",DIR("B")="Current Payer" S DIR("A")="Sort By: " W ! D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q42 S IBSORT=Y ; Q6 S DIR(0)="SA^R:Report;S:Screen List" S DIR("A")="Do you want a (R)eport or a (S)creen List format?: " S DIR("B")="Screen List" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I X="^^" G ENQ I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G Q5 S IBREP=Y ; I IBREP="S" D LIST^IBCEPTC0 G ENQ ; Q7 ; Select device F S IBACT=0 D DEVSEL(.IBACT) Q:IBACT I IBACT=99 G ENQ U IO D LIST^IBCEPTC0 ; ENQ K ^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS",$J),^TMP("IB_PREV_CLAIM_SELECT",$J) Q ; DEVSEL(IBACT) ; N DIR,POP,X,Y,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE W !!,"You will need a 132 column printer for this report!" S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS I POP S IBACT=99 G DEVSELQ I $G(IOM),IOM<132 S IBOK=1 D I 'IBOK S IBACT=0 G DEVSELQ . S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A",1)="This report requires output to a 132 column device.",DIR("A",2)="The device you have chosen is only set for "_IOM_".",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to continue?: ",DIR("B")="No" . W ! D ^DIR K DIR . I Y'=1 S IBOK=0 W ! I $D(IO("Q")) D S IBACT=99 G DEVSELQ . K IO("Q") . S ZTRTN="LIST^IBCEPTC0",ZTSAVE("IBCRIT(")="",ZTSAVE("IB*")="",ZTSAVE("^TMP(""IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS"",$J)")="",ZTSAVE("^TMP(""IB_PREV_CLAIM_INS"",$J,")="",ZTDESC="IB - Previously Transmitted Claims Report" . D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS S IBACT=1 DEVSELQ Q ; SELDSP(IBHOW) ; Display list of selected claims/batches ; IBHOW = "C" for claims "B" for batches N Z,DIR,CT,QUIT I '$O(^TMP($J,IBHOW,0)) Q S (CT,QUIT)=0 W !!,$S(IBHOW="C":"Claims",1:"Batches")," Already Selected:" S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,IBHOW,Z)) Q:'Z!QUIT S Z0=$G(^(Z)) D Q:QUIT . I IBHOW="C" W !,?3,$P($G(^DGCR(399,Z,0)),U) Q . W !,?3,$P($G(^IBA(364.1,Z,0)),U)," ",$P(^(0),U,3)," Claims" . S CT=CT+1 . I '(CT#10),$O(^TMP($J,IBHOW,Z)) S DIR("A")="Press return for more or '^' to exit ",DIR(0)="EA" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S QUIT=1 W ! Q ;