IBCESRV2 ;ALB/TMP - Server based Auto-update utilities - IB EDI ;03/05/96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137,191,155,296**;21-MAR-94 Q ; CON837 ; Confirmation of 837 batch - auto update ;Input expected: IBTDA = the ien of the message entry in file 364.2 ; N IB0,IBBDA,IBBILL,IBMSG,IBFLAG,IBTYP,IBBST,DR,DA,DIE,Z Q:'$G(IBTDA) S IB0=$G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)),IBBDA=+$P(IB0,U,4) ;Batch ien S IBTYP=$P($G(^IBE(364.3,+$P(IB0,U,2),0)),U) ; Q:IBTYP'["837REC" ; I $P(IB0,U,14) D UPDTEST^IBCEPTM(IBTDA) Q ; Test claim message from claim resubmitted claim ; ; Austin receipt is '837REC0', ; other non-payer confirmations are '837REC1', ; payer confirmations are '837REC2' S IBTYP=+$P(IBTYP,"837REC",2) S IBBST=$P($G(^IBA(364.1,IBBDA,0)),U,2) ; I $S(IBBST?1"A"1N:IBTYP<+$P(IBBST,"A",2),1:0) D Q . ;Don't allow status to go backwards . D DELMSG(IBTDA) ; D UPDCONF(IBBDA,IBTDA,IBTYP,1) ; Q ; BILLSTAC(IBBILL,IBTYP) ;Change status of transmit bill ; IBBILL = the ien of the entry in file 364 to update ; IBTYP = code for new status (see field 364;.03 for details) ; N IBSTAT,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y ; S IBSTAT=$P($G(^IBA(364,IBBILL,0)),U,3) ; Q:IBSTAT=IBTYP!(IBTYP="") ;Status hasn't changed or new status is null Q:"CREZ"[IBSTAT ;Don't update status of completed transmit record ; ; Don't allow the status to go backwards I $E(IBSTAT)="A","PX"[IBTYP Q I $E(IBSTAT)="A",$E(IBTYP)="A",$P(IBTYP,"A",2)<$P(IBSTAT,"A",2) Q ; S DIE="^IBA(364,",DA=IBBILL,DR=".03////"_IBTYP_";.04///NOW" D ^DIE Q ; REJ837 ; Rejections 837 ;Input IBTDA = the ien of the message entry in file 364.2 ; Q:'$G(IBTDA) ; D UPDREJ(+$P($G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)),U,4),IBTDA) Q ; DELMSG(IBTDA) ; ; Delete message after it successfully updates the database. ; IBTDA = the ien of the message in file 364.2 D TRADEL^IBCESRV1(IBTDA) Q ; BILLSTAR(IBBILL,IBTDA) ;Change status of transmit bill and bill on rejection ; IBBILL = ien of bill (399) ; IBTDA = ien of error message ; N DR,DIE,DA,IBSTAT,IBDA,IBCBH ; S IBDA=$S($P($G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)),U,5):$P(^(0),U,5),1:+$O(^IBA(364,"B",IBBILL,""),-1)) S IBSTAT=$P($G(^IBA(364,IBDA,0)),U,3),IBCBH=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,0)),U,21) ; Q:"CREZ"[IBSTAT ;Don't update status of completed transmit record ; I IBSTAT'="E" S DIE="^IBA(364,",DA=IBDA,DR=".03////E;.04///NOW;.05////"_IBTDA D ^DIE ; ; Don't process further if only testing transmission with insurance co Q:+$G(^DIC(36,+$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,"I"_($F("PST",IBCBH)-1))),U),3))=2 ; ; Suspend bill if waiting for MRA - allows it to be edited ;I $P($G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,0)),U,13)=2,$$NEEDMRA^IBEFUNC(IBBILL)="1N" S DIE="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBBILL,DR=".13////6" D:DA ^DIE Q ; UPDMSG(IBTDA,STAT,UPD) ; Update msg with status of 'P','U' or delete message ; STAT = 'P' 'U' for pending or updating, 'R' to delete ; UPD = flag that says update the data base updated field (.12) if 1 ; N DIE,DA,DR ; I STAT="R" D DELMSG(IBTDA) Q ; I $P($G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)),U,6)'=STAT D . S DR=".06////"_STAT_$S($G(UPD):".12////1",1:"") . S DIE="^IBA(364.2,",DA=IBTDA . I $G(^IBA(364.2,DA,0)) D ^DIE Q ; STOREM(IBTDA,IBTEXT,IBE) ;Store message text in file 364.2 ; INPUT: ; IBTDA = ien in file 364 message field entry #IBTDA ; IBTEXT = name of the array where the message text is retrieved from ; or "@" to delete the text from the message field ; OUTPUT: ; IBE = array of errors (IBE("DIERR")) returned, pass by reference ; N IBZ,X,Y ; Q:$S($G(IBTEXT)="@":0,1:$D(@IBTEXT)<10) ; K IBE("DIERR") ; F IBZ=1:1:20 D WP^DIE(364.2,IBTDA_",",2,"AK",""_IBTEXT_"","IBE") Q:$S('$D(IBE("DIERR")):1,+IBE("DIERR")=1:$G(IBE("DIERR",1))'=110,1:1) K IBE("DIERR") H .5 ; On lock error, retry up to 20 times Q ; CKRES(IBBDA,IBDEF,IBLIST) ;Chk to see if the batch file can be updated to ; completely resubmitted based on finding all bills in it ; having a status of cancelled, resubmitted, deleted or closed ; or if none of these statuses, they at least have a transmission ; record for the same bill created at a later date/time. ; ; IBBDA : Batch # ien in file 364.1 ; IBDEF : Default to set the batch status to. ; 0 or undefined, status will set to 0 (NOT INCOMPLETE) ; if no incomplete submissions found ; 1 status will set to 1 (INCOMPLETE) ; if any incomplete submissions found ; -1 status will not be updated ; IBLIST : If passed by reference and IBLIST=1, returns list of bill ; #'s not resubmitted in IBLIST(ien of file 364)="" ; N IB,IBINC,IBBILL,DIE,DR,DA,Z,Z0 ; S IBDEF=+$G(IBDEF),IBINC=0 Q:$S('$G(IBBDA):1,IBDEF'<0:'$P($G(^IBA(364.1,IBBDA,0)),U,10),1:0) ; I $G(IBLIST) K IBLIST S IBLIST=1 S IB="" F S IB=$O(^IBA(364,"ABAST",IBBDA,IB)) Q:IB="" I "CRDZ"'[IB D Q:'$G(IBLIST) . S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^IBA(364,"ABAST",IBBDA,IB,Z)) Q:'Z D .. S Z0=($$LAST364^IBCEF4(+$G(^IBA(364,Z,0)))=Z) .. I Z0,'$G(IBLIST) S IBINC=1 Q .. I $G(IBLIST),Z0 S IBLIST(Z)="" ; I $S('IBDEF:'IBINC,IBDEF>0:IBINC,1:0) S DA=IBBDA,DIE="^IBA(364.1,",DR=".1////"_IBDEF D ^DIE ; Q ; UPDCONF(IBBDA,IBTDA,IBTYP,IBAUTO) ; Add status msgs to STATUS file #361 ; Update data base from confirmation msg ; IBBDA = ien of batch ; IBTDA = ien of message ; IBTYP = type of message ; (0=Austin confirmation, 1=confirmation by non-payer ; 2=confirmation by payer) ; IBAUTO = flag for update mode ; 0 or null : manual 1 : auto ; ^TMP("IBCONF",$J,bill ien)="" where bill ien is the internal entry ; number of any bills in file 364 to be excluded from the ; confirmation due to reported errors ; N IBBILL,IBIDA,PRCASV,DA,DIE,DR,IBFLAG,IB0,IBS ; D UPDMSG(IBTDA,"U",0) ; S IB0=$G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)) S IBS="A"_IBTYP ; S IBBILL="" F S IBBILL=$O(^IBA(364,"ABABI",+IBBDA,IBBILL)) Q:'IBBILL D . Q:$D(^TMP("IBCONF",$J,IBBILL)) ;Bill was rejected . ;Update status of all valid bills in a batch . S IBIDA=0 F S IBIDA=$O(^IBA(364,"ABABI",IBBDA,IBBILL,IBIDA)) Q:'IBIDA D .. D BILLSTAC(IBIDA,IBS) . ; . I 'IBTYP D .. S DR="20///N0W" .. S:$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,"TX")),U,5)="1N" DR=DR_";24///1R" .. S DA=IBBILL,DIE="^DGCR(399," D ^DIE ; I 'IBTYP D DELMSG(IBTDA) ; I 'IBBDA,$P(IB0,U,5) D . N IB . S IB=$P($G(^IBA(364,+$P(IB0,U,5),0)),U,2) ; batch . D BILLSTAC($P(IB0,U,5),IBS) ;Upd individual transmitted bill entry . I $G(^IBA(364.1,+IB,0)),$P($G(^(0)),U,2)'="A0" S DIE="^IBA(364.1,",DA=+IB,DR=".02////A0" D ^DIE ; I IBBDA,$P($G(^IBA(364.1,+IBBDA,0)),U,2)'=IBS D . S DA=IBBDA,DIE="^IBA(364.1," . S DR=".02////"_IBS_$S($G(IBFLAG)'="":";.06////"_IBFLAG,1:"")_";1.05////"_$P(IB0,U,10)_";1.06///NOW" . D ^DIE ; ; Add message to bill status file 361 for bill I IBTYP D UPD361^IBCEST(IBTDA) ; S ZTREQ="@" K ^TMP("IBCONF",$J) Q ; UPDREJ(IBBDA,IBTDA) ; Update data base from rejection msg ; IBBDA = ien of batch ; IBTDA = ien of message ; N DA,DR,DIE,IBBILL,IBTBILL,IB0 ; D UPDMSG(IBTDA,"U",0) ; S IB0=$G(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,0)),IBTBILL=+$P(IB0,U,5),IBBILL=+$G(^IBA(364,IBTBILL,0)) ; I $P(IB0,U,14) D UPDTEST^IBCEPTM(IBTDA) Q ; Test claim message from claim resubmission - store in test msg file instead ; I IBBILL D BILLSTAR(IBBILL,IBTDA) ;Update individual bill ; I IBBDA,'IBBILL D . S DA=IBBDA,DIE="^IBA(364.1," . S DR=".11////"_IBTDA_";.06////1;1.05////"_$P(IB0,U,10)_";1.06///NOW;.05////1" . D ^DIE ;Batch Rejected .; . ;Update status of all bills in batch, bill file . F S IBBILL=$O(^IBA(364,"ABABI",IBBDA,IBBILL)) Q:'IBBILL D BILLSTAR(IBBILL,IBTDA) ; ;Add message to bill status file 361 for bill D UPD361^IBCEST(IBTDA) ; S ZTREQ="@" Q ; MAILIT ; Mails the report text (bulletin) to the IB EDI SUPERVISOR mail grp; N IB0,IBHD,IBL,IBZ,IBOK,XMTO,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,XMDUZ,XMZ,Z K ^TMP("IBMSG",$J),^TMP("IBMSGH",$J) Q:'$G(IBTDA) ;Assume this exists and is the IEN of the message in 364.2 S (IBL,IBZ,IBHD)=0,IBOK=1 F S IBZ=$O(^IBA(364.2,IBTDA,2,IBZ)) Q:'IBZ S IB0=$G(^(IBZ,0)) D . Q:$P(IB0,U)="REPORT"!($E(IB0,1,4)="99^$") . ; . I $P(IB0,U)="SUBJECT" D Q .. I $O(^TMP("IBMSG",$J,0)) D SEND(.IBOK) ; send last report .. S ^TMP("IBMSGH",$J)=$P(IB0,"SUBJECT^",2) . ; . I $E(IB0,1,18)="*** NEW PAGE ***" D Q .. F Z=1:1:5 S IBL=IBL+1,^TMP("IBMSG",$J,IBL)=" " .. S ^TMP("IBMSG",$J,IBL)="*** END OF PAGE ***" .. F Z=1,2 S IBL=IBL+1,^TMP("IBMSG",$J,IBL)=" " . S IBL=IBL+1,^TMP("IBMSG",$J,IBL)=IB0 . ; I $O(^TMP("IBMSG",$J,0)) D SEND(.IBOK) I IBOK D DELMSG($G(IBTDA)) K ^TMP("IBMSG",$J),^TMP($J,"IBMSGH",$J) Q ; SEND(IBOK) ; Send actual message for 1 report ; N XMSUBJ,XMBODY,XMTO,XMZ,XMDUZ S XMSUBJ=$G(^TMP("IBMSGH",$J)),XMBODY="^TMP(""IBMSG"",$J)",XMTO("I:G.IB EDI SUPERVISOR")="" D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(,$E(XMSUBJ,1,65),XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) I '$G(XMZ) S IBOK=0 K ^TMP("IBMSG",$J),^TMP("IBMSGH",$J) Q ;