IBCF3TP ;ALB/BGA - TEST PATTERN UB92 FORM ; 12-AUG-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This program performs a test print function. The results of this ;test will align the fields of the IB routines to the field locators ;on form UB92. ; ; ZIS S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP END I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="ENP^IBCF3TP",ZTSAVE("IBCF31")="",ZTDESC="PRINT TEST BILL" D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q") D HOME^%ZIS G END U IO ENP ; W "##SR",?34,"*** UB-92 TEST PATTERN ***" W !,"AGENT CASHIER" W !,"AGENT CASHIER STREET",?57,"BN XXX ",?77,"XXX" W !,"CITY STATE ZIP" 5 W !,"PHONE #",?26,"TAX# XXXX",?37,"5/1/93",?44,"5/4/93" W ! W !,"PATIENT NAME",?31,"PT SHORT ADDRESS" W ! W !,"DOB",?9,"X",?12,"X",?14,"DATE",?21,"HR",?25,"X",?28,"X",?30,"DR",?33,"ST",?36,"000-00-0000" S IBI=54 F IBJ=1:1:7 W ?IBI,"CC" S IBI=IBI+3 W !! 11 S IBI=0 F IBJ=1:1:5 W ?IBI,"OC",?(IBI+3),"DATE" S IBI=IBI+10 W !!,"RESPONSIBLE PARTY'S NAME" W !,"STREET ADDRESS 1",!,"STREET ADDRESS 2",!,"STREET ADDRESS 3",!,"CITY STATE ZIP" W ! 19 W !,"CD1",?5,"REV CODE description",?48,"xx",?57,"xxxx.xx" W !,"CD2",?5,"REV CODE description",?48,"xx",?57,"xxxx.xx" W !,"CD3",?5,"REV CODE description",?48,"xx",?57,"xxxx.xx" W !,?5,"Subtotal",?57,"xxxx.xx" W !!,?5,"Total",?57,"xxxx.xx" W !!!!!!!!! 32 W !,"For your information, even though the patient may be otherwise eligible" W !,"for Medicare, no payment may be made under Medicare to any Federal provider" W !,"of medical care or services and may not be used as a reason for non-payment." W !,"Please make your check payable to the Department of Veterans Affairs and" W !,"send to the address listed above." W ! W !,"The undersigned certifies that treatment rendered is not for a" W !,"service connected disability." W ! 43 W !,"Name of Payer 1",?26,"Provider #",?40,"x",?43,"x" W !,"Name of Payer 2",?26,"Provider #",?40,"x",?43,"x" W !,"Name of Payer 3",?26,"Provider #",?40,"x",?43,"x" W !! 48 W !,"Insured's Name 1",?26,"x",?29,"Insurance #",?49,"Group Name",?64,"Group #" W !,"Insured's Name 2",?26,"x",?29,"Insurance #",?49,"Group Name",?64,"Group #" W !,"Insured's Name 3",?26,"x",?29,"Insurance #",?49,"Group Name",?64,"Group #" W ! W !,"Treatment Auth. Cd",?19,"x",?21,"Employer Name",?47,"Employer Location" W !,?19,"x",?21,"Employer Name",?47,"Employer Location" W !,?19,"x",?21,"Employer Name",?47,"Employer Location" W ! 56 W !,"PDX" S IBI=7 F IBJ=1:1:8 W ?IBI,"Dx Cd" S IBI=IBI+7 W ?64,"ADMT DX",!! S IBI=3 F IBJ=1:1:3 W ?IBI,"P-code",?(IBI+8),"mmddyy" S IBI=IBI+15 W ?52,"Attending Phys. ID#",!! S IBI=3 F IBJ=1:1:3 W ?IBI,"P-code",?(IBI+8),"mmddyy" S IBI=IBI+15 W ?52,"Other Phys. ID#" 61 W !,?7,"Patient ID#: xxx-xx-xxxx" W !,"Bill Type: xxx xxxxxx" W !,"UB 92 TEST PATTERN",?52,"Provider Representative DATE" W !,"*** comment ***" K IBI,IBJ I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC END Q