IBCFP1 ;ALB/ARH - PRINT AUTHORIZED BILLS IN ORDER ;6-DEC-94 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**54,52,80,121,51,137,155,320,348,349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; QTASK ; 1st part sorts authorized bills into order requested by bill form type then queues off 1 job for each type to print bills ; D GCLEAN S IBXP=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,1)_"^"_DT_"^BATCH PRINT BILLS "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H)_" by "_$S($D(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"Unknown User") SORT ;sort authorized bills by form type and requested sort order (notice bill addendums only print for 1500's) S (IBQ,IBIFN)=0 F S IBIFN=$O(^DGCR(399,"AST",3,IBIFN)) Q:'IBIFN!IBQ D I $$STOP S IBQ=1 Q . Q:+$$TXMT^IBCEF4(IBIFN)=1 ;Exclude transmittable bills . S IBFT=$$FT^IBCU3(IBIFN) Q:$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,0)),U,2)="" I IBFT'?1N Q ;No device for form type . S IBX=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),IBPAT=$P($G(^DPT(+$P(IBX,U,2),0)),U,1) Q:$P(IBX,U,13)'=3 . S IBZIP=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"M")),U,9),IBINS=$P($G(^DIC(36,+$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"MP")),0)),U,1) . S IBX=IBZIP_U_IBINS_U_IBPAT,IBS1=$P(IBX,U,$E(IBS,1))_" ",IBS2=$P(IBX,U,$E(IBS,2))_" ",IBS3=$P(IBX,U,$E(IBS,3))_" " . S ^XTMP("IBCFP"_IBFT,0)=IBXP,^XTMP("IBCFP"_IBFT,$J,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBIFN)="" . S XIBFT=IBFT ;save off curent value of IBFT . ; . ; set MRA queue to print . S IBFT=$$FNT^IBCU3("MRA") . ; Merge the data from ^XTMP("IBCFP" queue, into "IBMRA" queue . I +IBFT,$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,0)),U,2)'="" S ^XTMP("IBMRA"_IBFT,0)=IBXP M ^XTMP("IBMRA"_IBFT,$J)=^XTMP("IBCFP"_XIBFT,$J) . ; . ; Print Bill Addendums only for 1500's . I $$FTN^IBCU3(XIBFT)'["CMS-1500" Q . S IBFT=$$FNT^IBCU3("BILL ADDENDUM") . I +IBFT,$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,0)),U,2)'="" S ^XTMP("IBCFP"_IBFT,0)=IBXP,^XTMP("IBCFP"_IBFT,$J,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBIFN)="" . Q K IBIFN,IBFT,XIBFT,IBX,IBY,IBPAT,IBZIP,IBINS,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBS,IBXP ; QUEUE ; starts a queued job for each form type that an authorized bill was found for ; no form types without defined device I IBQ D GCLEAN ;queued job stopped I 'IBQ D . ; queue a job for each form type . S IBIX="IBCFP" F S IBIX=$O(^XTMP(IBIX)) Q:(IBIX'?1"IBCFP"1N) I $D(^XTMP(IBIX,$J)) S IBFT=$E(IBIX,6) D . . S ZTIO=$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,0)),U,2),IBFTP=IBIX,IBJ=$J . . S ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("IBFTP")="",ZTSAVE("IBFT")="",ZTSAVE("IBJ")="" . . S ZTDESC="BATCH PRINTING "_$$FTN^IBCU3(+IBFT),ZTRTN="QBILL^IBCFP1" D ^%ZTLOAD . ; Also queue a job to print MRA's, if any, for each bill . S IBIX="IBMRA" F S IBIX=$O(^XTMP(IBIX)) Q:(IBIX'?1"IBMRA"1N) I $D(^XTMP(IBIX,$J)) S IBFT=$E(IBIX,6) D . . S ZTIO=$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,0)),U,2),IBFTP=IBIX,IBJ=$J . . S ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("IBFTP")="",ZTSAVE("IBFT")="",ZTSAVE("IBJ")="" . . S ZTDESC="BATCH PRINTING MRA'S",ZTRTN="QMRA^IBCEMU2" D ^%ZTLOAD K IBIX,IBY,IBFTP,IBJ ; end of first queued part Q ; GCLEAN ; Clean up XTMP global for $J of IBCFP and IBMRA entries N I S I="IBCFP" F S I=$O(^XTMP(I)) Q:I'?1"IBCFP"1N.N K ^XTMP(I) S I="IBMRA" F S I=$O(^XTMP(I)) Q:I'?1"IBMRA"1N.N K ^XTMP(I) Q ; QBILL ; 2nd queued part will print all authorized bills for a specific form type N IBF,IBFORM,IBPNT S IBF=$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,2)),U,8),IBPNT=1 I $D(IBMCSPNT) S IBPNT=IBMCSPNT ; IB*320 - MCS resubmit by print I IBF'="" S IBFORM=IBF D FORMOUT^IBCEFG7 Q ;call formatter ; QB1 ; Entrypoint for output logic of formatter ; pass in "^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ)" sorted array of bills to print ; IBFTP = "IBCFP"_(form type) subscript indicating which part of array to print ; IBPNT = reprint status of bill (1-original, 0-copy, etc) ; IBFT = IFN of bill form type to be printed ; IBJ = $J of starting job (for when multiple print jobs might be queued) ; if a single bill printed and queued, IBJ will be null S:$G(IBJ)="" IBJ=$J S:'$D(IBPNT) IBPNT=1 N IBCT,IBBN,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBQ,IBIFN S (IBCT,IBQ,IBS1)=0 S ZTREQ="@" F S IBS1=$O(^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ,IBS1)) Q:IBS1=""!IBQ D . S IBS2=0 F S IBS2=$O(^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ,IBS1,IBS2)) Q:IBS2=""!IBQ D .. S IBS3=0 F S IBS3=$O(^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3)) Q:IBS3=""!IBQ D ... S IBBN=0 F S IBBN=$O(^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBBN)) Q:IBBN="" D I $$STOP S IBQ=1 Q .... D ROUT(IBFT,IBPNT,IBBN,.IBCT) K ^XTMP(IBFTP,IBJ) ; end of last queued part Q ; ROUT(IBFT,IBPNT,IBIFN,IBCT,IBF) ; sub procedure to protect variables with new N IBBN,IBS1,IBS2,IBS3,IBQ,IBFTP,IBJ,IBXPARM,Z D BILLPARM^IBCEFG0(IBIFN,.IBXPARM) S IBF=$S($G(IBF)'="":IBF,1:$P($G(^IBE(353,+IBFT,2)),U,8)) S IBCT=$G(IBCT)+1 ; ; IBF exists - use the Output Formatter for printing ; 2.08 field in file 353 - PRINT FORM NAME I IBF'="" S Z=$$EXTRACT^IBCEFG(IBF,IBIFN,.IBCT,.IBXPARM) G REX ; ; IBF does not exist - Obsolete VistA extract/print routines I IBFT=1 S DFN=$P($G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)),U,2) D ENP^IBCF1 W @IOF G REX I $$FTN^IBCU3(+IBFT)="HCFA 1500" D EN^IBCF2 W @IOF G REX I $$FTN^IBCU3(+IBFT)="UB-92" D EN^IBCF3 W @IOF G REX ; ; print bill addendums I $$FTN^IBCU3(+IBFT)="BILL ADDENDUM" I +$$BILLAD^IBCF4(IBIFN) D EN^IBCF4 W @IOF G REX ; REX Q ; DATE(X) Q $E(X,4,5)_"/"_$E(X,6,7)_"/"_$E(X,2,3) ; STOP() ;determine if user has requested the queued report to stop I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1 K ZTREQ I +$G(IBPGN) W !,"***TASK STOPPED BY USER***" Q +$G(ZTSTOP) ; FORMPRE ; Set up environment for bill message K ^TMP("IBXMSG",$J),^TMP("IBXERR",$J),IBXERR,^TMP("IBXDATA",$J) Q ; FORMPOST ; Clean up I $O(^TMP("IBXERR",$J,"")) D ;Error messages to mail group .N XMTO,XMBODY,XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,IBCT,IBERR .K ^TMP("IBXMSG",$J) .S ^TMP("IBXMSG",$J,1)="The following bill(s) were not printed due to errors indicated.",^(2)="Once the errors are corrected, the bill(s) can be printed again.",^(3)=" " .; .S IBERR=0,IBCT=3 .F S IBERR=$O(^TMP("IBXERR",$J,IBERR)) Q:'IBERR S IBCT=IBCT+1,^TMP("IBXMSG",$J,IBCT)="Bill #: "_$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBERR,0)),U),IBCT=IBCT+1,^TMP("IBXMSG",$J,IBCT)=$J("",5)_^TMP("IBXERR",$J,IBERR) .S XMBODY="^TMP(""IBXMSG"","_$J_")" D ERRMSG(XMBODY) .K ^TMP("IBXMSG",$J),^TMP($J,"IBICT") ; K ^TMP("IBXERR",$J),IBXERR D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ENTPRE ; Run before processing a bill entry K IBXSAVE,IBXERR,^UTILITY("VAPA",$J),^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J),^TMP($J),^TMP("DIERR",$J) Q ; ENTPOST ; Run after processing a bill entry N IBIFN I $G(IBXERR)'="" S ^TMP("IBXERR",$J,IBXIEN)=IBXERR K ^TMP("IBXDATA",$J) S IBIFN=IBXIEN D END^IBCF2 K IBXSAVE,^UTILITY("VAPA",$J),^TMP($J),^TMP("IBXSAVE",$J) D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ERRMSG(XMBODY) ; Send bulletin for error message N XMTO,XMSUBJ S XMTO($G(DUZ))="",XMSUBJ="PRINT BILL ERRORS" ; D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO) D ALERT("One or more bills were not printed. Check your mail for details",$G(DUZ)) Q ; ALERT(XQAMSG,IBGRP) ; Send alert message N XQA S XQA(IBGRP)="" D SETUP^XQALERT Q