IBCIASN ;DSI/JSR - STANDALONE OPTION TO RE-ASSIGN CLAIMS ;18-MAY-2001 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**161**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;; Program Description ; This routine is a standalone option routine which allows any user to ; re-assign a bill without going through the core IB Enter/Edit Bill ; options. Typically this optional way to assign a bill can be ; placed on any menu. The decision for this will be determined ; at the sites. ; EN ; S IBQUIT=0 F D ASK Q:IBQUIT=1 G Q1 ASK ; N %,D,DIC,DISYS,IBCIBII,IBCIBIL,IBCICNM,IBCICOD,IBIFN,TYPE,X S IBQUIT=0,DIC="^IBA(351.9,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("A")="Select ClaimsManager Bill: " W !! ; ; The security Key will determine the type of filtering ; Without IBCI CLAIMSMANAGER ASSIGN users will only be able to: ; 1) select from claims assigned to themselves ; 2) only select claims with IB Status of 1 ; With IBCI CLAIMSMANAGER ASSIGN users will only be able to: ; 1) select from a list of all claims in 351.9 that have an IB ; status of 1 ; I '$D(^XUSEC("IBCI CLAIMSMANAGER ASSIGN",DUZ)) D . S DIC("S")="I $D(^IBA(351.9,""ASN"",DUZ,+Y)),$F("".1."","".""_$P($G(^DGCR(399,+Y,0)),U,13)_""."")" ;DSI/DJW 3/21/02 E D . S DIC("S")="I $F("".1."","".""_$P($G(^DGCR(399,+Y,0)),U,13)_""."")" ;DSI/DJW 3/21/02 D ^DIC I Y<1 S IBQUIT=1 Q S IBIFN=+Y L +^DGCR(399,IBIFN):0 E D Q . W !!?4,"*** RECORD IS LOCKED ***" . W !?4,"Another user is currently editing this bill." . W !?4,"Please try again later." . Q D INFO L -^DGCR(399,IBIFN) Q INFO ; Display the data elements on the 0 node of file 351.9 and displays ; biller and coder. ; For the purpose of defining a comment path TYPE=5 indicates that a ; stand alone option is calling ^IBCISC. ; This options allows for the re-assignement of a claim from a coder ; biller. S TYPE=5 ; This determines which path of comments/assign to person D STATS^IBCISC Q:$D(DIRUT) ; Exit out of process D COMMENT^IBCIUT7(IBIFN,TYPE) Q Q1 ; K %,IBQUIT,IBIFN,Y Q