IBCIUT4 ;DSI/SLM - MISC UTILITIES ;29-JAN-2001 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**161,226,348**;21-MAR-94;Build 5 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Q COMERR ;create msg for comm error NEW L,L1,MGROUP,TEXT,IBCISMG,IBCIERR I '$D(IBCICLNP) S IBCICLNP=$P(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0),U) S MGROUP=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,50),U,4),MGROUP=$P(^XMB(3.8,MGROUP,0),U),L1=1 S IBCIERR=$$P1(PROBLEM) D SNTMSG S TEXT(L1)=" ** CLAIMSMANAGER COMMUNICATIONS ERROR **",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)="While attempting to send claim # "_IBCICLNP_", Error Code # "_$P(IBCIERR,U,1),L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)="was generated.",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)="User attempted "_IBCISMG,L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)="Error Description:",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=$P(IBCIERR,U,2),L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 I $P(IBCIERR,U,3)'="" D . S TEXT(L1)="ClaimsManager Error Message:",L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)=$P($P(IBCIERR,U,3)," - ",1),L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)=$P($P(IBCIERR,U,3,99)," - ",2,99),L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 . Q ; ; esg - 10/29/01 - Direct the reader to the Clear CM Results Queue ; option if the problem does not go away. ; I PROBLEM=99 S TEXT(L1)="Please correct the problem and send again.",L1=L1+1 E D . S TEXT(L1)="If this problem persists, then please try running the",L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)="option to clear out the ClaimsManager results queue.",L1=L1+1 . S TEXT(L1)="This option name is IBCI CLEAR CLAIMSMANAGER QUEUE.",L1=L1+1 . Q S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)="Bill Sent By: "_$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) S XMSUB="ClaimsManager Communications Error sending "_IBCICLNP S XMDUZ="ClaimsManager Interface",XMTEXT="TEXT(",XMY("G."_MGROUP)="" D ^XMD K XMSUB,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,TEXT Q GENERR(IBIFN,IBCIETP) ;create msg for general error Q:IBCISNT'=2 NEW L,L1,L2,L3,MGROUP,TEXT,XMTEXT,XMY,XMSUB,XMDUZ,USER,IBCISMG,IBCIE1 I '$D(IBCICLNP) S IBCICLNP=$P(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0),U) S MGROUP=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,50),U,3),MGROUP=$P(^XMB(3.8,MGROUP,0),U),L1=1 D SNTMSG S TEXT(L1)="User attempted "_IBCISMG,L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 ;pull error msg from 351.9 based on mnemonic (IBCIETP) error type S IBCIE1=0 F S IBCIE1=$O(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,"B",IBCIETP,IBCIE1)) Q:'IBCIE1 D .S TEXT(L1)="Line Item: "_+$P(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,0),U,2),L1=L1+1 .S TEXT(L1)="Error Mnemonic: "_$P(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,0),U),L1=L1+1 .S TEXT(L1)="Error Level: "_$P(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,0),"~",2),L1=L1+1 .S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 .S TEXT(L1)="Error Message:",L1=L1+1 .S L2=0 F S L2=$O(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,L2)) Q:'L2 D ..S L3=0 F S L3=$O(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,L2,L3)) Q:'L3 D ...S TEXT(L1)=^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,IBCIE1,L2,L3,0),L1=L1+1 .S TEXT(L1)=" ",L1=L1+1 S TEXT(L1)=" ",XMTEXT="TEXT(" S XMY(DUZ)="",XMY("G."_MGROUP)="" ; ; Additionally, send this MailMan message to the biller, the ; assigned to person, the person who last edited this bill, and ; the person who last sent it to ClaimsManager. ; esg - 9/5/01 & 9/27/01 ; S USER=+$$BILLER^IBCIUT5(IBIFN) I USER S XMY(USER)="" S USER=+$P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,0)),U,12) I USER S XMY(USER)="" S USER=+$P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,0)),U,9) I USER S XMY(USER)="" S USER=+$P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,0)),U,5) I USER S XMY(USER)="" ; S XMSUB="ClaimsManager Claim "_IBCICLNP_" Returned with Errors" S XMDUZ="ClaimsManager Interface" D ^XMD Q SNTMSG ;determine what user was doing for message ; I IBCISNT=1 S IBCISMG="a Normal Send after Editing." I IBCISNT=2 S IBCISMG="a Normal Send from the Multiple Send Option." I IBCISNT=3 S IBCISMG="a Test Send from the Edit Screens." I IBCISNT=4 S IBCISMG="to Cancel the Claim." I IBCISNT=5 S IBCISMG="to Override the Errors." I IBCISNT=6 S IBCISMG="to Send an Authorized Claim from the Multiple Send Option." I IBCISNT=7 S IBCISMG="to delete the lines on this bill which is no longer a CMS-1500." Q ; ;TCK CALL check text for ClaimsManager delimiters and strip if found ;Input variable ; x TCK() ;check text for characters used as delimiters and strip them out Q:$G(X)="" S X=$TR(X,$C(28,29,30)_"'%") Q CCK() ;check codes for decimal points and strip them out Q:$G(X)="" S X=$TR(X,".") Q Z1AR ;converts ibciz array to ibciz1 array and import into error field Q:'$D(IBCIZ) K IBCIZ1 S ERNUM=0 F S ERNUM=$O(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM)) Q:'ERNUM D .I $P(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,0),U,2)="" Q .S IBCIZ1(ERNUM,0)=$P(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,0),U,2)_U_$P(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,0),U)_U_$P(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,0),U,3,999) .S LINE=0 F S LINE=$O(IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,"E",LINE)) Q:'LINE D ..S IBCIZ1(ERNUM,LINE)=IBCIZ("RL",ERNUM,"E",LINE) I IBCISNT>2 G Z1Q I $P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,0)),U,4) D DELER S IBCIN1=0 F S IBCIN1=$O(IBCIZ1(IBCIN1)) Q:'IBCIN1 D ADDSUB1 Z1Q K DIC,DIE,DA,L1,LINE,ERDT,IBCIN1,ERNUM Q PROC() ;convert procedure code Q:$G(X)="" N DA,GNODE S DA=$P(X,";"),GNODE="^"_$P(X,";",2)_DA_",0)",X=$P(@GNODE,U) Q ADDSUB1 ;create the subfile for errors and add data S DIC="^IBA(351.9,"_IBIFN_",1,",DA(1)=IBIFN,DIC(0)="LMN" S X=$P(IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,0),U) D FILE^DICN Q:Y<1 S DA=+Y S ERDT=$P(IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,0),U,2,999),ERDT=$TR(ERDT,"^","~") S DIE=DIC,DR=".02////"_ERDT D ^DIE S L1=0 F S L1=$O(IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,L1)) Q:'L1 D .S IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,L1)=$TR(IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,L1),";",",") .S DR=".03///+"_IBCIZ1(IBCIN1,L1) D ^DIE Q DELER ;delete the error information in 351.9 Q:'IBIFN Q:'$P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,0)),U,4) S DIK="^IBA(351.9,"_IBIFN_",1,",DA(1)=IBIFN S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,1,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK K DIK,DA Q DELTI ;delete temporary information in 351.9 N IBCIX4,TMPDATA,NODE S DIE="^IBA(351.9,"_IBIFN_",5," F IBCIX4=$P($G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,5,0)),U,4):-1:1 S DA=IBCIX4 D .S DA(1)=IBIFN,DR=".01////@" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA I $D(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,4)) D .S DIE="^IBA(351.9,",DA=IBIFN .S DR="4.01////@;4.02////@;4.03////@;4.04////@" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA I $D(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,3)) D .S DIE="^IBA(351.9,",DA=IBIFN .S DR="3.01////@;3.02////@;3.03////@;3.04////@;3.05////@;3.06////@;" .S DR=DR_"3.07////@;3.08////@;3.09////@;3.1////@;3.11////@;3.12////@" .D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA F NODE=3,4,5 S TMPDATA="^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,NODE)" K @TMPDATA Q ; DCOM(IBIFN) ;delete whatever's in the comment field in 351.9 S DIE="^IBA(351.9,",DA=IBIFN,DR="2.01///@;.13///@;.14///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR Q ; P1(PROBLEM) ;comm error handling with problem variable ;Input variable ; PROBLEM ;Returns ; error code^error desc^msg returned from ClaimsManager N IBCIY,IBCICODE,IBCIDESC,IBCIMSG S IBCICODE=PROBLEM I IBCICODE=1 S IBCIDESC="TCP/IP time-out during 1st read." D .S IBCIMSG=$G(IBCIZ)_" - "_$G(IBCIZ(1,1)) I IBCICODE=2 S IBCIDESC="Local Symbol Size Storage Problems during 1st read." I IBCICODE=3 S IBCIDESC="1st read was NOT a ClaimsManager ACK message." D .S IBCIMSG=$G(IBCIZ)_" - "_$G(IBCIZ(1,1)) I IBCICODE=4 S IBCIDESC="TCP/IP Time-out during 2nd read." D .S IBCIMSG=$G(IBCIZ)_" - "_$G(IBCIZ(1,1)) I IBCICODE=5 S IBCIDESC="Local Symbol Size Storage Problems during 2nd read." I IBCICODE=6 S IBCIDESC="2nd read was NOT a RESULTREC message type." D .S IBCIMSG=$G(IBCIZ)_" - "_$G(IBCIZ(1,1)) I IBCICODE=7 S IBCIDESC="Fatal System Error",IBCIMSG=$G(IBCIZ)_" - "_$G(IBCIZ(1,1)) ; ib*226 I IBCICODE=99 S IBCIDESC="Unable to Open Port." D .S IBCIMSG="Please restart the Ingenix Event Manager services." I "^1^2^3^4^5^6^7^99^"'[IBCICODE S IBCIDESC="Unknown Error Type." S IBCIY=IBCICODE_"^"_IBCIDESC_"^"_$G(IBCIMSG) Q IBCIY ;