IBCNEAME ;DAOU/ESG - IIV AUTO MATCH ENTRY/EDIT ;29-APR-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184,252**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ENTER ; NEW STOP,AMIEN,NEWENTRY D INIT LOOP ; D LOOKUP() I STOP G EXIT ; lookup or add an entry D EDIT I STOP G LOOP ; edit the entry values D CONFIRM ; display a confirmation message G LOOP ; repeat EXIT ; Q ; ; INIT ; clear the screen; display the purpose of this option W @IOF W !?14,"Enter/Edit Insurance Company Name Auto Match Entries" W !!,"This option will allow you to enter, edit, and manage the entries in the" W !,"Insurance Company Auto Match file. This file will aid in the proper selection" W !,"of Insurance Companies by associating together a valid, correct Insurance" W !,"Company name with an incorrect entry that a clerk may enter during data entry." W ! INITX ; Q ; LOOKUP(DEFAULT) ; Procedure to look-up or add an entry ; ; Optional input parameter DEFAULT will be set if calling this ; procedure from routine IBCNEAMC. Otherwise it will be undefined. ; NEW DA,DIC,DILN,DISYS,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT S STOP=0 S (AMIEN,NEWENTRY)="" S DIC="^IBCN(365.11,",DLAYGO=365.11 S DIC(0)="AELMVZ" S DIC("A")="Select an Auto Match Entry: " I $G(DEFAULT)'="" S DIC("B")=DEFAULT S DIC("W")="D LIST^IBCNEAME(Y)" D ^DIC I Y=-1!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S STOP=1 G LOOKX S AMIEN=+Y I $P(Y,U,3) S NEWENTRY=1 LOOKX ; Q ; EDIT ; Procedure to Edit the fields for this entry NEW DIE,DA,DR,DTOUT,D,D0,DDH,DI,DIC,DISYS,DQ,DZ,X,Y S DIE=365.11 S DA=AMIEN S DR=".01;.02;.05////"_$$NOW^XLFDT_";.06////"_DUZ I NEWENTRY D . ; if this is a new entry, then stuff in all of these fields . ; without user interaction . S DR=".03////"_$$NOW^XLFDT_";.04////"_DUZ . S DR=DR_";.05////"_$$NOW^XLFDT_";.06////"_DUZ . S DR=DR_";.07////"_$P($G(^IBCN(365.11,DA,0)),U,1) . S DR=DR_";.08////"_$P($G(^IBCN(365.11,DA,0)),U,2) . Q D ^DIE I $D(Y) W ! S STOP=1 G EDITX ; user entered up arrow I '$D(DA) W !!?3,"This entry has been deleted.",! S STOP=1 G EDITX EDITX ; Q ; CONFIRM ; Display a confirmation message indicating what was filed NEW DATA I 'AMIEN G CONFX S DATA=$G(^IBCN(365.11,AMIEN,0)) W !!?3,$P(DATA,U,1)," is now associated with ",$P(DATA,U,2),".",! CONFX ; Q ; LIST(IEN) ; FileMan lister display NEW DATA,D1,D2 ; DATA=^IBCN(365.11,IEN,0) S DATA=^(0) S D1=$P(DATA,U,1),D2=$P(DATA,U,2) W $$FO^IBCNEUT1("",12-$L(D1))," is associated with ",D2 LISTX ; Q ;