IBCNEHL1 ;DAOU/ALA - HL7 Process Incoming RPI Messages ;26-JUN-2002 ; Compiled December 16, 2004 15:29:01 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**300,345**;21-MAR-94;Build 28 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; This program will process incoming IIV response messages. ; This includes updating the record in the IIV Response File, ; updating the Buffer record (if there is one and creating a new ; one if there isn't) with the appropriate Buffer Symbol and data ; ; This routine is based on IBCNEHLR which was introduced with patch 184, and subsequently ; patched with patches 252 and 271. IBCNEHLR is obsolete and deleted with patch 300. ; ;**Modified by Date Reason ; DAOU/BHS 10/04/2002 Added logic to update the service date in ; the TQ entry so long as the Error Action is ; not Please submit original transaction. ; DAOU/DB 03/11/2004 Added logic to utilize new status flag ; transmitted to VistA from EC (IIVSTAT) ; 03/15/2004 Update other retries to comm failure (if ; not response rcvd) ; DAOU/BEE 07/14/2004 Cleaned up routine - Made more readable ; Cleaned up variables ; PROXICOM/RTO 08/23/2006 Fixed logic issue when determining whether ; to update a buffer entry ; ; Variables ; SEG = HL7 Segment Name ; MSGID = Original Message Control ID ; ACK = Acknowledgment (AA=Accepted, AE=Error) ; ERTXT = Error Message Text ; ERFLG = Error quit flag ; ERACT = Error Action ; ERCON = Error Condition ; RIEN = Response Record IEN ; IIVSTAT = EC generated flag interpreting status of response ; 1 = + ; 6 = - ; V = # ; MAP = Array that maps EC's IIV status flag to IIV STATUS TABLE (#365.15) IEN ; EN ; Entry Point N EBDA,ERFLG,ERROR,HCT,IIVSTAT,IRIEN,MAP,MGRP,RIEN,RSUPDT,SEG,SUBID,TRACE,UP,ACK S ERFLG=0,MGRP=$$MGRP^IBCNEUT5(),HCT=1,SUBID="",IIVSTAT="" ; ; Create map from EC to VistA S MAP(1)=8,MAP(6)=9,MAP("V")=21 ; ; Loop through the message and find each segment for processing F S HCT=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCNEHLI",HCT)) Q:HCT="" D Q:ERFLG . D SPAR^IBCNEHLU . S SEG=$G(IBSEG(1)) . ; . I SEG="MSA" D MSA^IBCNEHL2(.ERACT,.ERCON,.ERROR,.ERTXT,.IBSEG,MGRP,.RIEN,.TRACE) Q:ERFLG . ; . ; Contact Segment . I SEG="CTD" D CTD^IBCNEHL2(.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN) . ; . ; Patient Segment . I SEG="PID" D PID^IBCNEHL2(.ERFLG,.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN) . ; . ; Guarantor Segment . I SEG="GT1" D GT1^IBCNEHL2(.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN,.SUBID) . ; . ; Insurance Segment . I SEG="IN1" D IN1^IBCNEHL2(.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN,SUBID) . ; . ; Addt'l Insurance Segment . ;I SEG="IN2" ; for future expansion, add IN2 tag to IBCNEHL2 . ; . ; Addt'l Insurance - Cert Segment . I SEG="IN3" D IN3^IBCNEHL2(.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN) . ; . ; Eligibility/Benefit Segment . I SEG="ZEB" D ZEB^IBCNEHL2(.EBDA,.ERROR,.IBSEG,RIEN) . ; . ; Notes Segment . I SEG="NTE" D NTE^IBCNEHL2(EBDA,.IBSEG,RIEN) ; D FIL Q ; ; ================================================================= FIL ; Finish processing the response message ; ; Input Variables ; ERACT, ERFLG, ERROR, IIVSTAT, MAP, RIEN, TRACE ; ; If no record IEN, quit I $G(RIEN)="" Q ; N BUFF,DFN,FILEIT,IBFDA,IBIEN,IBQFL,RDAT0,RSRVDT,RSTYPE,SYMBOL,TQDATA,TQN,TQSRVDT ; Initialize variables from the Response File S RDAT0=$G(^IBCN(365,RIEN,0)),TQN=$P(RDAT0,U,5) S TQDATA=$G(^IBCN(365.1,TQN,0)) S IBQFL=$P(TQDATA,U,11) S DFN=$P(RDAT0,U,2),BUFF=$P(RDAT0,U,4) S IBIEN=$P(TQDATA,U,5),RSTYPE=$P(RDAT0,U,10) S RSRVDT=$P($G(^IBCN(365,RIEN,1)),U,10) ; ; If an unknown error action or an error filing the response message, ; send a warning email message ; Note - A call to UEACT will always set ERFLAG=1 I ",W,X,R,P,C,N,Y,S,"'[(","_$G(ERACT)_",")&($G(ERACT)'="")!$D(ERROR) D UEACT ; ; If an error occurred, processing complete I $G(ERFLG)=1 Q ; ; For an original response, set the Transmission Queue Status to 'Response Received' & ; update remaining retries to comm failure (5) I $G(RSTYPE)="O" D SST^IBCNEUT2(TQN,3),RSTA^IBCNEUT7(TQN) ; ; Update the TQ service date to the date in the response file ; if they are different AND the Error Action <> ; 'P' for 'Please submit original transaction' ; ; *** Temporary change to suppress update of service & freshness dates. ; *** To reinstate, remove comment (;) from next line. ;I TQN'="",$G(RSTYPE)="O" D ;. S TQSRVDT=$P($G(^IBCN(365.1,TQN,0)),U,12) ;. I RSRVDT'="",TQSRVDT'=RSRVDT,$G(ERACT)'="P" D SAVETQ^IBCNEUT2(TQN,RSRVDT) ;. ; update freshness date by same delta ;. D SAVFRSH^IBCNEUT5(TQN,+$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(RSRVDT,TQSRVDT,1)) ; ; Check for error action I $G(ERACT)'=""!($G(ERTXT)'="") D ERROR^IBCNEHL3(TQN,ERACT,ERCON,TRACE) G FILX ; ; Stop processing if identification response and not an active policy S FILEIT=1 I $G(IIVSTAT)=6,TQN]"" D . I TQDATA="" Q . I IBQFL'="I" Q . S FILEIT=0 I 'FILEIT G FILX ; ; If there is an associated buffer entry & one or both of the following ; is true, stop filing (don't update buffer entry) ; 1) buffer status is not 'Entered' ; 2) the buffer entry is verified (* symbol) I BUFF'="",($P(^IBA(355.33,BUFF,0),U,4)'="E")!($$SYMBOL^IBCNBLL(BUFF)="*") G FILX ; ; Set buffer symbol based on value returned from EC S SYMBOL=MAP(IIVSTAT) ; ; If there is an associated buffer entry, update the buffer entry w/ ; response data I BUFF'="" D RP^IBCNEBF(RIEN,"",BUFF) ; ; If no associated buffer entry, create one & populate w/ response ; data (routine call sets IBFDA) I BUFF="" D RP^IBCNEBF(RIEN,1) S BUFF=+IBFDA,UP(365,RIEN_",",.04)=BUFF ; ; Set eIV Processed Date to now S UP(355.33,BUFF_",",.15)=$$NOW^XLFDT() D FILE^DIE("I","UP","ERROR") FILX ; Q ; ; ================================================================= WARN ; Create and send a response processing error warning message ; ; Input Variables ; ERROR, TRACE ; ; Output Variables ; ERFLG=1 ; N MCT,MSG,SUBCNT,VEN,XMY S VEN=0,MCT=8,ERFLG=1,SUBCNT="" S MSG(1)="IMPORTANT: Error While Processing Response Message from the EC" S MSG(2)="-------------------------------------------------------------" S MSG(3)="*** IRM *** Please log a NOIS because the" S MSG(4)="response message received from the Eligibility Communicator" S MSG(5)="could not be processed. Programming changes may be necessary" S MSG(6)="to properly handle the response." S MSG(7)="The associated Trace # is "_$S($G(TRACE)="":"Unknown",1:TRACE)_". If applicable," S MSG(8)="please review the response with the eIV Response Report by Trace#." F S VEN=$O(ERROR("DIERR",VEN)) Q:'VEN D . F S SUBCNT=$O(ERROR("DIERR",VEN,"TEXT",SUBCNT)) Q:'SUBCNT D . . S MCT=MCT+1,MSG(MCT)=ERROR("DIERR",VEN,"TEXT",SUBCNT) . S MCT=MCT+1,MSG(MCT)=" " D MSG^IBCNEUT5(MGRP,MSG(1),"MSG(",,.XMY) Q ; ; ================================================================= UEACT ; Send warning msg if Unknown Error Action Code was received or ; encountered problem filing date ; ; Input Variables ; ERROR, IBIEN, IBQFL, RIEN, RSTYPE, TQDATA, TRACE ; ; Output Variables ; ERFLG=1 (SET IN WARN TAG) ; N DFN,SYMBOL D WARN ; send warning msg ; ; If the response could not be created or there is no associated TQ entry, stop processing I '$G(RIEN)!(TQDATA="") Q ; ; For an original response, set the Transmission Queue Status to 'Response Received' & ; update remaining retries to comm failure (5) I $G(RSTYPE)="O" D SST^IBCNEUT2(TQN,3),RSTA^IBCNEUT7(TQN) ; ; If it is an identification and policy is not active don't ; create buffer entry I IBQFL="I",IIVSTAT'=1 Q ; ; If unsolicited message or no buffer in TQ, create new buffer entry I RSTYPE="U" S IBIEN="" I IBIEN="" D Q . S DFN=$P(TQDATA,U,2) ; Determine Patient DFN . S SYMBOL=22 D BUF^IBCNEHL3 ; Create a new buffer entry ; ;Update buffer symbol D BUFF^IBCNEUT2(IBIEN,22) ; Q