IBCNEHL2 ;DAOU/ALA - HL7 Process Incoming RPI Msgs (cont.) ;26-JUN-2002 ; Compiled December 16, 2004 15:29:37 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**300,345**;21-MAR-94;Build 28 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; This pgm will process the indiv segments of the ; incoming IIV response msgs. ; ; * Each of these tags are called by IBCNEHL1. ; ; This routine is based on IBCNEHLP which was introduced with patch 184, and subsequently ; patched with patches 252 and 271. IBCNEHLP is obsolete and deleted with patch 300. ; ; Variables ; SEG = HL7 Seg Name ; MSGID = Original Msg Control ID ; ACK = Acknowledgment (AA=Accepted, AE=Error) ; ERTXT = Error Msg Text ; ERFLG = Error quit flag ; ERACT = Error Action ; ERCON = Error Condition ; RIEN = Response Record IEN ; IBSEG = Array of the segment ; Q ; No direct calls ; MSA(ERACT,ERCON,ERROR,ERTXT,IBSEG,MGRP,RIEN,TRACE) ; Process the MSA seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,MGRP ; ; Output: ; ERACT,ERCON,ERROR,ERTXT,RIEN,TRACE,ACK ; D MSA^IBCNEHL4 Q ; CTD(ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN) ; Process the CTD seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,RIEN ; ; Output: ; ERROR ; N CTNAME,CTQUAL,CTNUM,CTQIEN,D1,DA,DATA,DIC,DILN,DISYS,DLAYGO,FFL,FLD,IENS,II,RSUPDT,X,Y ; ; Parse out data from seg S CTNAME=$G(IBSEG(3)),CTQUAL=$P($G(IBSEG(6)),$E(HLECH),9),CTNUM=$P($G(IBSEG(6)),$E(HLECH)) I $TR(CTNAME," ")="" S CTNAME="NOT SPECIFIED" S CTQIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(365.021,"","X",CTQUAL) I CTNAME[$E(HLECH) S CTNAME=$$DECHL7($$FMNAME^HLFNC(CTNAME,HLECH)) S CTNAME=$E(CTNAME,1,32) ; ; Look up contact person S DA(1)=RIEN,DIC="^IBCN(365,"_DA(1)_",3,",DIC(0)="LZ",DLAYGO=365.03 I '$D(^IBCN(365,DA(1),3,0)) S ^IBCN(365,DA(1),3,0)="^365.03^^" S X=CTNAME D ^DIC S DA=+Y,DATA=^IBCN(365,DA(1),3,DA,0),FLD=2,FFL=0 ; ; Check if contact already has this communication qualifier on file F II=2,4,6 I $P(DATA,U,II)=CTQIEN S FLD=II,FFL=1 Q I 'FFL F II=2,4,6 I $P(DATA,U,II)="" S FLD=II Q ; S IENS=$$IENS^DILF(.DA) S RSUPDT(365.03,IENS,".0"_(FLD+1))=CTNUM S RSUPDT(365.03,IENS,".0"_FLD)=CTQIEN D FILE^DIE("I","RSUPDT","ERROR") CTDX ; Q ; PID(ERFLG,ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN) ; Process the PID seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,RIEN ; ; Output: ; ERFLG,ERROR ; D PID^IBCNEHL4 Q ; GT1(ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN,SUBID) ; Process the GT1 Guarantor seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,RIEN ; ; Output: ; ERROR,SUBID ; D GT1^IBCNEHL4 Q ; IN1(ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN,SUBID) ; Process the IN1 Insurance seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,RIEN,SUBID,ACK ; ; Output: ; ERROR ; N COB,EFFDT,EXPDT,GNAME,GNUMB,MBRID,PAYRID,PYRNM,RSUPDT,SRVDT N PYLEDT,CERDT,RELTN ; ; Austin sending responses with an error indicator will populate IBSEG(3) w/ ;9 zeros in order to send the HL7 required field when the payer does not ;send a value for this field S MBRID=$$DECHL7($G(IBSEG(3))) I ACK="AE",($TR(MBRID,0)="") S MBRID="" S PAYRID=$G(IBSEG(4)),PYRNM=$G(IBSEG(5)) S GNAME=$$DECHL7($G(IBSEG(10))),GNUMB=$$DECHL7($G(IBSEG(9))) S EFFDT=$G(IBSEG(13)),EXPDT=$G(IBSEG(14)) S COB=$G(IBSEG(23)),SRVDT=$G(IBSEG(27)) S PYLEDT=$G(IBSEG(30)),RELTN=$G(IBSEG(18)) ; ; Relationship codes sent through the HL7 msg are X12 codes ; X12 codes from the interface "01"=spouse, "18"=self "21"=unknown, "34"=other adult S RELTN=$S(RELTN="01":"02",RELTN="18":"01",RELTN="21":"09",1:"") S EFFDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(EFFDT),EXPDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(EXPDT) S SRVDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(SRVDT),PYLEDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(PYLEDT) ; S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.05)=$S($G(SUBID)'="":SUBID,1:MBRID) S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.07)=GNUMB S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.06)=GNAME,RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.11)=EFFDT S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.12)=EXPDT,RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.1)=SRVDT S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.19)=PYLEDT S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.13)=COB,RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.18)=MBRID S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.09)=RELTN D FILE^DIE("I","RSUPDT","ERROR") IN1X ; Q ; IN3(ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN) ; Process IN3 Addt'l Insurance - Cert Seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,RIEN ; ; Output: ; ERROR ; N CRDT,RSUPDT ; S CRDT=$G(IBSEG(7)) S CRDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC(CRDT) S RSUPDT(365,RIEN_",",1.17)=CRDT D FILE^DIE("I","RSUPDT","ERROR") IN3X ; Q ; ZEB(EBDA,ERROR,IBSEG,RIEN) ; Process the ZEB Elig/Benefit seg ; ; Input: ; IBSEG,IIVSTAT,RIEN ; ; Output: ; EBDA,ERROR ; N D1,DA,DIC,DILN,DISYS,DLAYGO,EBN,IENS,II,MSG,RSUPDT,SUBJECT,X,XMY,Y,MA ; ; Set a default IIV Status value of # ("V") I IIVSTAT="" D . I IBSEG(7)'="IIV Eligibility Determination" S IIVSTAT="V" Q . I $F("_1_6_V_","_"_IBSEG(3)_"_") S IIVSTAT=IBSEG(3) Q . ; Unknown code received from the EC . S SUBJECT="IIV: Invalid Eligibility Status flag" . S MSG(1)="An invalid Eligibility Status flag '"_$G(IBSEG(3))_"' was received for site "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_"," . S MSG(2)="trace number "_$G(TRACE,"unknown")_" and message control id "_$G(MSGID,"unknown")_"." . S MSG(3)="It has been interpreted as an ambiguous response in VistA." . S XMY("FSCECADMIN@mail.va.gov")="" . D MSG^IBCNEUT5("",SUBJECT,"MSG(",,.XMY) . S IIVSTAT="V" ; ; Process the ZEB S EBN=$G(IBSEG(2)) S DA(1)=RIEN,DIC="^IBCN(365,"_DA(1)_",2,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=365.02 I '$D(^IBCN(365,DA(1),2,0)) S ^IBCN(365,DA(1),2,0)="^365.02^^" S X=EBN D ^DIC S DA=+Y,EBDA=DA ; S IENS=$$IENS^DILF(.DA) ; ; decode plan description ZEB segment S IBSEG(7)=$$DECHL7($G(IBSEG(7))) F II=2:1:7 S RSUPDT(365.02,IENS,".0"_II)=$G(IBSEG(II+1)) S MA=$G(IBSEG(9)) I $TR(MA," ","")'="" S MA=$J(MA,0,2) S RSUPDT(365.02,IENS,".08")=MA ; Monetary amt S RSUPDT(365.02,IENS,".09")=$G(IBSEG(10)) ; Percent S RSUPDT(365.02,IENS,".1")=$G(IBSEG(11)) ; Quantity Qual. F II=11:1:13 S RSUPDT(365.02,IENS,"."_II)=$G(IBSEG(II+1)) D FILE^DIE("E","RSUPDT","ERROR") ZEBX ; Q ; NTE(EBDA,IBSEG,RIEN) ; Process NTE Notes seg ; ; Input: ; EBDA,IBSEG,RIEN ; ; Output: ; ERROR ; N DA,IENS,NOTES I $G(EBDA)="" Q S NOTES(1)=$$DECHL7($G(IBSEG(4))) S DA(1)=RIEN,DA=EBDA S IENS=$$IENS^DILF(.DA) D WP^DIE(365.02,IENS,2,"A","NOTES","ERROR") NTEX ; Q ; DECHL7(STR,HLSEP,ECHARS) ; Decode HL7 escape seqs in data fields ; ; Input: ; STR = Field data possible containing HL7 escape seqs for encoding chars ; HLSEP (opt) = HL7 Field sep. char - assumes HLFS if not passed ; ECHARS (opt) = HL7 encoding chars being used, assumes HL("ECH") if not passed ; ; Output Values ; Fn returns string w/converted escape seqs ; N ESC,PAT,REPL,ECODE,PCE ; Initialize opt. params. I $G(HLSEP)="" S HLSEP=HLFS I $G(ECHARS)="" S ECHARS=HL("ECH") ; S ESC=$E(ECHARS,3) ; Escape char. ; Check for escape seqs, quit if not I STR'[ESC G DECHL7X ; Replace ^ w/{sp} (if any) to prevent filing problems S ECHARS=$TR(ECHARS,"^"," ") ; ; Array of rep. chars S REPL("F")=$TR(HLSEP,"^"," ") ;Field Sep S REPL("S")=$E(ECHARS) ;Comp Sep S REPL("R")=$E(ECHARS,2) ;Rep. sep ; Temp. replace w/ASC 26, until after other ESC are stripped S REPL("E")=$C(26) ;Esc. sep S REPL("T")=$E(ECHARS,4) ;Subcomp. sep ; ; Translate out escape seqs left->right F PCE=1:1:($L(STR,ESC)-1)\2 D . ; Ignore empty esc. or unrec. esc. seq. . S ECODE=$P(STR,ESC,2) I ECODE="" S ECODE="XXXX" . I $D(REPL(ECODE))'>0 S STR=$P(STR,ESC)_$C(26)_$P(STR,ESC,2)_$C(26)_$P(STR,ESC,3,99999) Q . ; Else, replace esc. seq. w/ char. . S STR=$P(STR,ESC)_$G(REPL(ECODE))_$P(STR,ESC,3,99999) ; ;Replace the decoded ESC chars that were actually sent S STR=$TR(STR,$C(26),ESC) ; DECHL7X ; Exit w/return values Q STR