IBCNEHLD ;DAOU/ALA - IIV Deactivate MFN Message ;02-AUG-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184,271,300**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; This program will process deactivate registration MFN message ; ;*** WARNING-This program should only be executed by the integration team *** ; Q ; ; Variables ; HL* = HL7 package specific variables ; MGRP = Mailgroup to email messages to ; APP = Application ; EVENT = HL7 Event ; CODE = Values sent in the MFN message ; DEAC ; Deactivation message for when a site consolidates with another site NEW MGRP,APP,EVENT,CODE,MFN,HL,HLFS,HLECH,MCT,HLPROD,HLX NEW HLEID,HLCS,HLINST,HLN,HLPARAM,HLDOM,HLHDR,HLSAN NEW HLTYPE,HLQ,HLRESLT,ID,DA,DISYS,MFE,RESP,ZMID K ^TMP("HLS",$J) ; S MGRP=$$MGRP^IBCNEUT5() ; HL ; When a site deactivates, the enrollment should be an ; "MDC" (delete) record S MFE(1)="MDC" ; ; Initialize the HL7 D INIT^HLFNC2("IBCNE IIV REGISTER",.HL) S HLFS=HL("FS"),HLECH=HL("ECH"),HL("SAF")=$P($$SITE^VASITE,U,2,3) ; S HLEID=$$HLP^IBCNEHLU("IBCNE IIV REGISTER") ; ; Set the MFI segment S ID="Facility Table",APP="",EVENT="UPD",RESP="AL" S ^TMP("HLS",$J,1)=$$MFI^VAFHLMFI(ID,APP,EVENT,,,RESP) ; ; Set the MFE segment S EVENT=MFE(1),MFN="",EDT=$$DT^XLFDT() S CODE="" S ^TMP("HLS",$J,2)=$$MFE^VAFHLMFE(EVENT,MFN,EDT,CODE)_HLFS_"CE" ; D GENERATE^HLMA("IBCNE IIV REGISTER","GM",1,.HLRESLT,"") I $P(HLRESLT,U,2)]"" S HLRESLT="Error - "_$P(HLRESLT,U,2,99) D Q . S MSG(1)="IIV Deactivation Message not created." . S MSG(2)=HLRESLT . S MSG(3)="Please log a NOIS for this problem." . D MLMN K ^TMP("HLS",$J),%H,%I,X,EDT Q ; MLMN ; MailMan Message S XMSUB="IIV Deactivation Failure" D MSG^IBCNEUT5(MGRP,XMSUB,"MSG(") K XMSUB,XMY,MSG,XMZ,XMDUZ Q