IBCNEHLK ;DAOU/ALA - HL7 Acknowledgement Messages ;08-OCT-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184,300**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; MFK ; MFN Acknowledgement S HCT=1 ; Loop through the message and find each segment for processing F S HCT=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCNEHLI",HCT)) Q:HCT="" D . D SPAR^IBCNEHLU . S SEG=$G(IBSEG(1)) . ; . I SEG="MSA" D .. S ACK=$G(IBSEG(2)),MSGID=$G(IBSEG(3)) .. ; .. I ACK="AE" S VMFN(350.9,"1,",51.22)=0 .. I ACK="AA" S VMFN(350.9,"1,",51.22)=1 ; D FILE^DIE("I","VMFN") ; K IBSEG,SEG,HCT,ACK,EVENT,HL,IBPRTCL,IDUZ,MSGID,SEGMT,TAG,VMFN Q