IBCNEPM2 ;DAOU/ESG - PAYER MAINTENANCE ENTRY POINT ;22-JAN-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Q EN ; -- main entry point NEW X,Y,DIRUT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT W @IOF,!?22,"Payer Maintenance" W !!," This option will allow you to manage and maintain the entries" W !," in the Payer File for those Payers that were added to your system" W !," that are Nationally Active and who have potential missing links" W !," to active insurance companies." W !!," Potential missing links is defined as active insurance companies" W !," whose Professional and/or Institutional ID matches that of the " W !," Payer and whose pointer to the Payer Table is not populated.",!!! ; S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $G(DUOUT)!$G(DTOUT) Q ; W !!?5,"Compiling the list of applicable payers ... " ; ; call ListMan Screen D EN^VALM("IBCNE PAYER MAINT LIST") KILL ^TMP("IBCNEPM",$J) EXIT ; Q ; EXPND ; -- expand code for action protocol IBCNE PAYER EXPAND ; NEW LINE,X,Y,DIRUT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT,PIEN,PAYER,PAYRDATA NEW PROFID,INSTID D FULL^VALM1 W ! ; I 'VALMCNT D G EXPNDXT . W !!?5,"There are no entries in the list." . D PAUSE^VALM1 ; ; Ask the user to choose the payer to expand S DIR("A")="Select entry to Expand, by line #" S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_VALMCNT D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) K DIRUT G EXPNDXT I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) G EXPNDXT S LINE=+Y S PIEN=$O(^TMP("IBCNEPM",$J,"IDX",LINE,"")) ; payer ien I PIEN="" Q S PAYER=^TMP("IBCNEPM",$J,"IDX",LINE,PIEN) ; payer name S PAYRDATA=$G(^IBE(365.12,PIEN,0)) S PROFID=$P(PAYRDATA,U,5),INSTID=$P(PAYRDATA,U,6) D EN^IBCNEPM1(PIEN,PAYER,PROFID,INSTID) EXPNDXT ; S VALMBCK="R" Q ;