IBCNERP0 ;DAOU/BHS - IBCNE IIV STATISTICAL REPORT (cont'd) ;11-JUN-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184,271**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; IIV - Insurance Identification and Verification Interface ; ; PYR tag called by IBCNERP8 ; ; Cannot be called from top of routine Q ; PYR(RTN,BDT,EDT,TOT) ; Determine Incoming Data ; Input params: RTN-routine name for ^TMP($J), BDT-start dt/time, ; EDT-end dt/time, **TOT-total records searched - used only for status ; checks when the process is queued (passed by reference) ; Output vars: Set ^TMP($J,RTN,"PYR",PAYER NAME,IEN of file 365.12)="" N PIEN,PYR,CREATEDT,APPIEN,APPDATA ;S BDT=$P(BDT,"."),EDT=$P(EDT,".") S PIEN=0 F S PIEN=$O(^IBE(365.12,PIEN)) Q:'PIEN D . S TOT=TOT+1 . S CREATEDT=$P($G(^IBE(365.12,PIEN,0)),U,4) . I CREATEDT=""!(CREATEDTEDT) Q . S PYR=$P($G(^IBE(365.12,PIEN,0)),U) . Q:PYR="~NO PAYER" ; used internally only - not a real IIV payer . ; . ; Get Payer app multiple IEN . S APPIEN=$$PYRAPP^IBCNEUT5("IIV",PIEN) . ; Must have eIIV application . I 'APPIEN Q . S APPDATA=$G(^IBE(365.12,PIEN,1,APPIEN,0)) . ; Must be Nationally Active . I '$P(APPDATA,U,2) Q . ; . S ^TMP($J,RTN,"PYR",PYR,PIEN)="" Q ; HEADER(HDRDATA,PGC,PXT,MAX,CRT,SITE,DTMRNG,MM) ; Print header info for each pg ; Init vars N CT,HDRCT,LIN,HDR ; ; Prompt to print next page for reports to the screen I CRT,PGC>0,'$D(ZTQUEUED) D I PXT G HEADERX . I MAX<51 F LIN=1:1:(MAX-$Y) W ! . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR . I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S PXT=1 Q I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD() S ZTSTOP=1 G HEADERX ; ; Update page ct S PGC=PGC+1 ; ; Update header based on MailMan message flag S HDRCT=0 S HDRCT=HDRCT+1,HDRDATA(HDRCT)="IIV Statistical Report"_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,1)_" Page: "_PGC,56,"R") ;S HDRDATA(HDRCT)=$$FO^IBCNEUT1(SITE,(80-$L(SITE)\2)+$L(SITE),"R"),HDRCT=HDRCT+1 S HDR="Report Timeframe:" S HDRCT=HDRCT+1,HDRDATA(HDRCT)=$$FO^IBCNEUT1(HDR,80-$L(HDR)\2+$L(HDR),"R") S HDRCT=HDRCT+1,HDRDATA(HDRCT)=$$FO^IBCNEUT1(DTMRNG,(80-$L(DTMRNG)\2)+$L(DTMRNG),"R") ; I MM S HDRCT=HDRCT+1,HDRDATA(HDRCT)="" ; Only write out Header for non-MailMan message output I MM="" W @IOF F CT=1:1:HDRCT W !,?1,HDRDATA(CT) ; HEADERX ; HEADER exit pt Q ;