IBCNEUT6 ;DAOU/ESG - IIV MISC. UTILITIES ;14-AUG-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**184,252,271**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Can't be called from the top Q ; AMCHECK ; This procedure will examine the insurance company names in the ; Auto Match file (#365.11) to make sure there is still at least ; one active insurance company with that name. If there isn't, ; then the Auto Match entries for that insurance company name ; will be deleted. ; NEW NAME,INSIEN,FOUNDACT,DA,DIK,DIC,X,Y,% S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^IBCN(365.11,"C",NAME)) Q:NAME="" D . ; . ; For this Auto Match ins co name, see if there is an active ins co . S INSIEN=0,FOUNDACT=0 . F S INSIEN=$O(^DIC(36,"B",NAME,INSIEN)) Q:'INSIEN I $$ACTIVE^IBCNEUT4(INSIEN) S FOUNDACT=1 Q . ; . ; If an active ins co was found, then we're OK so quit . I FOUNDACT Q . ; . ; Otherwise, we need to delete all Auto Match entries for this name . S DA=0,DIK="^IBCN(365.11," . F S DA=$O(^IBCN(365.11,"C",NAME,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK . Q AMCHKX ; Q ; ; AMADD(INSNAME,IBCNEXT1) ; Conditionally add an Auto Match entry based on user input ; Input Parameters: ; INSNAME is a valid, active insurance company name ; IBCNEXT1 is the existing entry in the ins co name field in the ; buffer. This may be used as the Auto Match value for ; a new auto match entry. ; NEW AMDATA,AMIEN,AMERROR NEW DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT NEW D,D0,D1,DA,DB,DC,DDH,DE,DG,DH,DI,DIC,DIE,DIEL,DIFLD,DIG,DIH NEW DIK,DILN,DIPA,DISYS,DIV,DK,DL,DM,DN,DOV,DP,DQ,DR,DU,DV,DZ ; ; First, check security key to see if user is allowed to do this I '$$KCHK^XUSRB("IBCNE IIV AUTO MATCH") G AMADDX ; S IBCNEXT1=$$UP^XLFSTR(IBCNEXT1) ; all uppercase S IBCNEXT1=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(IBCNEXT1) ; lead/trail spaces I IBCNEXT1="" G AMADDX ; must exist I $L(IBCNEXT1)>30!($L(IBCNEXT1)<3) G AMADDX ; too long or too short I IBCNEXT1=INSNAME G AMADDX ; cannot equal the name I $D(^IBCN(365.11,"B",IBCNEXT1)) G AMADDX ; already in Auto Match I $D(^DIC(36,"B",IBCNEXT1)) G AMADDX ; already an ins co name I $D(^DIC(36,"C",IBCNEXT1)) G AMADDX ; already a synonym I IBCNEXT1["*" G AMADDX ; no wildcards allowed ; S DIR(0)="YO" S DIR("A",1)=" " S DIR("A",2)="Do you want to add an Auto Match entry that associates" S DIR("A")=IBCNEXT1_" with "_INSNAME S DIR("B")="No" S DIR("?",1)=" The Auto Match Value is "_IBCNEXT1_"." S DIR("?",2)="The Insurance Company Name is "_INSNAME_"." S DIR("?",3)=" " S DIR("?",4)="Please enter NO if you do not want to associate these two values together" S DIR("?",5)="in the Auto Match file." S DIR("?",6)=" " S DIR("?",7)="Please enter YES if you do want to create an Auto Match entry for these" S DIR("?",8)="two values. If you enter YES, then you will have the chance to modify" S DIR("?")="the Auto Match Value." D ^DIR K DIR D EN^DDIOL(,,"!!") ; ; If user didn't say Yes, then we exit I 'Y G AMADDX ; To allow for edits to the .01 field and not the .02 field, ; Add this new entry first and then edit only the .01 field. S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.01)=IBCNEXT1 S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.02)=INSNAME S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.03)=$$NOW^XLFDT S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.04)=DUZ S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.05)=$$NOW^XLFDT S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.06)=DUZ S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.07)=IBCNEXT1 S AMDATA(365.11,"+1,",.08)=INSNAME D UPDATE^DIE("","AMDATA","AMIEN","AMERROR") ; I $D(AMERROR) G AMADDX ; FileMan error so get out S AMIEN=+$G(AMIEN(1)) ; internal entry number created I 'AMIEN G AMADDX ; if IEN not there get out ; ; Here we have to edit the entry to allow for the opportunity to ; change something S DIE=365.11,DA=AMIEN,DR=".01;.05////"_$$NOW^XLFDT_";.06////"_DUZ D ^DIE ; ; Display the confirmation message to the user S AMDATA=$G(^IBCN(365.11,AMIEN,0)) I AMDATA'="" D EN^DDIOL($P(AMDATA,U,1)_" is now associated with "_$P(AMDATA,U,2)_".",,"!!?3") D EN^DDIOL(,,"!!") AMADDX ; Q ; PYRFLTR() ; ; Function to assist with filtering items in custom payer ; lookups for most popular list. This logic is used in the ; DIC("S") definition for the lookup ; NEW IBDATA,IBPIEN,IBPNM,IBAIEN,IBADATA,OK ; S OK=1 ; S IBDATA=^(0) ; Naked reference from DIC call S IBPIEN=$G(Y) I IBPIEN="" S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Set Payer Name and IEN S IBPNM=$P(IBDATA,U,1) I IBPNM="" S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Set Payer Application IEN (365.13) ; Quit if IIV not defined for payer S IBAIEN=$$PYRAPP^IBCNEUT5("IIV",IBPIEN) I IBAIEN="" S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Get IIV application specific data S IBADATA=$G(^IBE(365.12,IBPIEN,1,IBAIEN,0)) I IBADATA="" S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Filter if Deactivated I +$P(IBADATA,U,11) S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Filter if ID Inq Req ID and SSN is not ID I +$P(IBADATA,U,8),'$P(IBADATA,U,9) S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; ; Filter if already in the list I $D(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-IENS",IBPIEN)) S OK=0 G XPFLTR ; XPFLTR Q OK ; DSPLINE() ; ; Format display text for custom Most Pop. payer lookup ; N ITEMDATA,DISPSTR,IBAIEN,IBADATA,PYRIEN,PADLEN ; ; Initialize the data for the item to be displayed ; Naked reference is referencing the DIC data S ITEMDATA=^(0) ; ; Initialize Display string S DISPSTR="" ; ; Payer IEN is passed from DIC as Y S PYRIEN=+$G(Y) I 'PYRIEN G EXDSP ; ; Set Payer Application IEN (365.13) S IBAIEN=$$PYRAPP^IBCNEUT5("IIV",PYRIEN) I IBAIEN="" G EXDSP ; ; Get IIV Application specific data S IBADATA=$G(^IBE(365.12,PYRIEN,1,IBAIEN,0)) I IBADATA="" G EXDSP ; ; Pad start of display data, adjusting for payer name length S PADLEN=$L($E($P($G(ITEMDATA),U),1,30)) S DISPSTR=DISPSTR_$$FO^IBCNEUT1("",31-PADLEN,"L") ; ; Add National and Local active flags S DISPSTR=DISPSTR_" National: "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($S('$P(IBADATA,U,2):"Inactive",1:"Active"),8) S DISPSTR=DISPSTR_" Local: "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($S('$P(IBADATA,U,3):"Inactive",1:"Active"),8) EXDSP ; Q DISPSTR ;