IBCNRDV ;OAKFO/ELZ - INSURANCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE VIA RDV ;27-MAR-03 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**214,231,361,371**;21-MAR-94;Build 57 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is used to exchange insurance information between ; facilities. OPT ; Menu option entry point. This is used to select a patient to request ; information about from the remote treating facilities. N DFN,DIC,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,IBT,%,%Y,IBX,VADM,IBB,IBD,IBH,IBI,IBICN,IBR,IBRZ,IBX,IBY,IBZ,IBWAIT,IBL,DO,IBTYPE,IB1 ; ; prompt for patient AGAIN S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMNQ" D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S DFN=+Y ; BACKGND ; background/tasked entry point ; IBTYPE is being used as a flag to indicate this is running in background ; ; look up treating facilities K IBT S IBT=$$TFL^IBARXMU(DFN,.IBT) I IBT<1,'$D(IBTYPE) W !!,"This patient has no remote treating facilities to query." G AGAIN I IBT<1 Q ; ; display and verify we want to do this I '$D(IBTYPE) D DEM^VADPT W !!,"The patient ",VADM(1)," has the following ",IBT," remote facilitie(s)",! S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBT(IBX)) Q:IBX<1 W !?10,$P(IBT(IBX),"^",2) I '$D(IBTYPE) W !!,"Do you want to perform this Remote Query" S %=1 D YN^DICN G:%'=1 AGAIN ; ; get ICN S IBICN=$$ICN^IBARXMU(DFN) I 'IBICN,'$D(IBTYPE) W !!,"No ICN for this patient" G AGAIN I 'IBICN Q ; ; sent off the remote queries and get back handles S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBT(IBX)) Q:IBX<1 D . D SEND(.IBH,IBX,IBICN,$S($D(IBTYPE):"IBCN INSURANCE QUERY TASK",1:"IBCN INSURANCE QUERY")) . X $S(IBH(0)'="":"S $P(IBT(IBX),U,5)=IBH(0)",1:"W:'$D(IBTYPE) !,""No handle returned for "",$P(IBT(IBX),U,2) K IBT(IBX)") ; ; no handles returned I $D(IBT)<9,'$D(IBTYPE) W !!,"Unable to perform any remote queries.",! G AGAIN I $D(IBT)<9 Q ; ; go through every IBT() S IBP="|",IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBT(IBX)) Q:IBX<1!($D(IBT)<9) D . ; . ; do I have a return data. . F IBWAIT=1:1:60 W:'$D(IBTYPE) "." H 1 D CHECK(.IBR,$P(IBT(IBX),"^",5)) I $G(IBR(0))["Done" Q . I $G(IBR(0))'["Done" W:'$D(IBTYPE) !!,"Unable to communicate with ",$P(IBT(IBX),U,2) Q . K IBR . D RETURN(.IBR,$P(IBT(IBX),"^",5)) . ; . ; no data returned or error message . S IBRZ=$S(-1=+$G(IBR):IBR,$G(IBR(0))="":$G(IBR(1)),1:$G(IBR(0))) . ; . ; no info to proceed . I IBRZ<1 W:'$D(IBTYPE) !,"Response from ",$P(IBT(IBX),U,2),!,$P(IBRZ,"^",2) K IBT(IBX) D:IBRZ="-1^No insurance on file" FILE(0) Q . ; . ; received insurance info, need to file and display message . W:'$D(IBTYPE) !,"Received ",$G(IBR(0))," insurance companies from ",$P(IBT(IBX),U,2) D FILE(+IBR(0)) . ; . S IBY=0 F S IBY=$O(IBR(IBY)) Q:IBY<1 D .. F IBL=5:1 S IBT=$P($T(MAP+IBL),";",3) Q:IBT="" D ... ; ... ; am I on the right MAP line ... I $P(IBT,IBP,3)=$S(IBY#6:IBY#6,1:6) S IBZ=$P(IBR(IBY),"^",$P(IBT,IBP,4)) I $L(IBZ) D .... ; .... ; xecute code to change external to internal .... X:$L($P(IBT,IBP,7)) $P(IBT,IBP,7) .... ; .... ; put the info in the array for the buffer file .... S:$D(IBZ) IBB($P(IBT,IBP,5))=IBZ .. ; .. ; need to avoid duplicates if possible. .. I $G(IBB(20.01))["MEDICARE (WNR)" S X=0 F S X=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,X)) Q:X<1 I $P($G(^DIC(36,+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,0)),"^"),0)),"^")["MEDICARE (WNR)" K IBB Q .. Q:'$D(IBB) .. ; .. ; file in the buffer file & where else needed .. I IBY#6=0 D ... I $L($G(IBB(20.01))) D .... S IBB(.14)=$$IEN^XUAF4(+IBT(IBX)) .... S IBB=$$ADDSTF^IBCNBES($G(IBB(.03),1),DFN,.IBB) ... I '$D(IB1),$D(IBTYPE),$L($G(IBB(20.01))) D SCH^IBTUTL2(DFN,$G(IBSAVEI),$G(IBSAVEJ)):IBTYPE="TRKR",ADM^IBTUTL($G(IBSAVE1),$G(IBSAVE2),$G(IBSAVE3),$G(IBSAVE4)):IBTYPE="ADM" S IB1=1 ... W:'$D(IBTYPE)&($L($G(IBB(20.01)))) !,$P($G(IBB),"^")," Buffer File entry for ",$G(IBB(20.01)) ... K IBB ; ; flag so I don't do this patient again within 90 days S ^IBT(356,"ARDV",DFN,$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,90))="" ; Q ; RPC(IBD,IBICN) ; RPC entry for looking up insurance info N DFN,IBZ,IBX,IBY,IBP,IBI,IBT,IBZ S DFN=$$DFN^IBARXMU(IBICN) I 'DFN S IBD(0)="-1^ICN Not found" Q D ALL^IBCNS1(DFN,"IBY",3) I '$D(IBY) S IBD(0)="-1^No insurance on file" Q ; set up return format ; IBD(0) = # of insurance companies S IBD(0)=$G(IBY(0)) ; ; where n starts at 1 and increments to 7 for each insurance company ; IBD(n) = 355.33, zero node format ; IBD(n+1) = 355.33, 20 node format ; IBD(n+2) = 355.33, 21 node format ; IBD(n+3) = 355.33, 40 node format ; IBD(n+4) = 355.33, 60 node format ; IBD(n+5) = 355.33, 61 node format ; IBD(n+6) = 355.33, 62 node format ; S IBP="|" S IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(IBY(IBI)) Q:IBI<1 F IBL=5:1 S IBT=$P($T(MAP+IBL),";",3) Q:IBT="" D . S IBZ=$P($G(IBY(IBI,+IBT)),"^",$P(IBT,IBP,2)) ; set the existing data . I $L($P(IBT,IBP,6)) X $P(IBT,IBP,6) ; output transform . S $P(IBD(IBI-1*7+$P(IBT,IBP,3)),"^",$P(IBT,IBP,4))=IBZ ; set data IBD Q ; MAP ; this is a mapping of data returned from ALL^IBCNS1 to the buffer file ; format is: node number | piece | extract node | extract piece ; | 355.33 field number | format out code (if any) ; | format in code (if any) ; the extract nodes will be sequential to match buffer file DD ;;0|1|2|1|20.01|N Z X "F Z=0,.11,.13 S IBY(IBI,36+Z)=$G(^DIC(36,IBZ,Z))" S IBZ=$P(IBY(IBI,36),"^");ins co name ;;0|2|5|4|60.04;subscriber id ;;0|4|5|3|60.03;experation date ;;0|6|5|5|60.05;who's insurance ;;0|8|5|2|60.02;effective date ;;0|16|5|6|60.06;pt relationship to insured ;;0|17|5|7|60.07;name of insured ;;0|20|5|12|60.12;coordination of benefits ;;1|3|1|10|.1||I IBZ<$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-180) K IBZ;date (last) verified ;;1|9|1|3|.03;source of information ;;2|1|6|5|61.05;send bill to employer ;;2|2|6|6|61.06;employer claims street address (line 1) ;;2|3|6|7|61.07;employer claims street address line 2 ;;2|4|6|8|61.08;employer claims street address line 3 ;;2|5|6|9|61.09;employer claims city ;;2|6|6|10|61.1|S IBZ=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(2.312,2.06,"",IBZ)|N DIC,X,Y S DIC="^DIC(5,",X=IBZ,DIC(0)="OX" D ^DIC K:+Y<1 IBZ S:+Y>0 IBZ=+Y;employer claims state ;;2|7|6|11|61.11;employer claims zip code ;;2|8|6|12|61.12;employer claims phone ;;2|10|6|1|61.01;esghp ;;2|11|6|3|61.03;employment status ;;2|12|6|4|61.04;retirement date ;;3|1|5|8|60.08;insured's dob ;;3|5|5|9|60.09;insured's ssn ;;3|12|5|13|60.13;insured's sex ;;4|1|5|10|60.1;primary care provider ;;4|2|5|11|60.11;primary provider phone ;;5|1|7|1|62.01;patient id ;;355.3|2|4|1|40.01;is this a group policy ;;355.3|3|4|2|40.02;group name ;;355.3|4|4|3|40.03;group number ;;355.3|5|4|4|40.04;(is) utilization required ;;355.3|6|4|5|40.05;(is) pre-certification required ;;355.3|7|4|7|40.07;exclude pre-existing condition ;;355.3|8|4|8|40.08;benefits assignable ;;355.3|9|4|9|40.09;type of plan ;;355.3|12|4|6|40.06;ambulatory care certification ;;36|2|2|5|20.05;reimburse ;;36.11|1|3|1|21.01;street address line 1 ;;36.11|2|3|2|21.02;street address line 2 ;;36.11|3|3|3|21.03;street address line 3 ;;36.11|4|3|4|21.04;city ;;36.11|5|3|5|21.05|S IBZ=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(36,.115,"",IBZ)|N DIC,X,Y S DIC="^DIC(5,",X=IBZ,DIC(0)="OX" D ^DIC K:+Y<1 IBZ S:+Y>0 IBZ=+Y;state ;;36.11|6|3|6|21.06;zip code ;;36.13|1|2|2|20.02;phone number ;;36.13|2|2|3|20.03;billing phone number ;;36.13|3|2|4|20.04;precertification phone number ;; ; SEND(IBH,IBX,IBICN,IBRPC) ; called to send off queries D EN1^XWB2HL7(.IBH,IBX,IBRPC,"",IBICN) Q ; CHECK(IBR,IBH) ; called to check the return status of an RPC D RPCCHK^XWB2HL7(.IBR,IBH) Q ; RETURN(IBR,IBH) ; called to get the return data and clear the broker N IBZ D RTNDATA^XWBDRPC(.IBR,IBH),CLEAR^XWBDRPC(.IBZ,IBH) Q ; TASK ; queue off task job N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTSK,ZTSAVE S ZTRTN="BACKGND^IBCNRDV",ZTDESC="Query Remote Facilities for Insurance",ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT),(ZTIO,ZTSAVE("DFN"),ZTSAVE("IBSAVE*"),ZTSAVE("IBTYPE"))="" D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; TRKR(DFN,IBSAVEI,IBSAVEJ,IBDUZ) ; claims tracking entry N IBTYPE,IBT Q:$D(^IBT(356,"ARDV",DFN)) ; have already done recently Q:'$$TFL^IBARXMU(DFN,.IBT) ; no remote facilities S IBTYPE="TRKR" D . I DUZ=.5 N DUZ S DUZ=+$G(IBDUZ),DUZ(2)=+$$SITE^VASITE . D TASK Q ; ADM(DFN,IBSAVE1,IBSAVE2,IBSAVE3,IBSAVE4) ; admit event entry N IBTYPE S IBTYPE="ADM" D TASK Q ; FILE(IBX) ; updates data into the log file ;IBX = number of insurance co's found N DIC,DA,DIE,IBM,DO,X,Y,IBZ,DR S IBM=$E($$DT^XLFDT,1,5)_"00",DA=+$O(^IBA(355.34,"B",IBM,0)) I 'DA K DA L +^IBA(355.34,"B",IBM):10 S X=IBM,DIC="^IBA(355.34,",DIC(0)="F" D FILE^DICN S DA=+Y L -^IBA(355.34,"B",IBM) L +^IBA(355.34,DA):10 S IBZ=^IBA(355.34,DA,0),DIE="^IBA(355.34," S DR=".02///"_($P(IBZ,"^",2)+1)_";.03///"_($P(IBZ,"^",3)+IBX) D ^DIE L -^IBA(355.34,DA) Q