IBCNS1 ;ALB/AAS - INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SUPPORTED FUNCTIONS ;22-JULY-91 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**28,60,52,85,107,51,137,240,371**;21-MAR-94;Build 57 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; INSURED(DFN,IBINDT) ; -- Is patient insured ; --Input DFN = patient ; IBINDT = (optional) date insured (default = today) ; -- Output = 0 - not insured ; = 1 - insured ; N J,X,IBINS S IBINS=0,J=0 I '$G(DFN) G INSQ I '$G(IBINDT) S IBINDT=DT F S J=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,J)) Q:'J S X=$G(^(J,0)) S IBINS=$$CHK(X,IBINDT) Q:IBINS INSQ Q IBINS ; PRE(DFN,IBINDT) ; -- is pre-certification required for patient N X,Y,J,IBPRE S IBPRE=0,J=0 S:'$G(IBINDT) IBINDT=DT F S J=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,J)) Q:'J S X=$G(^(J,0)) I $$CHK(X,IBINDT),$P($G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)),"^",6) S IBPRE=1 Q PREQ Q IBPRE ; UR(DFN,IBINDT) ; -- is ur required for patient N X,Y,J,IBPRE S IBUR=0,J=0 S:'$G(IBINDT) IBINDT=DT F S J=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,J)) Q:'J S X=$G(^(J,0)) I $$CHK(X,IBINDT),$P($G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)),"^",5) S IBUR=1 Q URQ Q IBUR ; CHK(X,Z,Y) ; -- check one entry for active ; -- Input X = Zeroth node of entry in insurance multiple (2.312) ; Z = date to check ; Y = 2 if want will not reimburse ; = 3 if want will not reimburse AND indemnity plans ; = 4 if want will not reimburse, but only if it's ; MEDICARE ; -- Output 1 = Insurance Active ; 0 = Inactive ; N Z1,X1 S Z1=0,Y=$G(Y) I Y'=3,$$INDEM(X) G CHKQ ; is an indemnity policy or company S X1=$G(^DIC(36,+X,0)) G:X1="" CHKQ ;insurance company entry doesn't exist I $P(X,"^",8) G:Z<$P(X,"^",8) CHKQ ;effective date later than care I $P(X,"^",4) G:Z>$P(X,"^",4) CHKQ ;care after expiration date I $P($G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)),"^",11) G CHKQ ;plan is inactive G:$P(X1,"^",5) CHKQ ;insurance company inactive I Y<2 G:$P(X1,"^",2)="N" CHKQ ;insurance company will not reimburse I Y=4,$P(X1,"^",2)="N",'$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(+X) G CHKQ ;only MEDICARE WNR S Z1=1 CHKQ Q Z1 ; ACTIVE(IBCIFN) ; -- is this company active for this patient for this date ; -- called from input transform and x-refs for fields 101,102,103 ; -- input N ACTIVE,DFN,IBINDT S DFN=$P(^DGCR(399,DA,0),"^",2),IBINDT=$S(+$G(^DGCR(399,DA,"U")):+$G(^("U")),1:DT) ; ACTIVEQ Q ACTIVE ; DD ; - called from input transform and x-refs for field 101,102,103 ; - input requires da=internal entry number in 399 ; - outputs IBdd(ins co.) array N DFN S DFN=$P(^DGCR(399,DA,0),"^",2),IBINDT=$S(+$G(^DGCR(399,DA,"U")):+$G(^("U")),1:DT) D ALLACT DDQ K IBINDT Q ; ; ALLACT ; -- return active insurance zeroth nodes in ibdd(ins co,entry in mult) N X,X1 S (X1,IBDD)=0 F S X1=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,X1)) Q:'X1 S X=$G(^(X,0)) I $$CHK(X,IBINDT) S IBDD(+X,X1)=X ; ALLACTQ Q ; HDR W !?4,"Insurance Co.",?22,"Policy #",?40,"Group",?52,"Holder",?60,"Effective",?70,"Expires" S X="",$P(X,"=",IOM-4)="" W !?4,X Q ; ; D1 N X Q:'$D(IBINS) W !?4,$S($D(^DIC(36,+IBINS,0)):$E($P(^(0),"^",1),1,16),1:"UNKNOWN") W ?22,$E($P(IBINS,"^",2),1,16) W ?40,$E($$GRP^IBCNS($P(IBINS,"^",18)),1,10) S X=$P(IBINS,"^",6) W ?52,$S(X="v":"SELF",X="s":"SPOUSE",1:"OTHER") W ?60,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",8)),?70,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",4)) Q ; ALL(DFN,VAR,ACT,ADT,SOP) ; -- find all insurance data on a patient ; ; -- input DFN = patient ; VAR = variable to output in format of abc ; or abc(dfn) ; or ^tmp($j,"Insurance") ; ACT = 1 if only active ins. desired ; = 2 if active and will not reimburse desired ; = 3 if active, will not reimburse, and indemnity are ; all desired (for the $$INSTYP function below) ; = 4 if only active and MEDICARE WNR only desired ; ADT = if ACT=1 or 4, then ADT is the internal date to check ; active for, default = dt ; SOP = if SOP=1, then sort policies in COB order ; ; -- output var(0) =: number of entries insurance multiple ; var(x,0) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,0) ; var(x,1) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,1) ; var(x,2) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,2) ; var(x,3) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,3) ; var(x,4) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,4) ; var(x,5) =: ^dpt(dfn,.312,x,5) ; var(x,355.3) =: ^iba(355.3,$p(var(x,0),"^",18),0) ; var("S",COB sequence,x) =: (null) as an xref for COB ; N X,IBMRA,IBSP S X=0 I $G(ACT),$E($G(ADT),1,7)'?7N S ADT=DT S (IBMRA,IBSP)=0 ;Flag to say if pt has medicare wnr, spouse has policy F S X=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,X)) Q:'X I $D(^(X,0)) D .I $G(ACT),'$$CHK(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,0),ADT,$G(ACT)) Q .S @VAR@(0)=$G(@VAR@(0))+1 .S @VAR@(X,0)=$$ZND(DFN,X) .S @VAR@(X,1)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,1)) .S @VAR@(X,2)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,2)) .S @VAR@(X,3)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,3)) .S @VAR@(X,4)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,4)) .S @VAR@(X,5)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,5)) .S @VAR@(X,355.3)=$G(^IBA(355.3,+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.312,X,0)),"^",18),0)) .I $G(SOP) D ..N COB,WHO ..S COB=$P(@VAR@(X,0),U,20) ..S WHO=$P(@VAR@(X,0),U,6) S:WHO="s" IBSP=1 ..I $$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC(+@VAR@(X,0)) D ... S COB=.5,IBMRA=1 ... ..S COB=$S(COB'="":COB,WHO="v":1,WHO="s":$S(IBMRA:1,1:2),1:3) ..S @VAR@("S",COB,X)="" ..Q ; Ck for spouse's insurance, move it before any MEDICARE WNR if sorting I $G(SOP),IBMRA,IBSP D . ; Shuffle Medicare WNR, if necessary . S X=0 F S X=$O(@VAR@("S",.5,X)) Q:'X S @VAR@("S",2,X)="" K @VAR@("S",.5,X) . S X=0 F S X=$O(@VAR@("S",2,X)) Q:'X I $P(@VAR@(X,0),U,6)="s",'$P(@VAR@(X,0),U,20) S @VAR@("S",1,X)="" K @VAR@("S",2,X) ALLQ Q ; ALLWNR(DFN,VAR,ADT) ; Returns 'all active and MEDICARE WNR' D ALL(DFN,VAR,4,ADT) Q ; ZND(DFN,NODE) ; -- set group number and group name back into zeroth node of ins. type N X,Y S (X,Y)="" I '$G(DFN)!('$G(NODE)) G ZNDQ S X=$G(^DPT(+DFN,.312,+NODE,0)) S Y=$G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)) I Y="" G ZNDQ S $P(X,"^",3)=$P(Y,"^",4) ; move group number S $P(X,"^",15)=$P(Y,"^",3) ; move group name ; ZNDQ Q X ; INDEM(X) ; -- is this an indemnity plan ; -- input zeroth node if insurance type field N IBINDEM,IBCTP S IBINDEM=1 I $P($G(^DIC(36,+X,0)),"^",13)=15 G INDEMQ ; company is indemnity co. S IBCTP=$P($G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)),"^",9) I IBCTP,$P($G(^IBE(355.1,+IBCTP,0)),"^",3)=9 G INDEMQ ; plan is an indemnity plan S IBINDEM=0 INDEMQ Q IBINDEM ; ; INSTYP(DFN,DATE) ; -- return type of insurance policy for patient ; ; -- input dfn := pointer to patient file (required) ; date := date of insurance (optional, default = today) ; ; -- output Major Category of type of Plan (file 355.1, field .03) ; for policy which would be billed first (cob) ; null no insurance found ; 1 MAJOR MEDICAL (default) ; 2 DENTAL ; 3 HMO ; 4 PPO ; 5 MEDICARE ; 6 MEDICAID ; 7 TRICARE ; 8 WORKMANS COMP ; 9 INDEMNITY ; 10 PRESCRIPTION ; 11 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTAL ; 12 ALL OTHER ; N TYPE,POL,IBCPOL S TYPE="" I '$G(DFN) G INSTYPQ I '$G(DATE) S DATE=DT D ALL(DFN,"POL",3,DATE) I $G(POL(0))<1 G INSTYPQ I $G(POL(0))=1 S IBCPOL=+$O(POL(0)) I $G(POL(0))>1 S IBCPOL=$$COB(.POL) ; I IBCPOL S TYPE=$P($G(^IBE(355.1,+$P($G(POL(IBCPOL,355.3)),"^",9),0)),"^",3) I TYPE="" S TYPE=1 ;default is major medical ; INSTYPQ Q TYPE ; COB(POL) ; -- find policy with high coordination of benefits N I,X,IBC,COB,WHO,IBCOB ; S IBC="" S I=0 F S I=$O(POL(I)) Q:'I D .S WHO=$P($G(POL(I,0)),"^",6),COB=$P($G(POL(I,0)),"^",20) .S X=$S(COB'="":COB,WHO="v":1,WHO="s":2,1:3) .I 'IBC S IBC=I,IBCOB=X Q .I X