IBCNSCD ;ALB/CPM - DELETE INSURANCE COMPANY ;01-FEB-95 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**28,46,232**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; DEL ; 'Delete Insurance Company' Action ; Required variable input: ; IBCNS -- Pointer to the company in file #36 ; N I,IBC,IBDAT,Y,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S VALMBCK="R" D FULL^VALM1 I '$G(IBCNS) G DELQ S IBCNSD=$G(^DIC(36,IBCNS,0)) I IBCNSD="" W !!,"This Insurance Company does not exist!",! G DELQ I '$D(^XUSEC("IB INSURANCE SUPERVISOR",DUZ)) D SORRY^IBTRE1 G DELQ I '$P(IBCNSD,"^",5) D G DELQ .W !!,"This Insurance Company is still active! You must use the" .W !,"'Inactivate Company' action to inactivate this company before" .W !,"you can delete it." I $D(^DPT("AB",IBCNS)) D G DELQ .W !!,"There are still patient policies with this company! These policies" .W !,"must be deleted or re-pointed to another company before you can" .W !,"delete the company." I $D(^IBA(355.3,"B",IBCNS)) D G DELQ .W !!,"There are still Insurance Plans on file with this company! These plans" .W !,"must be deleted or re-pointed to another company before you can" .W !,"delete the company." I $O(^IBA(355.9,"AE",IBCNS,""))!$O(^IBA(355.91,"AC",IBCNS,"")) D G DELQ .W !!,"There are still provider ids defined for this company! These ids must" .W !,"be deleted before you can delete this company." I $O(^IBA(355.96,"AC",IBCNS,""))!$O(^IBA(355.95,"C",IBCNS,"")) D G DELQ .W !!,"There are still provider id care units defined for this company! These" .W !,"care unit entries must be deleted before you can delete this company." I $O(^IBA(355.92,"B",IBCNS,"")) D G DELQ .W !!,"There are still facility ids defined for this company! These ids must be" .W !,"deleted before you can delete this company." ; ; - explain functionality D INTRO^IBCNSCD3 S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DUOUT) G DELQ1 ; ; - need to merge data into another company? D MERGE^IBCNSCD3 I IBQUIT G DELQ ; ; - provide a warning message D WARN^IBCNSCD3 ; ; - okay to proceed? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is it okay to "_$S(IBREP:"merge",1:"delete")_" this company"_$S(IBREP:" information into the other",1:""),DIR("?")="^D HLP^IBCNSCD3" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y W !!,"The company was not deleted." G DELQ ; ; - merge Insurance Reviews I IBCALLIR,$D(^IBT(356.2,"AIACT",IBCNS)) D .W !!," >> Merging known Insurance Reviews into ",IBREPN,"... " .S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBT(356.2,"AIACT",IBCNS,IBC)) Q:'IBC D ..S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBT(356.2,"AIACT",IBCNS,IBC,IBX)) Q:'IBX S DA=IBX,DIE="^IBT(356.2,",DR=".08////"_IBREP D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR .W "done." ; ; - merge bills/receivables I IBCALLAR W !!," >> Merging known bills and receivables into ",IBREPN,"... ",! S IBERR="" D EN^RCAMINS(IBCNS,$S(+$G(IBREP):IBREP,1:""),'IBCALLAR,.IBERR) I IBCALLAR W !?5,$S(IBERR<0:"AR Error: "_$P(IBERR,"^",2),1:"All done.") ; ; - flag company for deletion W !!," >> Flagging ",$P(IBCNSD,"^")," for deletion... " S DA=IBCNS,DIE="^DIC(36,",DR="5.01////1;5.02////"_$S($G(IBREP):IBREP,1:"@") D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR W "done." ; ; - queue the final clean up job W !!," >> Queuing the final clean-up job... " S IBTASK=$$ALR I IBTASK W !?5,"This job is already queued as task number ",IBTASK,"." G DELC S IBDAT=$S($P($H,",",2)<25200:$H,$P($H,",",2)>82800:$H,1:+$H_",82800") S ZTRTN="DQ^IBCNSCD1",ZTDTH=IBDAT,ZTIO="",ZTDESC="IB - INSURANCE COMPANY DELETION" S IBCNSN=$P(IBCNSD,"^") F I="IBCNS","IBREP","IBCNSN" S ZTSAVE(I)="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !?5,$S($D(ZTSK):"The job has been queued to run "_$S($P($H,",",2)<$P(IBDAT,",",2):"at 11:00pm",1:"now")_". The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job. Please contact your IRM Service.") I $D(ZTSK)#2 S $P(^IBE(350.9,1,4),"^",8)=ZTSK ; DELC S VALMBCK="Q" ; DELQ D PAUSE^VALM1 DELQ1 K IBCNSD,IBCNSN,IBREP,IBREPN,IBIP,IBBU,IBAB,IBMRGN,IBMRGF,IBX,IBTASK K DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,ZTSK,IBQUIT,IBCALLAR,IBCALLIR,IBERR Q ; ALR() ; Has the background clean-up job already been queued? ; Input: None ; Output: 0 -- Job hasn't been queued ; >0 -- Task # of queued job N ZTSK S ZTSK=+$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,4)),"^",8) I 'ZTSK G ALRQ D ISQED^%ZTLOAD I 'ZTSK(0) S ZTSK=0 ALRQ Q ZTSK