IBCNSCD3 ;ALB/CPM - DELETE INSURANCE COMPANY (CON'T) ; 11-MAY-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28,46**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; MERGE ; Determine whether company information must be merged to another. ; Required variable input: ; IBCNS -- Pointer to the company in file #36 ; ; Variable output: ; IBCALLAR -- Set to 1 if billing activity must be re-pointed ; IBCALLIR -- Set to 1 if Insurance reviews must be re-pointed ; IBREP -- Pointer to a company in file #36, or 0 ; IBREPN -- May be set to an insurance company name ; IBQUIT -- Set to 1 if the user wants to quit the option ; N IBAR,IBMERGE,IBCNSRD,IBCNSRD1 W !!,$TR($J("",80)," ","="),! S (IBCALLAR,IBCALLIR,IBMERGE,IBREP,IBQUIT)=0 ; ; - check AR to see if the company is filed as a debtor S IBAR=+$$DEL^RCAMINS(IBCNS) I 'IBAR W !?3,">> This company is not established as a debtor in Accounts Receivable.",! I IBAR=1 W !?3,">> There is a debtor, but no bills, for this company in Accounts Receivable.",! I IBAR=2 S (IBCALLAR,IBMERGE)=1 W !?3,">> There is billing activity associated with this company!",! ; ; - see if there are Insurance Reviews for the company I $D(^IBT(356.2,"AIACT",IBCNS)) S (IBCALLIR,IBMERGE)=1 W !?3,">> There are known Insurance Reviews associated with this company.",! ; I 'IBMERGE W !,"** This company may be deleted from your system without merging. **" G MERGEQ ; ; - select another company to merge information into W !!,"You must merge the information from this company into another company!",! S IBCNSRD=$P($G(^DIC(36,IBCNS,0)),"^",16) I IBCNSRD,$G(^DIC(36,IBCNSRD,0))]"" S IBCNSRD=$G(^(0)),IBCNSRD1=$G(^(.11)) D .W !?2,"Please note that insurance policy and plan information was repointed to:" .W !?6,$P(IBCNSRD,"^")," (",$S($P(IBCNSRD,"^",5):"Ina",1:"A"),"ctive Company)" .I $P(IBCNSRD1,"^")]"" W !?6,$P(IBCNSRD1,"^") .I $P(IBCNSRD1,"^",2)]"" W !?6,$P(IBCNSRD1,"^",2) .I $P(IBCNSRD1,"^",3)]"" W !?6,$P(IBCNSRD1,"^",3) .I $P(IBCNSRD1,"^",4)]"" W !?6,$P(IBCNSRD1,"^",4)," ",$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(IBCNSRD1,"^",5),0)),"^",2)," ",$E($P(IBCNSRD1,"^",6),1,5),$S($E($P(IBCNSRD1,"^",6),6,9)]"":"-"_$E($P(IBCNSRD1,"^",6),6,9),1:"") ; S DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC="^DIC(36,",DIC("A")="Select Company to Merge Information: ",DIC("S")="I +Y'=IBCNS,'$G(^(5))",DIC("W")="D ID^IBCNSCD3" W ! D ^DIC K DIC S IBREP=+Y I Y<0 S IBQUIT=1 W !!,"No 'merge' company selected!" G MERGEQ I IBCALLAR,$$DEL^RCAMINS(IBREP)<1 W !!,"This company is not established as a debtor in Accounts Receivable!",!,"It will be established as a debtor prior to merging the billing activity." S IBREPN=Y(0,0) MERGEQ Q ; ; INTRO ; Introductory text. W !!,"This action is designed to allow the deletion of Insurance companies" W !,"which meet one of the following criteria:" W !!," o The company was entered by error, and there is little or no insurance" W !," or billing activity associated with the company." W !!," o The company is really the same company as another entry in your file" W !," and you wish to merge all activity for the company to the other entry." W !!,"It is not necessary, nor desirable, to delete every company which is inactive." Q ; WARN ; Describe how the delete/merge will work. W !!,$TR($J("",70)," ","*") W !,"There may be entries in various files which point to ",$P(IBCNSD,"^") W !,"which are not immediately obvious. ",$S(IBREP:"Merg",1:"Delet"),"ing this company" W !,"will cause a background job to be queued later in the day which will" W !,"find all such entries and delete or merge these pointers as necessary." W !!,"You will receive a mail message from the system when this job is complete." W !,"Please note that there is a potential problem where pointers will be" W !,"deleted when there is no company into which the pointed fields may be" W !,"merged. The mail message will indicate which records those are so they" W !,"may be reviewed.",!,$TR($J("",70)," ","*") Q ; HLP ; Reader help for deleting companies I 'IBREP W !!,"If you wish to delete this company, enter 'YES.' Otherwise, enter 'NO.'" Q W !!,"If you enter 'YES,' all information pertaining to ",$P(IBCNSD,"^") W !,"will be repointed to ",IBREPN,". ",$P(IBCNSD,"^") W !,"will then be flagged for deletion from your system." W !!,"If you do not want this action to occur, enter 'NO.'" Q ; ID ; Display the company identifer. N IB W:$D(^(.11)) " ",$P(^(.11),U,1)," ",$P(^(.11),U,4) S IB=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(.11)):"",$D(^DIC(5,+$P(^(.11),U,5),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(5,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W " ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"IB,0),0)") S Y=IB W:$D(^(0)) " ",$P(^(0),U,2) W " (ien: ",+Y,")" Q