IBCNSEH ;ALB/AAS - EXTENDED HELP FOR INSURANCE MANAGEMENT - 28-MAY-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**6,28**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; INS ; -- Help for Insurance Type Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) W !!,"The way we store and think about patient insurance information has been" W !,"dramatically changed. We are separating out information that is specific" W !,"to an insurance company, specific to the patient, specific to the group plan," W !,"specific to the annual benefits available, and the annual benefits already" W !,"used." W !!,"To start, you must select the insurance company for the patient's policy.",! Q PAT ; -- Help for entering patient specific information Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) W !!,"Now you may enter the patient specific policy information." W !,"Most of these fields will be familiar to experienced users. The field" W !,"'SUBSCRIBER ID' used to be called 'INSURANCE NUMBER' and " W !,"has been modified to allow entering just 'SS' to retrieve" W !,"the patients SSN. This field is the identifier for the policy or patient" W !,"that the carrier uses. See the new help.",! Q POL ; -- Help for policy specific information Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) W !!,"You can now edit information specific to the PLAN. Remember, updating" W !,"PLAN information will affect all patients with this plan, if it is a" W !,"group plan, and not just the current patient.",! Q ; SEL ; -- help for selecting a new HIP Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) W !!,"Each Insurance policy entry for a patient must be associated with an" W !,"Insurance Plan offered by the Insurance company you just selected." W !,"You will be given a choice of selecting previously entered Group Plans or" W !,"you may enter a new one. If you enter a new Insurance Plan you" W !,"must enter whether or not this is a group or individual plan.",! Q AB ; Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) Q BU ; Q:'$G(IBCNSEH) Q