IBCNSEVT ;ALB/AAS - NEW INSURANCE POLICY EVENT DRIVER ; 12-DEC-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**6**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; -- Invokes items on the IB NEW INSURANCE EVENT protocol menu ; Input =: dfn = patient file ien ; ibevtp0 = insurance type zeroth node of policy ; before editing ; ibevtp1 = insurance type 1 node of policy ; before editing ; ibevtp2 = insurance type 2 node of policy ; before editing ; ibevta0 = insurance type zeroth node of new policy ; contains effective/expiration dates ; ibevta1 = insurance type 1 node of new policy ; contains date added and by whom ; ibevta2 = insurance type 2 node of new policy ; ibcdfn = internal number of policy as in ^dpt(dfn, ; .312,ibcdfn,0)) ; ibevtact = flag indicating whether action is add, edit ; or delete ; ; N DTOUT,DIROUT ;S X=$O(^ORD(101,"B","IBCN NEW INSURANCE EVENTS",0))_";ORD(101," D EN1^XQOR:X I IBEVTP0=IBEVTA0,IBEVTP1=IBEVTA1,IBEVTP2=IBEVTA2 G EVTQ S X="IBCN NEW INSURANCE EVENTS",DIC=101 D EN1^XQOR EVTQ K X,DIC,IBEVTP0,IBEVTP1,IBEVTP2,IBEVTA0,IBEVTA1,IBEVTA2,IBEVTACT Q ; BEFORE ; -- get insurance type values before adding/editing ; I $G(IBNEW) S (IBEVTP0,IBEVTP1,IBEVTP2)="" G BEFQ S IBEVTP0=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,0)) S IBEVTP1=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,1)) S IBEVTP2=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,2)) BEFQ Q ; AFTER ; -- get insurance type values after adding/editing. set action flag. ; -- get exemption after change ; input =: dfn = patient file ien ; S IBEVTA0=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,0)) S IBEVTA1=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,1)) S IBEVTA2=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,2)) I IBEVTP0="",IBEVTA0'="" S IBEVTACT="ADD" I IBEVTP0'="",IBEVTA0'="" S IBEVTACT="EDT" I IBEVTP0'="",IBEVTA0="" S IBEVTACT="DEL" Q